
October 23rd 2007
6,708 times
Poor (3.4)
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Key Features:
Intel CPU AMD Graphics
System Specs:
  • Casing Raidmax Scorpio 868
  • CPU Core2 e6230 1,86 @ 2,8 (max. multiplier = 7)
  • M/B Abit AW9D
  • RAM Kingston HyperX DDR2 800 2Gb PC6400
  • GPU HIS HD2600XT 512MB IceQ Turbo
  • PSU Thermaltake TR2 RX 2.2 550W Dual12v Rails (140mm fan)
  • Harddisk Seagate 250Gb S-ATA
  • Cooling Sycthe Infinity CPU Cooler, Stock M/B Heatsink/Heatpipe cooling (Silent Otes), Stock GPU Cooler (IceQ) 2 Front 80mm Fan, 1 Sidepanel 80mm Fan, 2 Rear 80mm Fan.
Performed Mods:
Sycthe Infinity CPU Cooler, Coolermaster 80 mm fan x 3, Vantec UV Fan 80 mm, Thermaltake iFlash 80mm, Sunbeam EL Wire for ATA, Removed my sidepanel glass for it to fit the cpu cooler..
A simple start..pls feel free to add ur comments on what i shud do more..thanx..
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1 Comment on Scorpio

Sep 18th, 2024 05:22 EDT change timezone

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