OVERDOSE Black Pearl

November 14th 2007
13,741 times
Superb (8.4)
Voting Graph 16 votes total
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Key Features:
High Rated Intel CPU Water-cooled
System Specs:
  • Intel Core 2 Q6600 @ ~3,6 GHz watercooled
  • EVGA nForce 680i SLI Black Pearl watercooled
  • Mushkin XP2-9200 2GB (2x 1GB DDR2, 1200MHz, CL5-5-4-12)
  • Leadtek 8800 GTS watercooled
  • 2 x WD Raptor 74 Gb WC
  • 4 x Seagate 320 Gb WC
  • Aplus Black Pearl WCR
  • System cooling Innovatek custom made
  • Innovatek G-Flow 775, Innovatek Cool-Matic G80-GTS, 6 x Innovatek HDM L-Pro black, Innovatek Tank-O-Matic Micro, Innovatek HDM Thermometer, Laing 12V DDC Ultra, Black ICE Xtreme 360, Black ICE GT Xtreme 120)
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37 Comments on OVERDOSE Black Pearl

very nice,i like it.I love the water setup,very tidy.What are your temps like tho'?

Posted on Edit | Reply
not bad not bad at all, i like it, nothing i can't really nag about, has to be a 9/10!
have you tried overclocking it yet or is it just sitting on stock settings?
Posted on Reply
outstanding, 10/10
Posted on Reply
I must say that is nice and deserves a 10/10. Thats a tagan case eh? is the bottom rad sucking in or blowing out?
Posted on Reply
Wow.... nice and cool rig u have..... 10/10 from me
Posted on Reply
Outstanding work, ultra clean 10/10 from me
Posted on Reply
Clean, tidy and not too flashy, I like it, done well!
Posted on Reply
10/10 fantastic job i love it and u think really good in put another radiator in the segments of tube.

If i saw clearing u put in this order : reservoier > pump > 3 Fans radiator > CPU > GPU > chip North > 1 Fan Radiator > chip South > Hard Drivers finally reservoier u make a clean job and u really desever a 10 nice combinations of color and a powerfull system.


see and vote in my case www.techpowerup.com/gallery/1034.html

bye ;)
Posted on Reply
Full 10 from me, Awesome workmanship on the whole setup from the hardware to the two rad setup. nice routing of the hoses, have you had any issues with the DDR2 9200 Memory on that board. There's allot going on in that case but you made it look clean and simple, Once again Awesome.
Posted on Reply
Superb. I like it very much. So clean you could eat of it.
Big fat 10
Posted on Reply
9/10 for the job done. I hope pc-building is your proffesion... well done!
Posted on Reply
im surprised that ddc even moves the water considering how much useless restriction you have in there.
Posted on Reply
multiple radiators, hard drive water coolers, 90 degree fittings, it all adds restriction to the loop and no hard drive ever needs to be water cooled...
Posted on Reply
aspiremultiple radiators, hard drive water coolers, 90 degree fittings, it all adds restriction to the loop and no hard drive ever needs to be water cooled...
I think this noob knows everything
Posted on Reply
That must be the cleanest rig i ever seen. looks awesome. well done!
Posted on Edit | Reply
aspiremultiple radiators, hard drive water coolers, 90 degree fittings, it all adds restriction to the loop and no hard drive ever needs to be water cooled...
man is this guy a jerk, kickass black pearl
Posted on Reply
aspiremultiple radiators, hard drive water coolers, 90 degree fittings, it all adds restriction to the loop and no hard drive ever needs to be water cooled...
jasper123man is this guy a jerk, kickass black pearl
I think hes just jelous that he will never own a rig like this unless he gives his life.. you cant say someone should never cool thier HD or think yhier a noob for doing so.. what if you live in high heat area and want to preserve your HD life span?

I must say this is a kickass build and Im sure its working fine.. I thikn aspire should go and try to build one just like it so he gets himself owned.. oh wait hes already been owned. this rig works perfectly so he has no clue what hes talking about :D.
Posted on Reply
this is a piece of pc art, but opinions are personal....
apart from the great hardware, the clean surfaces, the cable management, and the watercooled HDs (why not?).......nothing!

i take back the 9 and give you 10!!!

the more i see it the better it looks.

chk www.techpowerup.com/gallery/1155.html
Posted on Reply
Very clean. Your attention to detail is obvious.
Posted on Reply
Sexy is all I can say. Can we get some pics from further back. 9/10
aspiremultiple radiators, hard drive water coolers, 90 degree fittings, it all adds restriction to the loop and no hard drive ever needs to be water cooled...
Hard drives most definitely need to be cooled in one way or another. if your build involves utilizing the original air cooled hard drive rack for pumps, radiators, and/or reservoirs then some alternative method of cooling the HDDs needs to be found. Sometimes the logical solution is to incorporate them into the water loop.

Sometimes it isn't about what needs to be done and simply comes down to a "wouldn't it be cool" factor. For example, do people really need to lower their cars? No. It is all about modding and making the car look cool. Same goes for computer modding... sometimes it is all about the modding and making the system look cool.

I think you need to consider that everyone is entitled to build their system they way they choose and judge them on how well they accomplished their goal... not judge them based on your personal goals.
Posted on Reply
I think you need to consider that I am entitled to my own opinion and have the right to freedom of speech which means I can think and say whatever the heck I want to.

You have no right to criticize my opinion regardless of what you might think.
Posted on Reply
aspireI think you need to consider that I am entitled to my own opinion and have the right to freedom of speech which means I can think and say whatever the heck I want to.
You're right, I didn't intend to imply otherwise.
aspireYou have no right to criticize my opinion regardless of what you might think.
I have to disagree with you on that... we all have the right to critique the opinions of others. I feel that your purely negative comments on a beautifully built system are unwarranted, but that's my opinion vs. yours.

But whatever... Razvanu, you built a beautiful system and gave me a few ideas to consider for my next build. Sorry for getting into a pissing contest in your thread.

Aspire, buy yourself a drink and pretend I paid for it :)
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Just about flawless. This machine is a 10/10. Great work.
Posted on Reply
This is a great example of how system should be built. Well done!
Posted on Reply
Beautiful job.

I was looking at your recent pc, which is beautiful and a 10. So I saw you had another posted. This is also wonderfully done another 10.
I am compelled to say, I am getting so tired of the disrespect around here. I can tell the age of these narcissistic young teens just by their rude comments and insults. There are thousands of PC's to look at here, and some (a lot) really can use some CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.
Aspire: Regardless of your opinion on this work of art. Do your comments have to be mean and callas. Just tattoo "I am an id" on your forehead (look it up kid).
I am turning 40 soon, so before the days of forums and such, we got together on weekends to show off our cars. And I do mean cars "PURE DETROIT MUSCLE"!! Now I am not going off on you, but indulge me this. If we all where in a Lot or Warehouse together showing off our PC's, and you started puking out remarks like that, you would most definitely get a beat down. My question to you is this. Could you not have moved on to the next case mod, and said nothing? Or since you are so mighty brave behind a keyboard and monitor and had to say something. Could you not have said "nice clean work-but not my taste. No, you could not have, because you are a impulsive child. I feel justified in calling you that, and calling you out. Because as soon as Energy chimed in you cry freedom of speech. *ussy.
I am giving you advise you should definitely consider. In the real world "outside" you know, the sun the sky, buildings. There is a guy or girl just waiting, for a smart*SS little puke to sneak out of his cubicle, or pause his porn or video-game long enough to teach him what it means to be respectful. But you can learn a different way. Just "BE NICE".
You started quoting amendments, don't forget "The right to bare arms".

Sorry every one. I own a restaurant and am so tired of people who speak just to hear themselves. If the kids like this are so angry they should just join the armed forces.
Maybe some martial art or............Now I am talking out my *ss. ASPIRE you need to mellow out, and shut the *uck up.
Apparently , I to am in need of a Valium.
My appologies again. I need a vacation from forums.
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Overclocking Surrealism
So many people joined JUST to post on this? lol
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