erocker's Antec 900 part deux.

December 14th 2007
9,912 times
Superb (8.2)
Voting Graph 5 votes total
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Key Features:
High Rated AMD CPU NVIDIA Graphics
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Performed Mods:
Flipped side fan, added led lights!!! Amazing!
Not as clean as I'd like it at the moment, but I finally found my camera! It looks better in person.. honest. lol.
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35 Comments on erocker's Antec 900 part deux.

Sold my stars!
preety nice! thats a scythe infinity right? some more pics would be good :)
Posted on Reply
Pics are slow to upload, yeah that's a Scythe Infinity. I had to move my sidefan from inside to the outside add grill... viola, it fits! Oh, I also had to cut off the lever for the mounting mechanism on the Infinity since the NB was in the way. (now use a small hook to get the lever over) I just bought a new retention kit for it, so the whole thing is getting redone this weekend, with new themalpaste on everything! Hey.. Merry Christmas everybody!

Oh, I'm going to be taking pics of my re-do! I don't know weather to start an Antec 900 cable management how-to thread and post step by step, or just do it here. Actually that sounds like quite a bit of work, so I'll just post the pics here by monday... then perhaps I can do some writing and editing of the how-to while I'm slacking off at work. Perfect.
Posted on Reply
Ok vote. Shred me to bits!
Posted on Reply

Nice rig man but need some side snap of interior with a big scale to see what kind of work u do, but for me looks great and u are on the way. i give u now a 8 for the work but i f u make some mods like cable management and i know that u can do it better i withdraw my vote ok

Posted on Reply
not-so supermod
Im not going to shred it to bits, but I will recommend flipping the PSU to clean up the wires. I and many others have done this already , as it gives access to a direct route (dremmel a hole) out the back of the mobo tray. Looks good as far as it sits now , but could be lots better IMO. I say 6/10 (could use interior paint as well)
Posted on Reply
Nice fans, You get a 4 from me.
Way to many lights, cant see jack, take more inside shots, and get some cable management.
I personally hate a pc that is just a light show
Posted on Reply
Crazy 4 TPU!!!
Why didn't you buy a console?
Posted on Reply
lol, your cabling isnt what needs fixing up, its your photography skills, thats an AWFUL angle to take the interior shots at, why couldnt you show us whats in the HDD bays? Keep your camera perpendicular to the side of the case, its pretty hard to see anything at all (Hint, look at my antec 900, go to my sig's system > Antec 900, take notes of camera angle)
Posted on Reply
Nice case man! wat is that an 8800GTS??
Posted on Reply
tkpenaltylol, your cabling isnt what needs fixing up, its your photography skills, thats an AWFUL angle to take the interior shots at, why couldnt you show us whats in the HDD bays? Keep your camera perpendicular to the side of the case, its pretty hard to see anything at all (Hint, look at my antec 900, go to my sig's system > Antec 900, take notes of camera angle)
Lol, you got me! I was pourposly trying NOT to take pics of the HDD bays! They look like hell! This was kind of a throw together thing when I got my new PSU. I just finally found my camera after moving and got a little excited. I have now flipped my PSU and did a better job with the wires without drilling or cutting anything. I'll put some new pics up after I go shovel some more damn snow!
Btw, I'm not a stickler on wire management like many of you are, since I'm constantly changing my system, Tk you have a 900? Cant' find it anywhere?

*Crap after looking at the pics again, it looks a lot better now, getting new pics up ASAP!
Posted on Reply
This is my last shot at this thing before I either start cutting it full of holes or get a new case. Either way it's staying like this untill I get some new hardware. Comments and suggestions on case and poor photography skills are welcome. (almost 8 years of Art school couldn't help with the photo part unfortunately) My camera sucks donkeys too... What the hell should I do with those sata cables?
Posted on Reply
New pics are up, read post above...
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Served 5k and counting ...
I gave you a 9/10 man, that Scythe is just hard to fit in a case, you did it and very well I might add.

I really like the Antec 900 case but cables is a b*tch on them. For that reason, I say keep the SATA cables as they are, it's going to be tough to hide them without doing MAJOR EXTENSIVE motherboard tray modding and dremelling.

Nice solid build, too!
Posted on Reply
Yeah, my whole point is to try to get the cables as well done as possible without doing any drilling. I literally cut the front audio wires and firewire cables from the front panel out of the case to add more "tucking" room. I like having the IDE DVD burner because the ribbon cable hides the LED wires. The only reason I'm keeping this case is because you will not find a better air cooled case. The pics really don't do justice for the lighting either. But thanks for the 9 Jr! Oh, and I had to cut the lever for the mounting mechenism for the Scythe because the NB is in the way. I have to mount it using a flathead screwdriver now. I have this Swiftech 220 compact sitting here.....
Posted on Reply
This is my favorite pic:
Posted on Reply
Nice one. I have the same case and I don't bother with cable management.
Posted on Reply
If you're looking at this in the case gallery, the links are different from the actual pictures for some reason...
Posted on Reply
Sorry man, I was going to give you a better score untill I seen the fan on the OUTSIDE of your window....
Gave u a 7 Looks pretty good just cant get over fan on the outside.
I got same case. Pain to cable it.
Posted on Reply
The fan has to go on the outside to fit my Scythe Infinity.
Posted on Reply
Cold Storm
Don't worry about that guy man... giving it a 9 right now! want to with a 10... so I don't know yet... but its one of those 2 numbers (or three how you look at it)! great build and with you on the favorite picture!
oops... I guess rated it yesterday and didn't post!?!?! 9/10 and you'd the man!
Posted on Reply
Cold Storm
erockerNot, worried. Though, close to 40 year old dudes that come on this site and act like they are 12 is kind of worrysome. Sorry, Dave Jr. had to say it, and don't you know that all the kewl kids are putting thier side fans on the OUTSIDE?!
lol.. I bet if you got a system that had ALL their fans outside of the case, it could get some really good air flow!??!? We'll have to try that one! Or someone should?
Posted on Reply
What would really be funniy is a case made entirely out of 120mm fans. I would think it would take around 60 fans. Fans, fans , fans, we all goin fan CRAAAZZZZAAAYYYYY!!
Posted on Reply
Cold Storm
lol.. now thats something! wheres the extreme mods of tpu at .... looks around up and down, left and right... there here somewhere!
Posted on Reply
Crazy 4 TPU!!!
Like this case!:

Posted on Reply
OMFG.... that's EXACTLY what I was thinking!!!!! What is that 72 fans?!
Posted on Reply
Cold Storm
Love it man... lost the post earlier... do not use a cell phone that doesn't have anytype of web on it and try to go on the web... its doesn't work
I want to know the full specs on how he did it! I wanna try it some day!
Posted on Reply
Crazy 4 TPU!!!
72mm or 80mm fans. Power is connected in a link fashion to each fan.
Posted on Reply
Ok, got a new case! I will be posting up as soon as I either rig the 250mm top fan from this case onto my new one, or I do something else. Right now it looks too plain to post anything.
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I voted 10/10 because:

why not ????
Posted on Reply
7/10. Great set-up....Very clean and great cable management.
Posted on Edit | Reply
Cold Storm
erockerOk, got a new case! I will be posting up as soon as I either rig the 250mm top fan from this case onto my new one, or I do something else. Right now it looks too plain to post anything.
I'll be waiting for it man! good luck on it and wish the best! Oh how I'm waiting on it!
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