n.audBl 1.1

June 17th 2008
33,565 times
Superb (8.4)
Voting Graph 81 votes total
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Key Features:
High Rated Intel CPU NVIDIA Graphics NVIDIA SLI Water-cooled
System Specs:
  • Thermaltake Tai Chi Extruded Aluminum Case
  • ASUS Striker Extreme - nVidia 680i chipset
  • Pentium E8500 @ 4.00
  • 4 GB OCZ SLI-Edition PC2 8500 (4x 1GB)
  • Dual EVGA 8800 GTX ACS3 in SLI
  • ASUS Ageia PhysX Processor
  • Avermedia PCI-E TV Tuner
  • Dual WD 150GB Raptors in RAID 0
  • Dual WD 1TB Cavair in RAID 1 for Media Storage
  • ULTRA 1000w Power Supply
  • Creative Fatal1ty Platinum X-Fi Soundcard (ribbon cable stripped and sleeved)
  • 4 Koolance radiators (1000w externally mounted, 3x400w internally mounted)
  • 3 Koolance PMP-400 pumps mounted on a Noise Isolating Panel
  • White Cathode Lighting behind Pump Mounting Panel
Performed Mods:
Cut out rear fan opening. Fabricated pump mounting panel, intake hose manifold mounting panel, and front bay dual radiator setup. Nickel plated and lapped D-Tek Fuzion. See worklog for more info.
Super quiet during light to medium computing, and quieter than one would expect during gaming. Stay tuned, n.audBl 2.0 is in the works.
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77 Comments on n.audBl 1.1

To answer one question before it is even asked... here is a diagram of the cooling circuit:

I welcome your feedback, whether it be good or bad. Please don't hesitate to throw your 2 cents out. And even more so... please respect other people's right to submit their opinion.
Posted on Reply
I cannot compare to this rig...Not that I would even try...and it is a bit over the top as far as complexity for my taste...BUT!!! It sure looks sweet! 10/10
Posted on Reply
1.Pictures = Nobel Prize
2.Complexity, I like that word,, Got it from pentastar111 = Nobel Prize
3.Design = Nobel Prize
4.Creativity = Nobel prize
5.Originality = Nobel Prize
6.Execution = Nobel Prize
7.hardware = Nobel Prize
8.Wire/M = Nobel Prize
9.Fabrication = Nobel Prize
10.The Balls to put a system this Wicked Together = Nobel Prize
Posted on Reply
Incredible work. Beautiful setup. 10/10.
Posted on Reply
10/10 why? perfect cable managment,excelent water cooling setup,sweet hardware all perfect keep the good work man :)
Posted on Reply
10/10 awesome rig
Posted on Reply
This. Is. Awesome.

I just see the Sata cables...damn! O_O

10/10 is the least one can vote
Posted on Reply
ya, you know who you are, A Coward, The one that leaves the unfair rating & takes off without posting. It was kind of you to stop by & strike again.
Posted on Reply
10/10. A few unfair posts there, again. Very nice job, a maintenence nightmare though!
Posted on Reply
Case Mod Guru
I dont pay too much attention to the #s. The comments are 1000X more important to me.

By the way I hope sometime I get to see this comp in person
Posted on Reply
Thanks for compliments everyone, especially Steelkane... now that's feedback! Personally I would like to see the whole scoring/rating system fall along the lines of what you posted. A lot of people post their system here wanting to get feedback on what to improve. A scoring system that pinpoints individual aspects of the rig would allow us to rate systems much more accurately.

FYI, Initially I was just going to update the original 'n.audBl' gallery submission with new pictures and specs, but I decided enough has changed to warrant just starting a new thread. If I had just updated the pictures and specs on the old one then a lot of the old discussion wouldn't have made sense anymore.
Posted on Reply
Man, pardon my french, but that looks fucking sweet... It emitts a blue glow which looks awesome as well... *Drools*
Posted on Reply
how all voted 10 and the result is 9 ? i dont understand and this mob deserves only a 10! cz the work is done is big is not only the setup of the hardware
Posted on Reply
This PC makes me cry D:

Posted on Reply
Words cannot describe it i mean that, the detail, the components, the complexity and time spent.
The fact you got in there with a cam is proof enough of how well laid out it is and put together it is.
12/10 more even, best i've seen so far. Top job.

Posted on Reply
MKmodsI dont pay too much attention to the #s. The comments are 1000X more important to me.

By the way I hope sometime I get to see this comp in person
I would have to agree. A high rating is nice and all... but I most enjoy reading people's comments and suggestions.
Posted on Reply
This is one of the most awesome setups I have ever seen. It is simply amazing, and anyone who doesn't give this a 10/10 is jealous.

Quick question on the Pump3 loads. Since they are in parallel, do you have any way of adjusting flow to each of the 3 chains? That is to say, lets say you notice that the NB segment gets too hot, do you have valves downstream to reduce flow in the other 2 segments to allow more flow to that segment? Just a question I always thought about when pondering parallel loops.
Posted on Reply

Thanks for the compliment. The short answer to your question is 'no'. I spent weeks drawing diagram after diagram before I finally settled on the current configuration. Obviously Pump 3 is stressed more than the other two pumps, but that is the point of its existance. I went with the third loop for the sole purpose of allowing the CPU to have its own pump and for the GPUs to have their own pump. Originally I had intended for the PPU to be on the same circuit as the video cards, but aesthetically it just didn't work for me.

The circuit with the PPU, SB, and 4 HDDs is the most restrictive of the three circuits on Pump 3. However, these are all items that either produce the least amount of heat or are least vunerable to heat.

The circuit with the NB and VREGs recieves the highest flow. This is what I wanted... more specifically, I didn't want much restriction throught the NB. The VREGs were put on this circuit to help balance it out a bit. It still recieves a bit more flow than I would like, though. Ideally I would like to send some of this circuits flow to the PPU, SB, HDD circuit. There are devices on th market that crimp the hose to induce restriction. I'll probably end up getting one and installing it in an inconspicuous place.

Originally the RAM coolers were supposed to be in series with one another, but this proved to be far to restrictive. Putting them in parallel solved the problem.

Here is a little bit of FYI information. To determine all of this I used bubbles. During flow testing I purposely underfilled the reservoir to induce enough turbulance to form bubbles, which were then sucked up by the pump intake tube and sent through the system. I was able to observe the speed the bubbles traveled through the various circuits. The CPU curcuit flows so fast that I almost couldn't even track the bubbles. The VID circuit flows about as well as one would expect. But the 'Everything Else' circuit required a bit of tuning to get flowing the way I have it now. It's still not quite ideal, but definitely acceptable.
Posted on Reply
to install all this water cooling is soooo difficult i can't understand how u do it but u deserve a big 10 for me but im wondering u didnt make any mistake? :P
Posted on Reply
>"Here is a little bit of FYI information. To determine all of this I used bubbles. During flow testing I purposely under filled the reservoir to induce enough turbulence to form bubbles, which were then sucked up by the pump intake tube and sent through the system. I was able to observe the speed the bubbles traveled through the various circuits. The CPU circuit flows so fast that I almost couldn't even track the bubbles. The VID circuit flows about as well as one would expect. But the 'Everything Else' circuit required a bit of tuning to get flowing the way I have it now. It's still not quite ideal, but definitely acceptable."

Pure genius!

This is the best setup I have seen.
Posted on Reply
Beautifully engineered and designed. This computer has had a lot of work put into it and it shows. Unquestionably a 10.
Posted on Reply
Really love the rads placed on the side panel.. with the tubes length just right.. heck if I had that pc, Id be happy just by opening and closing the side panel the whole day. hehe
Posted on Reply
nice one bro..i love your work.10/10 vote
Posted on Reply
SECKSYYYYYYYY!!! 10/10 Drooling over the bluish glow :D
Posted on Reply
Very nice. Well done.
Posted on Reply
Grab two HD4870X2s when they come out :p
Posted on Reply
tkpenaltyGrab two HD4870X2s when they come out :p
I'm thinking 280GTX
Posted on Reply
Thanks. I just downloaded the pics so that when I get older I won't need viagra. Very sweet! My first 10/10!
Posted on Reply
10:10 man! Absolutely beautiful, extremelly thought out, and professional and clean appearance!

There is nothing, absolutely nothing I could even attempt to find fault with.

Now to begin building a custom enclosure to house all that! :D
Posted on Reply
Wow, thanks for all the great comments everyone!

Thoughtdisorder... um... so glad I can help you out, bro!
Posted on Reply
curious man, how cool does everything manage to stay like that? I've never seen that much plumbing inside a system before . . .
Posted on Reply
imperialreigncurious man, how cool does everything manage to stay like that? I've never seen that much plumbing inside a system before . . .
There are a couple of tricks to make tubing bend the way you want. One way is to apply a bit of a twist to it. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It's how I got the nice uniformed curves for the 1/4" lines that run to the Mem and NB coolers. Another technique I used was to lay the tubing in a cookie sheet and use various objects like tools, plates, coffee mugs, etc. to get the general form I was looking for. Once I was happy with the shape I gently poured near boiling water on the tubing and then let it cool. The tubing didn't exactly hold the form, but it made it more willing to bend exactly how I wanted it. I also used this method for a couple of places where I needed a tight bend but didn't want to use anti-kink wrap.
Posted on Reply
Compression Fittings, Look so much better then everything out there, I've seen zip ties, car hose clamps, just the tube by itself & the plastic squeeze clamps. On your build, using all Compression Fittings, Is what stood-out as,, The Nail In the Coffin.
Posted on Reply

I thought if i was rich, I would build this easily, I was wrong. You Have My 10, Keep up a good work.
Posted on Reply
imperialreigncurious man, how cool does everything manage to stay like that? I've never seen that much plumbing inside a system before . . .
I just realized I misread your question the first time. With fans at full speed I can keep coolant temps at about 7-8 degrees celcius above ambient with the CPU overclocked. The noise level is pretty high, though. I usually let the Koolance fan controller manage the fan speed based on coolant temperature. With it's current tuning coolant typically stays around 36-40 degrees celcius and the fans spin at 25-35% depending on load and ambient. This makes for very quiet operation. My CPU temp is usually 45C idle and 55-60C load. The MB, NB, SB, and GPUs all hover at about 45C with minimal increase in temps under load.

High performance and overclockability with minimal noise was always the primary goal of this build.
Posted on Reply
That's just incredible. Such precision and well thought out design. Excessive, but hell you weren't going for your every day rig. Very, very nice. 10/10
Posted on Reply
farlex85That's just incredible. Such precision and well thought out design. Excessive, but hell you weren't going for your every day rig. Very, very nice. 10/10
LOL, yes... practicality wasn't really in the design concept.

Thank you for the compliment and vote.
Posted on Reply
Well, the hardware itself isn't that extreme, but the W/C mod is pure perfection... Now that is extreme skill! Very nice job you did, but one question - does the system put out SO MUCH heat that every component must be W/Cooled? Anyway - 10 from me.
Posted on Reply
In Orbe Terrum Non Visi
Yeah, just like what everyone else said, this setup makes me cry. 10/10 for your effort putting together this "beastly-art".

BTW, I got the VGA cooler.....Thanks much.
Posted on Reply

All i can say is ..wow what a fuckin nice case mod......10
Posted on Reply
Beautifully done.

I would be safe in saying if you ever wanted to change careers their would be an opening for you at Falcon, Voodoo, Puget. This is even better than Crazy PC mod guy's posts. No offense to his rigs.
Perfect 11.
If I may ask. Is this a very well thought out planned build, that took a week to put together.
Or a year long build. I am only asking beacause, I have been working on a very big water cooled rig, but I keep changing things around. Not to mention throwing a boat load of coin at Sidewinder and Performance PCs (PITA to deal with I am sure someone will here here-here me on that). Now I see your rig and I want to change more stuff on mine. Oh well, it will get posted eventually one way or another.
I raise my glass to you. Love the IMON too.
Posted on Reply
kaosIII would be safe in saying if you ever wanted to change careers their would be an opening for you at Falcon, Voodoo, Puget. This is even better than Crazy PC mod guy's posts. No offense to his rigs.
Perfect 11.
If I may ask. Is this a very well thought out planned build, that took a week to put together.
Or a year long build. I am only asking beacause, I have been working on a very big water cooled rig, but I keep changing things around. Not to mention throwing a boat load of coin at Sidewinder and Performance PCs (PITA to deal with I am sure someone will here here-here me on that). Now I see your rig and I want to change more stuff on mine. Oh well, it will get posted eventually one way or another.
I raise my glass to you. Love the IMON too.
There was a lot of planning, but it still took a long time to build it. There were quite a few days spent just staring at the case and parts trying to brainstorm different way of making it all fit and work. Trust me, I spent a lot of money on parts that ended up not being used or not working out how I had hoped. Then there was the perpetual issue of cooling companies constantly coming out with products that would have made my life easier if they had released them a few months earlier... Koolance's new radiator style is one good example, as well as some of their new splitters and nozzle designs.

You eventually get to the point where you have to commit to a certain plan and stop deviating from it, regardless of what better idea you get. I consider a lot of the ideas and concepts that weren't used in this build to simply be plans for future builds.
Posted on Reply
Excellently. I haven't been seen a system like that. Art of hi-tech
Posted on Reply
It now has dual GTX280 vids. Looking to maybe move up to a 790i ultra MB by the end of the year or so.
Posted on Reply
nice work!

i really like all the lite blue liquid cooling!
Posted on Reply
very nice build, i liiike
Posted on Reply
wow... most extreme watercooling ive seen =) 10/10
Posted on Reply
Im rating 8/10 for one reason only - isnt this a little over the top? Do things such as the hard drives really need watercooling? And im sure this was an absolute pain in the arse to setup, and cost an absolute fortune!

Dont take this as negative feedback please, its constructive criticism, but i guess i have only said its a little OTT because i like my setups simplistic . . . Anywho, can i also ask, what temps does this whole shabang pull?

This Mod is a 10 out of 10....

If I had to pick one fault if someone pointed a gun to my head I would say I would have picked a different case to fit all this one...

Never the less this case is hard to duplicate hey if there is anyone that can do this..

Email me immediately.
Posted on Edit | Reply
kyle2020Im rating 8/10 for one reason only - isnt this a little over the top? Do things such as the hard drives really need watercooling? And im sure this was an absolute pain in the arse to setup, and cost an absolute fortune!

Dont take this as negative feedback please, its constructive criticism, but i guess i have only said its a little OTT because i like my setups simplistic . . . Anywho, can i also ask, what temps does this whole shabang pull?
Right... cause staying practical was the whole goal of this build :-/

Watercooling the hdds served a few purposes. First off... I wanted it to be a 'fully watercooled' system. Second, I wanted the innovatek hdd coolers to contribute to the all black finished off look of the front drive bay area. Third, the hdd coolers look so much better than any other option. Fourth, the original hdd cage was removed to install a dual radiator heat exchanger in its place. Fifth, 4 hdds would not fit in the original hdd cage so I was forced to find some sort of alternative anyways.

Sixth... it's just bad ass!!

I'm not trying to slam you... just defending/explaining my choice. Thank you for the feedback and kind comments!
Posted on Reply
deutscher Scharfschü

may i ask if you have a link for the HDD Water Blocks you used, i can't seem to find them anywhere, or did you make a Custom enclosure for them?
Posted on Reply
They are Innovatek HDM-L enclosures. Good luck finding them. I don't think any US suppliers carry them anymore. In fact, I'm not entirely sure Innovatek even makes them anymore.

I bought the first two from HighSpeedPC.com, but they don't have them in stock anymore and haven't for well over a year now. The other two I had to go through a German supplier and paid out the nose for them. Using google and babblefish to translate the website was oh-so-fun.
Posted on Reply
Absolutly wicked rig.. 10/10
Posted on Reply
Wow, I'm getting sandbagged to hell on votes here.
Posted on Reply
EnergyFXWow, I'm getting sandbagged to hell on votes here.
Dont worry about the votes...everyone know your rig/s is/are WIN! I wish I had something that looked that nice!
Posted on Reply
I've been in the #2 spot for a loooong time with this rig. I've always looked forward to another system coming along and bumping me down in the ranks. I'd much rather get outvoted vs. getting sandbagged.
Posted on Reply
EnergyFXI've been in the #2 spot for a loooong time with this rig. I've always looked forward to another system coming along and bumping me down in the ranks. I'd much rather get outvoted vs. getting sandbagged.
Hey Energy, it's been a while.
Don't worry about this Viana chick. A Lot of pissed off people have already pm'ed the Mod's.
If you look at her thread posts, in one day she managed to lower some 100 or so case mods. Just some crack head I am sure. They will probably ban her and delete all her posts. I hope anyway.
How is the new build coming along?

Posted on Reply
Chicken Patty
after soo much time of first seeing this rig, I see it now and it still amazes me!
Posted on Reply
*Mouth foaming on the floor* WOW...damn this makes my rig look like $}{!#...How the hell did you create such a masterpiece! 3 Water loops...AmAzInG Specs and clean and finished look.

If I could give a bit of constructive criticism without being offensive...try and hid the SATA cable and any other cables that can be seen. This will improve the overall look dramatically. And BTW YOU...YOU are a GOD to me...this PC is one of the greatest...NO...THE GREATEST PC I have EVER SEEN! Congratulations on an outstanding rig...I wish you great luck in your future rigs and hopefully they can be as sacred as this one.

Happy Easter!

Posted on Reply
I've been starring at your rig pics like a hot girls ass :)

Primo work dude :toast:
Posted on Reply
that right there is pure artistry....i love it very elegant 10/10 nice job
Posted on Reply
Thanks for the compliments everyone.

Heck, I own the darn thing and I still come here every once in a while to stare at my own pics.

Posted on Reply
nice!! great job on putting all that wc stuff together... this build is sweet =)
Posted on Reply
8/10 not many mods but not expected with this case. I really like the complexity, little over the top however prepared for another build, would of chose other liquid cooling components (don't like Koolance), I agree Hard Drives need cooling whether it's a aluminum heatsink or fan the maximum operating temperature for a standard hard drive is 50-60'c before probability of failure range most hard drives run around 40-50'c I think it comes down to does the price justify to add them to your loop? I would of liked to seen a release valve. I could definitely see you in a Mountain Mods case next Energy.
Posted on Reply
Heh, I've actually been seriously considering an Mountain Mods case for a future build. As for Koolance parts, I have zero complaints. Not to say they are better than other brands I have used, but I can't find a single fault in thier quality, performance, durability, or advertised specs. Recently they have even started to move away from aluminum which makes their products even more compatible with other brands. This rig was built around aluminum cooling and it has worked out very well and has been quite maintenance free for over a year now. Aluminum is not your enemy if you do your research and pay attention to the copper/aluminum issues. My nickel plated copper core D-Tek Fuzion has worked out perfectly fine with the aluminum radiators and HDD coolers :-)
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