
April 10th 2009
24,308 times
Superb (8.3)
Voting Graph 98 votes total
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Key Features:
High Rated Intel CPU AMD Graphics AMD CrossFire Scratch Build Custom Paint Job Water-cooled
System Specs:
  • QX9650 *
  • Asus Maximus Formula se bitspower WC block *
  • Geil Esoteria rev.2 8gb *
  • HD4870 512MB TOXIC Crossfire *
  • Asus PhysX *
  • supremeFX II *
  • 500 gb seagate 7.200rpm sata2 *
  • 2 x 500 gb wd 7.200rpm sata2 *
  • Tagan 900watt *
Performed Mods:
* My first case construction. The material used is MDF (Medium Density Fiber Wood Compound), mainly due to its' superb noise and vibration reduction properties. 1) Designed it from scratch having in mind that I need room for two seperate WC loops, about 14 fans, and room to hide all drives and psu from view! Details about the case construction you can read in the worklog. 2) The WC consists of two different pumps, blocks, reservoirs, radiators. One is 1/2 inch (CPU loop) and the other is a 8/10mm (NB-SB loop). 3) Bullseye reservoir placed in custom side holder 4)Every cage and fan controller was painted black, as well as the mobo tray and front fan grills. 5) Applied speaker type features. Installed sub-woofer grills to the rear of the case, as well as retractable handles and anti-vibration feet.
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110 Comments on StarCruiser

I don't even know where to start.... 10/10 for all the hard work. The mod looks absolutely awesome! Very clean setup with sweet colors. A+++
Posted on Reply
thank very much!

it was a lot of work, but it paid off! Totaly worth it!
Posted on Reply

What a GREAT build...... Master's work..... soooo good that you can't even find the damn power supply. Where the hell is it BTW?? 10/10 ... I'd like to see more of this dedicated kind of work.
Posted on Reply
OOOOHHHH!!!! Found it

There it goes ... in the back... Hidden behind the motherboard ..... Now that's creative! Great work Bro!
Posted on Reply
Wow! Very nice work. That case is huge. I would like to see a pic of the "other side" of the enterior. PM me one if you could. I like your seperate loops too. Efficiant. One thing is for certain, it doesn't look "home-made". 10/10 from me....I am humbled sir.
Posted on Reply
10+. Very nice like i said before. Top Gun!
Posted on Reply
well, I still need to tidy all the cables at the back, but you can have your picture...

Thank you all for your kind words! Thank you!

Posted on Reply
@Havvoc .... I just checked that your first post was about by new gamebox and thought I should welcome you!

wellcome to TPU!
Posted on Reply
Fantastic work! the dedication is shown in every part of this case! 10/10
Posted on Reply
This is fantastic dude :toast you deserve my honest respect.
Posted on Reply
I voted 6/10 because:

Muito bom o gabinet gostei parabens
Posted on Reply
apgsbackupI voted 6/10 because:

Muito bom o gabinet gostei parabens
care to translate that to english?
Posted on Reply
thank you all for votes!

any comments? any suggestions for improvement?
Posted on Reply
anything built from scratch deserves a 10/10. only thing I don't like is all the grills I also thought the wood was too thick. I really like to see you work with some aluminum or steel next on a atx cube maybe you can make a buck out of it.
Posted on Reply
BumbleBeeanything built from scratch deserves a 10/10. only thing I don't like is all the grills I also thought the wood was too thick. I really like to see you work with some aluminum or steel next on a atx cube maybe you can make a buck out of it.
Thanks Bumblebee....

btw, do you mean there are too many grills, or that you do not like the grill pattern?

as for the thickness... well, it was a design requirement, as I needed the thick sides to insulate all fan noise and vibration and at the same time make the case rock solid. With less thickness, i could not hace had any of the two goals!

alum. or steel I would love to work on (I am a mechanical and production engineer), but i just dont have the tools or the money at the moment... Its a promise for the future!
Posted on Reply
Editor & Senior Moderator
I voted 6/10 because:

Very nice, I liked it!
Posted on Reply
tzitzibpThanks Bumblebee....

btw, do you mean there are too many grills, or that you do not like the grill pattern?

as for the thickness... well, it was a design requirement, as I needed the thick sides to insulate all fan noise and vibration and at the same time make the case rock solid. With less thickness, i could not hace had any of the two goals!

alum. or steel I would love to work on (I am a mechanical and production engineer), but i just dont have the tools or the money at the moment... Its a promise for the future!
yes you had it going with the black wire fan guards in the front but you lost it with all the other grills, now that i'm over the shock and awe I was hoping for more of a thermal design like a upper chamber separate for the radiators or something with the power supply. don't get me wrong I love this case it's just I would of designed it a little differently.
Posted on Reply
BumbleBeeyes you had it going with the black wire fan guards in the front but you lost it with all the other grills, now that i'm over the shock and awe I was hoping for more of a thermal design like a upper chamber separate for the radiators or something with the power supply. don't get me wrong I love this case it's just I would of designed it a little differently.
thank you for your time to explain your perspective!

btw the upper chamber is a great idea!
Posted on Reply
@btarunr..... you are a hard one to please! lol Thank you, sir, for your vote! Is there something you think i can improve? (much appreciate the time you spare me)
Posted on Reply
tzitzibpthank you for your time to explain your perspective!

btw the upper chamber is a great idea!
the HAF 932 for example has the option to mount the power supply top side or bottom side, I think top is actually better because 1) you have a perforated vent that runs across the top panel 2) a top fan. the excess heat from the power supply will rise up through the perforated vent and outside the case the hot air will not bind with the video card or processor heat because that is being exhausted out the rear fan and if your power supply fan is facing up towards the perforated vent it will suck air from outside into the power supply like so.

I made a radiator chamber in sketchup as an example.

Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4

two pieces of wood (once you close the side panels it should make a seal), two holes for tubes, one hole for cables, one grill on the bottom panel, one exhaust fan.

fans are pulling cool air from the bottom and exhausting out the back.

you could also probably just flip it upside down and do an upper chamber.
Posted on Reply
Absolutely beautiful! It reminds me of a Mountain Mods case, though it must be much heavier and quieter. I love the laqured black and the doors are just sweet! 10/10
Posted on Reply
Case Mod Guru
tzitzibp@btarunr..... you are a hard one to please! lol Thank you, sir, for your vote! Is there something you think i can improve? (much appreciate the time you spare me)
6 actually is listed as "Excellent" and this is definitely an excellent build.

The numbering system is quite flawed and most people dont even take the time to see what description goes with what #.

Not to mention when we build it is what "We" see in our minds, not everyone has our same vision.
Posted on Reply
erockerAbsolutely beautiful! It reminds me of a Mountain Mods case, though it must be much heavier and quieter. I love the laqured black and the doors are just sweet! 10/10
thanks erocker...

Yes, it is a lot heavier and quieter!
Posted on Reply
MKmods6 actually is listed as "Excellent" and this is definitely an excellent build.

The numbering system is quite flawed and most people dont even take the time to see what description goes with what #.

Not to mention when we build it is what "We" see in our minds, not everyone has our same vision.
true, very true!

nothing wrong with 6! The only thing that could "hurt" my feelings is a random "1" by some (sensored).... lol
Posted on Reply
BumbleBeethe HAF 932 for example has the option to mount the power supply top side or bottom side, I think top is actually better because 1) you have a perforated vent that runs across the top panel 2) a top fan. the excess heat from the power supply will rise up through the perforated vent and outside the case the hot air will not bind with the video card or processor heat because that is being exhausted out the rear fan and if your power supply fan is facing up towards the perforated vent it will suck air from outside into the power supply like so.

I made a radiator chamber in sketchup as an example.

Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4

two pieces of wood (once you close the side panels it should make a seal), two holes for tubes, one hole for cables, one grill on the bottom panel, one exhaust fan.

fans are pulling cool air from the bottom and exhausting out the back.

you could also probably just flip it upside down and do an upper chamber.
the idea and your theory is great and the results should be equally great! However, in my case, the space and number of fans, provide room+(5-10 degrees C) all around the system. So, infact, such an application could limit the air supply to my rads and actually give worst results than without it!

The way the case is build and the parts are placed, there is no hot air introduced to the mobo or the rads (as it would be, normally by hard drives, for example).

If I was to plan a smaller case, or a case with different positioning of the parts, then what you suggest would be a superb addition!
Posted on Reply
just to show you how great the case works...after about 30mins, with all fans set to about 900rpm of prime95, with all fans set to about 900rpm and with the following settings :
1. cpu qx9650@400x10 voltage set to 1.425
2. NB voltage set to 1.55
3. SB voltage set to 1.20

I got the following max temps...(SEE PIC) - (room temp 27C)

Idle temps:

When everything is in stock.... cpu under load never exceeds 37C, and NB-SB never exceeds 36C.
Posted on Reply
tzitzibpthe idea and your theory is great and the results should be equally great! However, in my case, the space and number of fans, provide room+(5-10 degrees C) all around the system. So, infact, such an application could limit the air supply to my rads and actually give worst results than without it!

The way the case is build and the parts are placed, there is no hot air introduced to the mobo or the rads (as it would be, normally by hard drives, for example).

If I was to plan a smaller case, or a case with different positioning of the parts, then what you suggest would be a superb addition!
oh I was talking about Starcruiser Jr or Starcruiser II, lots of cases have compartmentalized designs. the fans on the radiator will suck cool air from the bottom of the case through the radiator and that excess warm air will not be staying long in the compartment with an exhaust (I chose 92mm) fan sucking the air out.
Posted on Reply
looks good lil big but still looks clean
Posted on Reply
Awesome executed vision, looks really sharp, Great build, Great overall work, This is a build to be really proud off. show it off everywhere & enter contests with it,, well worth the coverage. 10/10
Posted on Reply
@DOM thank you very much, man! No, is big, not little big! lol
steelkaneAwesome executed vision, looks really sharp, Great build, Great overall work, This is a build to be really proud off. show it off everywhere & enter contests with it,, well worth the coverage. 10/10
thank you very much, steelkane,
any suggestions on any online contests?
Posted on Reply
Case Mod Guru
tzitzibptrue, very true!

nothing wrong with 6! The only thing that could "hurt" my feelings is a random "1" by some (sensored).... lol
Thats one of the faults with the numbering system. There is always someone that gives 1s and 2s no matter how excellent the comp is.
Posted on Reply
tzitzibp@DOM thank you very much, man! No, is big, not little big! lol
i say lil cuz i got a cosmos

and now with my bench rack and phase take half a wall :p
Posted on Reply
DOMi say lil cuz i got a cosmos

and now with my bench rack and phase take half a wall :p
give us a picture...
Posted on Reply
stevebakerMan! Build me one! lol
How do you want it ?! lol
Posted on Reply
i just keep coming back for another look at this.

massive build!
Posted on Reply
tzitzibpHow do you want it ?! lol
Just like that! It's awesome! lol erm, cept green instead of blue...I love green!!! lol
Posted on Reply
stevebakerJust like that! It's awesome! lol erm, cept green instead of blue...I love green!!! lol
in that case I would paint the case deep dark purple! shows great with acid green!

Posted on Reply
tzitzibpin that case I would paint the case deep dark purple! shows great with acid green!

lol name the price man!
Posted on Reply
stevebakerlol name the price man!
this is getting

what would you offer? same dimensions? same layout? we need to talk!
delivery in about a month!
Posted on Reply
I would really appreciate it, if you guys commented on the finished result, instead of just throwing a vote! I need to correct this project as best I can, and the only way to do this is if people will give me a direction.

Thanks everyone for viewing, commenting and ofcourse voting!
Posted on Reply
I seriously would pay you to build me a case like this lol That's just about the coolest case I've ever seen. I dread to think what the postage to the UK would be though lol
Posted on Reply
stevebakerI seriously would pay you to build me a case like this lol That's just about the coolest case I've ever seen. I dread to think what the postage to the UK would be though lol
check for about 25-30 kgr!

I built the case for about 400 euros, but the carpenter who cut the pieces according to my blueprints is asking 300 euro (110 euros first time) for doing it again... so the cost adds up to about 600 euro. It is just going to be really expensive!

The cost included:
1. screws, nuts, neumatic bottles, handles, grills, switches, rubber feet, MDF woodboard = 150euro
2. cutting, cleaning, filling = 110euro
3. painting = 130euro

Now, it would be.... 2. cutting, cleaning, filling = 300euro

It is just going to be really expensive! I believe this could be a good chance to build your own design!

thanks for your kind words,though!
Posted on Reply
Your carpenter has really seen a way to make some more there lol
Yeah I think I may have a play around myself, you've inspired me. Nevertheless you deserve the 10 I gave you. Excellent work.
Posted on Reply
Dang looking good. 10/10 great case
Posted on Reply
great piece of work!!!!

i am stunned!!!!i think you spent hours to make this beast.especially the box.quite practical despite the big size of it.but i really think you should post some fotos that show it's size.because of it's size and your creation,detailed fotos are very important for someone to understand exactly what you've made.that wa the only thing i thought before i vote for you'll have to post some more photos or else...
Posted on Edit | Reply
stevebakerYour carpenter has really seen a way to make some more there lol
Yeah I think I may have a play around myself, you've inspired me. Nevertheless you deserve the 10 I gave you. Excellent work.
for sure! I 'll just have to either build the next one myself or find some other guy to help me....

Anyway, glad to have inspired you! honoured!
let me know if you need any help...
Posted on Reply
crtechaDang looking good. 10/10 great case
thank you, v. much!
Posted on Reply
tsomii am stunned!!!!i think you spent hours to make this beast.especially the box.quite practical despite the big size of it.but i really think you should post some fotos that show it's size.because of it's size and your creation,detailed fotos are very important for someone to understand exactly what you've made.that wa the only thing i thought before i vote for you'll have to post some more photos or else...
I will post more pics as soon as I put them in order!

but, for starters... have a look at this! Compared to an Armor+ full tower.....well,
SadasiusYeah your case makes it look like a micro tower...:twitch: It's almost the size of a Mountain Mods Ascension case. I am sure your not complaining about not having enough room! :laugh:
Posted on Reply
Nice build man :) love how it looks solid n badass :D 10/10
Posted on Reply
aquariuzNice build man :) love how it looks solid n badass :D 10/10
thanks, man!

it doesn't just look solid.... it is Rock solid! :)
Posted on Reply
tzitzibpthanks, man!

it doesn't just look solid.... it is Rock solid! :)
yeah, but how does it handle all those fans and OCing?
Posted on Reply
mummieyeah, but how does it handle all those fans and OCing?
about fans all I can say is that at low-mid setting is audible, but not annoying... at high setting... well at first you think is going to take off, and when you get used to it you are ready to start benching.... ;)

As for OCing... small taste...
Posted on Reply
I thought I should post some more pics...

so here we are....

Posted on Reply
nice update. especially like the back view.

speaker like... ;)
Posted on Reply
well done bru, it's a professional works..
9/10 ~
Posted on Reply
Case Mod Guru
very nice, good job on the picts as well.
Posted on Reply
From conception to construction, an excellent case !

One grin though: I think it should be called The BorgShip :P
Posted on Reply
A piece of true art! "Nobel prize" for sure! 10/10.
I have never seen such perfectly "diy" case, and I swear.. if you didn't write that you had made it I would have thought it was something anyone could buy (would be expensive..).

Wish I had your skills. Truly amazing..

EDIT: Forgot to ask, but say if someone would pay you to build a case (not exactly the same) but "unique", and you were given free hands (style it the way you would like it)..would you do it?
thank guys.... your kind comments make it all worth while! Thanks again!
TechnicalFreakI have never seen such perfectly "diy" case, and I swear.. if you didn't write that you had made it I would have thought it was something anyone could buy (would be expensive..)
That was the original plan... build a case that looks profesionally made, but at the same time, Unique!

The cost rounded up to about 300euros for the case, only!

The total cost of the PC is about.... all my money! lol
Posted on Reply
cebitFrom conception to construction, an excellent case !

One grin though: I think it should be called The BorgShip :P
I thought we had this conversation, already! lol

great Avatar, btw!
Posted on Reply
TechnicalFreakEDIT: Forgot to ask, but say if someone would pay you to build a case (not exactly the same) but "unique", and you were given free hands (style it the way you would like it)..would you do it?
probably... but it would be expensive and time consuming!
Posted on Reply
dang i love this case.. lots of room, nice idea, lots of hard work.. It's a nice case it really paid off 10/10
Posted on Reply
icon1dang i love this case.. lots of room, nice idea, lots of hard work.. It's a nice case it really paid off 10/10
thanks for the comments and the vote. Thank you!
Posted on Reply
well, I decided to WC my 4870s, so as soon as I decide on the blocks to use, the pictures will come!
Posted on Reply
WC update..... (as posted in the worklog)

one DANGER DEN GPU-6890 DD-4870 WATER BLOCK (bottom card)


one EK Waterblocks EK-FC4870 CF VGA Waterblock (top card)

Posted on Reply
Case Mod Guru
It would be really nice to see if there is a diff in the temps of the cards. (lol, just like the air coolers)

PS: BIG thanks...
Posted on Reply
MKmodsIt would be really nice to see if there is a diff in the temps of the cards. (lol, just like the air coolers)

PS: BIG thanks...
should be up and running by tonight! I sure hope temps are crushed to the

ps: my pleasure!
Posted on Reply
just a quick check on the temps [ AIR COOLED GFX ]

room temp 26 C

before: (CLOCK) -- IDLE -- GAMING -- BENCH
CPU (3 GHZ) -- 31C -- 36C -- 38C
CPU (4 GHZ) -- 34C -- 39C -- 43C
GFX1 (780/1000) -- 55/60/62 -- 58/65/72 -- 61/67/75 (GPU/MEM/VR)
GFX2 (780/1000) -- 48/55/59 -- 50/61/68 -- 52/64/72
GFX1 (820/1100) -- 56/62/66 -- 62/69/75 -- 64/70/75
GFX2 (820/1100) -- 50/57/62 -- 54/65/72 -- 56/69/73

I 'll be running a few games and benches, record temps and get back to u guys, later today!

pictures as well!
Posted on Reply
pics update 1

Notice the alignment of the nozzles to allow for easy routing!
Posted on Reply
Case Mod Guru
lol, that was nice of DD and EK to get together and make their blocks work together...
Posted on Reply
MKmodslol, that was nice of DD and EK to get together and make their blocks work together...
yes it really
the result is just great!

Posted on Reply
i wish people voting a 6 would comment on they think is needed for this rig to be atleast outstanding! :(
Posted on Reply
Case Mod Guru
tzitzibpi wish people voting a 6 would comment on they think is needed for this rig to be atleast outstanding! :(
I wouldnt pay too much attention to the # scores. The words dont match the # close enough to be accurate.

This mod just keeps getting better, Excellent work
Posted on Reply
thanks for support, man!

btw, I decided to add a DANGER DEN RAD-3310 STEALTH GTS 120 between the cpu and gpus to get a more efficient cooling process...hopefully!

just a quick check on the temps [ WC COOLED GFX ]

room temp 28 C (Summer has hit us hard... its 34C outside :o)


CPU (3 GHZ) -- 35C -- 40C -- 42C (+2 due to ambient, +2 due to GFXs included in the loop(compared to only CPU WC))
CPU (4 GHZ) -- 39C -- 45C -- 51C (SERIOUS HEAT BUILD UP...soon to add an extra rad to the loop)
GFX1 (780/1000) -- 38/44/50 -- 41/48/60 -- 42/50/62 (GPU/MEM/VR) (JOB WELL DONE)
GFX2 (780/1000) -- 42/46/52 -- 44/50/60 -- 46/53/63
GFX1 (820/1100) -- 41/45/53 -- 45/51/61 -- 48/54/65
GFX2 (820/1100) -- 44/47/55 -- 47/52/62 -- 50/57/66

In average I got an increase of about 3C on the CPU and a HUGE DROP of about 8-14C on the GFX components!
Posted on Reply
U have put a heck of alot of work into this build. Well done!
Posted on Reply
today I am adding the extra rad and replacing 1/2'' tubing with tygon black.... anxious to see the result...
Posted on Reply
tzitzibptoday I am adding the extra rad and replacing 1/2'' tubing with tygon black.... anxious to see the result...
well... get on with it, already!
Posted on Reply
i realy cant get over this case!

its awesome!

Posted on Reply
computertechyi realy cant get over this case!

its awesome!

btw, a pic update is due tonight!
thanks again...
Posted on Reply
here are some pics of the rad included in the loop and the black tygon used!

Posted on Reply
awesome stuff man.

pity though we in the UK cant get that coolermaster fan by itself, unless we buy a hyper 212 hsf and take it off :P
Posted on Reply
IINexusIIawesome stuff man.

pity though we in the UK cant get that coolermaster fan by itself, unless we buy a hyper 212 hsf and take it off :P
pitty about that fan... its a cooler for sure (about 70 cfm)
Posted on Reply
thanks @IINexusII

btw, welcome to TPU! :)
Posted on Reply
I will post some new pics of the rig, later tonight... with lights on max - mid - low, so you guys can tell me which condition matches the case better.
Posted on Reply
tzitzibpI will post some new pics of the rig, later tonight... with lights on max - mid - low, so you guys can tell me which condition matches the case better.
Posted on Reply
i just ordered 6 of these bad as* grills to replace my current ones on the front....and I might be swapping the fans for some UV led ACRyan special edition if I can find 6 of them here in Greece...

Posted on Reply
LATER.. a lot later...after I do the changes I want!
Posted on Reply
Apparently I voted for your rig before... :) Very nice job. Love those doors!
Posted on Reply
did a couple of changes....
installed skull grills on front and replaced mem cooler with KINGSTON HYPER X FAN
also replaced intake fans with coolermaster R4-L2R-20AC-GP (69.69 CFM)

so here is the pics update

Posted on Reply
SadasiusApparently I voted for your rig before... :) Very nice job. Love those doors!
thanks man! hope you like the update, aswell!
Posted on Reply
I can think of one name for that beast "KILLER-LOOP"
Posted on Reply
Duke_GuRuI can think of one name for that beast "KILLER-LOOP"
thats the third name suggested for this

maybe I should combine all to "KILLER CYBORG LOOP" STARCRUISER! LOL

Thanks for the cool name suggestion, I take it as a compliment!
Posted on Reply
Athens Digital Week 2009

Hi everyone!

just letting you guys know that I have entered a MOD contest which will take place in Athens Greece (14-18 oct.). I will be making some extra finishing touches here and there and after the contest I will be presenting the rig in a new thread!

wish me Good Luck!
Posted on Reply
You work hard (intellectually & physically) and deserve to be @ the top.

No wonder you use WinDoze :P

Best wishes for a winning entry.
Posted on Reply
no comments just (((((((((((SUPERRRRBRBRBRBRBRBRB)))))))))))))))))

the best i ever seen love it love it :P


2nd place on case modding (Y)
Posted on Reply
Dedicated TPU Cruncher & Folder
I had to give this 10/10!!! Awesome design, and a ton of work mate! At first I didn't even realize this was made out of wood! That is one thing that just blew me away. Fricking awesome job!!!
Posted on Reply
stinger608I had to give this 10/10!!! Awesome design, and a ton of work mate! At first I didn't even realize this was made out of wood! That is one thing that just blew me away. Fricking awesome job!!!
I appreciate this!

thanks a lot man!
Posted on Reply
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