Living Room in a Computer

September 15th 2009
12,160 times
Superb (8.0)
Voting Graph 25 votes total
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Key Features:
High Rated VIA CPU
Performed Mods:
This is what happens when spyware makes a home inside your computer.
This is not my mod but something I found on flickr :)
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21 Comments on Living Room in a Computer

my daughter would see this as cute, I think you need an Air Filter as it could get dusty in there.
Posted on Reply
Easy mod but also brilliant. I think you can do more by changing the whole case in a dollhouse. :-D
Posted on Reply
Nice :)

Add a very long addon-card and build a second flor :D

7/10 from me
Posted on Reply
I voted 10/10 because:

I gave this 10.. yea man fck em all ten foe ya dood.u made me Laugh big time.good one man good one

sh!t its the Carpet man teh effin carpet!

and O_O theres an effin newspaper in teh effin sofa %^@_(&$@!@
Posted on Reply
roflmao. I want a giant VIA southbridge on my wall!
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Soylent Joe
So how much are they renting it out for? :P
Posted on Reply
That is awesome. I This is truly unique.
Posted on Reply
Very nice!
Posted on Reply
Very unique, a tribute to those with WAAAAYYYYY too much time on their not so idle hands... lol 10/10 very frickin nice!
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A Cheese Danish
CuzzaI want a giant VIA southbridge on my wall!
Who doesn't? Because I would.
But nice little mod here.
Posted on Reply
haha that is so awesome :D...I mean look at it! I would love to live in there ;)

The rug looks just like these coasters I have-
Posted on Reply
JJ_Sky5000I voted 1/10 because:

its not a mod
well the word mod comes from "modification" (or its a short form of it) and that is change of something ...
so to simply to put a mobo into an empty case is a MOD because you are changing it...
and unless you have seen PCs sold like that someone must have changed it in order to look like that and this classifies as a modification or just in short mod :)

ohhh and I almost forgot to say thanks for the constructive vote :)

P.S. please just change the reason to what you think (eg. to gay for you ,to small to actually be useful, or anything you think) and not a stupid ass reason to explain your madness for me not giving you a good enough score perhaps ?!?
Please correct me if Im wrong since Im just a human and I do make mistakes :)
Posted on Reply
1) well putting toys in a case inst a modification of anything. 2) do you even have permission to post pics of a computer that you didnt build. get a life and stop "flaming" people, " just google it"
Posted on Reply
JJ_Sky50001) well putting toys in a case inst a modification of anything. 2) do you even have permission to post pics of a computer that you didnt build. get a life and stop "flaming" people, " just google it"
hey you know what .... have a nice day/night. You can comeback when you are not acting like a giant dick :)
Posted on Reply
PingsCool they wrote a article on Dvice about you mod. I gave you a 10 cuz they wrote about you on Dvice! Nice not to many of us get articles written about out mods.
This is not my mod as if you read the description but something I found @
This person has a great sets of photos including the most incredible macros I have seen !!!

P.S. This mod was also featured on Engadget
Posted on Reply
I also saw your mod featured on Engadget a day or two ago.
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I know your case has been around but I am awestruck with the detail of the furniture!
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Where can some one find a lamp that small that works like a lamp anyways .

maybe a roller door for the side of the case ha ha .
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Eat, sleep, game!
Bravo2ZeroWhere can some one find a lamp that small that works like a lamp anyways .

maybe a roller door for the side of the case ha ha .
Any good store that specialises in doll house furniture.
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