Karam's Woodbox

December 21st 2009
14,913 times
Superb (8.4)
Voting Graph 32 votes total
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Key Features:
High Rated Intel CPU AMD Graphics Scratch Build Small Form Factor
System Specs:
  • i7 920 @ 4 ghz
  • EVGA x58 micro
  • XFX HD5850
  • OCZ Vertex 60 go
More pictures on my picasa : http://picasaweb.google.fr/charles.foret
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17 Comments on Karam's Woodbox

Soylent Joe
That looks great man, very sleek, almost like some speakers. I'm not so sure of the external PSU, it's probably kind of a pain isn't it? Anyways, lots of creativity going on here along with badass hardware. 9/10 from me.
Posted on Reply
(FIH) The Don
voted 10/10

that is just superb

i just saw the first picture and i was just like.....WOW
Posted on Reply
Wow thats interesting, really original! That just makes me want to go on a mod spree!
Posted on Reply
Great Job on the case, Not sure About your PSU Ideal
Posted on Reply
wow, thanks for the comments guys :)

the external psu is not a problem because my pc never moves of the desk.

And as you can see, the back is pretty clean :
Posted on Reply
very nice almost 60's / 70's radio look about it, is it noisy with all them fans, how hot?
Posted on Reply
UrB@NbOgArTvery nice almost 60's / 70's radio look about it, is it noisy with all them fans, how hot?

all the fan are @ 5v in idle/game, i just put them @ 7v during occt load, thanks to noctua fans, it's really quiet :D

this is an old screenshot @ 3.9 ghz ( my 920 takes 4ghz with same vcore) :

In game gpu/vrms are under 60/70 °C
Posted on Reply
Nice, like that you kept the PSU external for extra space :D
Posted on Reply
I'm not usually a fan of the Noctua fan colors, but they look great in this setup. Very nice.
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what kind of keyboard do you use?
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Vagikewhat kind of keyboard do you use?
logitech illuminated :)
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I really like that man ! It remember me of vintage Bakelite radios.
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MohawkAngelI really like that man ! It remember me of vintage Bakelite radios.
thanks :)
Posted on Reply
10/10 IMO.

Very nice job mate! Clean, great color choices, timeless look of the outside of the case and the external PSU was a very good move.
Posted on Reply
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