December 28th 2009
11,015 times
Poor (3.3)
Voting Graph 36 votes total
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Key Features:
Intel CPU AMD Graphics Custom Paint Job
System Specs:
  • E5200 2.5 Overclocked now to 3.0GHZ
  • 2Gig kingston ddr2 800mhz
  • 500Gig Seagate Sata-2
  • Force3D HD4850 1Gig ddr3 Lite-On 20X
Performed Mods:
I sprayed my side panel got 2X80mm thermaltake Fans above my DVD-ROM Cut a 120mm hole in the top of my pc have a 80mm Deepcool blue led fan with a funnel
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91 Comments on DEATH-TRAP


What do u guys think about my pc?:-)
Posted on Reply
its ok...careful with double posting and welcome to TPU!
Posted on Reply

Thanks 4 being honest! and this is a really nice site! im getting a new cpu fan and neons
Posted on Reply
kewl ... try a little wire management and it will be even prettier.
Posted on Reply

Jap im doing my wireing tomorrow! may i ask what did u mean by saying (careful with double posting)?
Posted on Reply
Welcome to TPU! Nice colors, never thought of combining blue with anything else. I would second the cable management (it's tedious), but we all gotta do it sometime.

Double posting is when you post consecutively, you can read all the guidelines here.
Posted on Reply

Thanks man! lol i dnt understand so i may not comment on my own pics? im ganna do the wireing tomorrow an see how it goes if its ugly just ganna remove it then
Posted on Reply
CALIBREThanks man! lol i dnt understand so i may not comment on my own pics?
ya sorry for the should of just edited your picture post to include what you stated in the very next post is all...otherwise wait till someone else makes a post.. or wait the time period.Not sure why tho, maybe to keep people from trying to get high post counts for no good reason...dunno really.
Posted on Reply
CALIBREThanks man! lol i dnt understand so i may not comment on my own pics? im ganna do the wireing tomorrow an see how it goes if its ugly just ganna remove it then
you can definitely comment on your pics, but within the same post. Well, at least that's the way I intend to not get into trouble with the moderators :)
Posted on Reply

Thanks guys so i can comment:-) Hope they dont block me or anything:-D I'll add some more pics when i get my cpu cooler and noens and do my wireing
Posted on Reply
kewl looking forward to them pics.
Posted on Reply

Thanks man glad to knw there r nice ppl in the world
Posted on Reply
its kewl man...

i gotta agree with the others dude, hide them cables. it is tedious and depending on your case, mobo, gpu, dvd-rom (sata or ide) and hd(s), it will require alot of planning. Don't be suprised when you make a bunch of changes after you finish! nice mod, and post a few more pics when you get the case cleaned up, i wanna see how it looks then.
Posted on Reply
Thanks ganna take new pics tomorrow did my cables today! happy new year every1
Posted on Reply

Added new pics hope u GUYS like:-)
Posted on Reply
fantastic this case congratulations and welcome to the forum
Posted on Reply

Thanks guys 4 the comments:-) and to Hunt3r thanks man
Posted on Reply
nice changes bro,

I like the changes, very unique; especially the 2 80mm's over the dvd. :-) Did that 120 underneath the gpu help drop temps? i have a sli set up and the bottom one gets pretty toasty due to the lack of clearance for air flow. i'm thinking of adding a 120mm hole & fan on the bottom of my case and adding bigger case feet to allow more flow to it. again, nice revisions dude.
Posted on Reply
Nice blend of colors. I like "normal" pcs like that! Next step would be to try and do some management with your cables ;)
Posted on Reply

by oqsajec (January 5th - 12:58 AM) - Reply
I like the changes, very unique; especially the 2 80mm's over the dvd. :-) Did that 120 underneath the gpu help drop temps? i have a sli set up and the bottom one gets pretty toasty due to the lack of clearance for air flow. i'm thinking of adding a 120mm hole & fan on the bottom of my case and adding bigger case feet to allow more flow to it. again, nice revisions dude.
Thanks man!!! its taken me about a week to decide if i must put the fans above my dvd-rom
the 120mm fan under my gpu dropped my temps about 7'C If u can get say a 120mm with gud airflow u will drop the temps IMO just with the 120mm on the bottem of my gpu make sure u make say a 3-5cm space between the fan and the bottem of ur case i noticed that if u dnt have space there is no airflow:-) let me knw if this worrks 4 u:-)
Posted on Reply

by assaulter_99 (January 5th - 1:04 AM) - Reply
Nice blend of colors. I like "normal" pcs like that! Next step would be to try and do some management with your cables ;)
I've tried everything to help my cable management:-) even tucked most of my cables behind my MOBO! must be becouse i have 10 fans in thats why i got so much cables! anyway hope u guys like my rig:-) an if u have any ideas on how to help me with my cables of modding ideas plz tell:-)
Posted on Reply

Im adding to 2 more 80mm green fans to improve my airflow
Posted on Reply
I voted 1/10 because:

What's the point of your overclock? 2.5 to 2.7 is what noobs do with overclocking software. Your build is pretty weak with ddr 800 and a single 4k series card.
Posted on Reply

I voted 1/10 because:

What's the point of your overclock? 2.5 to 2.7 is what noobs do with overclocking software. Your build is pretty weak with ddr 800 and a single 4k series card.

Then what was ur point of maken a comment ey? just couse ur pc is a P1 dasnt mean u goto be jelouse
Posted on Reply
looking alot better ..nice job cleaning the spider web of wires up!:)
Posted on Reply

by DRDNA (January 7th - 3:49 PM) - Reply
looking alot better ..nice job cleaning the spider web of wires up!:)

Thanks man:-) toke me some time to do that ! getting a green neon in a week:-) sould make it look better
Posted on Reply
Case Mod Guru
Pretty cool so far...

Dont let comments get to you, if you ask for peoples opinions they are gonna offer them (even if its not something you wanted)
Posted on Reply

Pretty cool so far...

Dont let comments get to you, if you ask for peoples opinions they are gonna offer them (even if its not something you wanted)

thanks bud! i knw i just dnt like ppl brakening me down u knw! not every1 in the world has the cash to buy a monster of a pc but yeah every1 has there own opion
Posted on Reply
Learn to use the quote button

CALIBREI voted 1/10 because:

What's the point of your overclock? 2.5 to 2.7 is what noobs do with overclocking software. Your build is pretty weak with ddr 800 and a single 4k series card.

Then what was ur point of maken a comment ey? just couse ur pc is a P1 dasnt mean u goto be jelouse
The point being why include such a skim overclock? 200Mhz isn't anything of a performance increase.
Posted on Reply

by mlee49 (January 7th - 4:16 PM) - Reply
Learn to use the quote button

what u mean
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
i'm giving you a 1/10

its a budget PC with a tiny overclock, that looks likes a christmas tree was stuffed into the case and held together with duct tape.

Its also got zero cable management - wrapping your wires in electrical tape is also ugly and a bad idea, as the glue will melt and cause you all sorts of problems later.

I decided to come and see how awesome your system was, since you seem to vote every other case out there a 1/10 - and honestly, your PC is crap in comparison to many you've voted down.
Posted on Reply
I voted 1/10 because:

Being one of my first votes, my initial 6/10 seemed way too high after seeing other mods that more than thoroughly deserve a 10. I have now seen enough case mods as to have a solid idea as to what principles I shall guide future scores by.

Lack of cable management, duct tape used in a way that can't even be described as ghetto modding and use of sub 120mm fans on an ATX case coupled with an insignificant overclock can no longer warrant a 6/10. I shall endeavour to stick with my principles hereforth to ensure inpartial and correct scoring.

User withdrew this vote on: Jan 14 2010 15:36
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
I voted 1/10 because:

I agree with Mussels on all points

User withdrew this vote on: Jan 8 2010 20:48
Posted on Reply

Thanks 4 being honest i dnt mind what u guys think ey! honestly i love my pc:-) so thanks again
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
CALIBREThanks 4 being honest i dnt mind what u guys think ey! honestly i love my pc:-) so thanks again
i was being a dick, since you were being a dick rating other PC's 1/10.

At least you can take what you give, you earned some respect back there.
Posted on Reply

i was being a dick, since you were being a dick rating other PC's 1/10.

At least you can take what you give, you earned some respect back there.

i cant even remeber who i voted a 1 for and who eva it is i apologize
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
CALIBREi was being a dick, since you were being a dick rating other PC's 1/10.

At least you can take what you give, you earned some respect back there.

i cant even remeber who i voted a 1 for and who eva it is i apologize
i did a search for all posts you ever made, you gave several. Most recent, was the guy who made the companion cube case.

BTW, hit the "quote" button - it makes more sense than slapping my text in the middle of your post
Posted on Reply

Ok man i understand ur point i was a dick ey! il withdraw my vote and give a proper vote! thanks agian:-)
Posted on Reply
i voted 1/10 it's real ugly..
and, i hate that you vote 1.10's on mods that are getting 10/10. u should'nt be here on tpu
Posted on Reply

Dasnt matter :-) thanks
Posted on Reply
I voted 6/10 because:

good job all over. Alright cable management the colour of the fans is a bit strange, no real colour scheme
Posted on Reply
ste2425I voted 6/10 because:

good job all over. Alright cable management the colour of the fans is a bit strange, no real colour scheme
Thanks man! yeah the colour's r strange lol! i didnt knw aht i wanted between blue re or grenn so i made a mix! but im ganna change my colour to blue :-) and getting a new psu
Posted on Reply
CALIBREThanks man! yeah the colour's r strange lol! i didnt knw aht i wanted between blue re or grenn so i made a mix! but im ganna change my colour to blue :-) and getting a new psu
sounds good wat you getting?
Posted on Reply
ste2425sounds good wat you getting?
Vantec ioN2 van-600watt
Posted on Reply
ste2425hmmm kwl not too sure if its a good brand or not but im sure others on here will be able to provide comments :P
And im looking to get the coolermaster ammo 533:-D

or the Thermaltake Blue_Evo 750W PSU
Posted on Reply
Super XP
CALIBREAnd im looking to get the coolermaster ammo 533:-D

or the Thermaltake Blue_Evo 750W PSU
If you are looking for a mid tower, I would most definitely go for the CoolerMaster HAF 922. It’s the biggest/small case I've seen yet. It has so much space inside you can work very easily putting your stuff in there just like the larger HAF 932 and yet it's smaller in height.

Posted on Reply
If you haven't purchased the PSU yet, there is a really good guide on this forum that should help you get a good quality one. Last thing you want is for it to crap out on you.
PSU Guide thread
Posted on Reply
mlee49I voted 1/10 because:

What's the point of your overclock? 2.5 to 2.7 is what noobs do with overclocking software. Your build is pretty weak with ddr 800 and a single 4k series card.
He wasn't exactly asking about his overclocking ability or his build. He was asking about his mod. Such posts make you sound like an asshole, your use of the word "noob" reinforces it. If you want to make a criticism I might suggest you try to make it constructive instead of trying to extend your e-peen.
huracoi voted 1/10 it's real ugly..
and, i hate that you vote 1.10's on mods that are getting 10/10. u should'nt be here on tpu
Who are you to decide who should and should not be here?

Sorry to go all "hero of the internet" but baseless and un-constructive criticism makes me mad. Saying things like the above will drive new people away/stop people from posting mods in our (what are supposed to be) very friendly forums!

Ontopic, I like the mod, it looks like a rave party!
Posted on Reply
mlee49I voted 1/10 because:

What's the point of your overclock? 2.5 to 2.7 is what noobs do with overclocking software. Your build is pretty weak with ddr 800 and a single 4k series card.
LOL, we all have to start somewere, my first build was an athlon 2800+ on an MSI kt400 ultra with 1x512mb 1x128mb and 1x256mb ddr400 and a geforce 3 ti200 (which i later upgraded to a geforce 4 ti4200) i thout my computer was the best loved it :)
CALIBREVantec ioN2 van-600watt
Ive got a Vantec ion2 its seems like a good psu I've had it in my system for over a year and its going strong still. not good if your planning on crossfiring though
Posted on Reply
MK4512He wasn't exactly asking about his overclocking ability or his build. He was asking about his mod. Such posts make you sound like an asshole, your use of the word "noob" reinforces it. If you want to make a criticism I might suggest you try to make it constructive instead of trying to extend your e-peen.

Who are you to decide who should and should not be here?

Sorry to go all "hero of the internet" but baseless and un-constructive criticism makes me mad. Saying things like the above will drive new people away/stop people from posting mods in our (what are supposed to be) very friendly forums!

Ontopic, I like the mod, it looks like a rave party!
Thanks alot man:-) ah was aiming for a rave party but love my lights
Posted on Reply
Super XPIf you are looking for a mid tower, I would most definitely go for the CoolerMaster HAF 922. It’s the biggest/small case I've seen yet. It has so much space inside you can work very easily putting your stuff in there just like the larger HAF 932 and yet it's smaller in height.

I love the HAF 922 i just love it but its expensive here in South Africa:-)
Posted on Reply
KieXIf you haven't purchased the PSU yet, there is a really good guide on this forum that should help you get a good quality one. Last thing you want is for it to crap out on you.
PSU Guide thread
Thanks man will do:-) i need all the help i can get on a tight bougte
Posted on Reply
troyrae360LOL, we all have to start somewere, my first build was an athlon 2800+ on an MSI kt400 ultra with 1x512mb 1x128mb and 1x256mb ddr400 and a geforce 3 ti200 (which i later upgraded to a geforce 4 ti4200) i thout my computer was the best loved it :)

Ive got a Vantec ion2 its seems like a good psu I've had it in my system for over a year and its going strong still. not good if your planning on crossfiring though
How the cable management on it man?:-)
Posted on Reply
CALIBREHow the cable management on it man?:-)
No cable managment system as such, but all sleaved in blue, it really is a good psu for half the price of other named brands.

comes with good warrenty, thats why i took the risk and purchesed, check my specs it runs all my hardware easiley

I would say that the 600watt would be even better than mine as mines only a 550watt
Posted on Reply
troyrae360No cable managment system as such, but all sleaved in blue, it really is a good psu for half the price of other named brands.

comes with good warrenty, thats why i took the risk and purchesed, check my specs it runs all my hardware easiley

I would say that the 600watt would be even better than mine as mines only a 550watt
Thanks mate:-) i cant wait man i like blue sleeving
Posted on Reply
CALIBREThanks alot man:-) ah was aiming for a rave party but love my lights
CALIBREI love the HAF 922 i just love it but its expensive here in South Africa:-)
CALIBREThanks man will do:-) i need all the help i can get on a tight bougte
CALIBREHow the cable management on it man?:-)
just a friendly heads up rather then leave tones of posts onr after the other edit the first, mods prefer this, just leave aedit: then ur post or something
Posted on Reply
Super XP
CALIBREI love the HAF 922 i just love it but its expensive here in South Africa:-)
Darn, its that much expensive? It's a great price here in Canada and the USA. Perhaps you can wait a little longer to gather some more cash for the HAF 922 or wait for a sale. Reason I am asking is because this case could be the case you will ever need in a long time.
Posted on Reply
I voted 6/10 because:

I dont like to vote 1 on any mod.
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
just so this is clear:

CALIBRE apologised for his behaviour, its a done deal.

Feel free to vote low if you dont like his system, but dont vote low just because of what he did.
Posted on Reply
MK4512He wasn't exactly asking about his overclocking ability or his build. He was asking about his mod. Such posts make you sound like an asshole, your use of the word "noob" reinforces it. If you want to make a criticism I might suggest you try to make it constructive instead of trying to extend your e-peen.
You can lead a horse to water but cannot force it to drink.

Calibre has posted in the case gallery many times, most notably his rating of the Companion Cube of a 1/10 "Because its ugly".

I critiqued his addition of using an overclock, yet he has yet to make 1 single post outside of the Case Gallery section. Perhaps he should make an effort to learn how to overclock. :rolleyes:
Posted on Reply
ste2425just a friendly heads up rather then leave tones of posts onr after the other edit the first, mods prefer this, just leave aedit: then ur post or something
What do u mean man?
Posted on Reply
Super XPDarn, its that much expensive? It's a great price here in Canada and the USA. Perhaps you can wait a little longer to gather some more cash for the HAF 922 or wait for a sale. Reason I am asking is because this case could be the case you will ever need in a long time.
Yeah:-) its expensive here i think i will save up 4 it becouse it s stunning case! but i wanna wait for the new HAF
Posted on Reply
labellel67I voted 6/10 because:

I dont like to vote 1 on any mod.
Thanks man
Posted on Reply
Musselsjust so this is clear:

CALIBRE apologised for his behaviour, its a done deal.

Feel free to vote low if you dont like his system, but dont vote low just because of what he did.
Thanks man an if every1 must knw lol im getting rid of my duct tape! getting red cable management cables
Posted on Reply
mlee49You can lead a horse to water but cannot force it to drink.

Calibre has posted in the case gallery many times, most notably his rating of the Companion Cube of a 1/10 "Because its ugly".

I critiqued his addition of using an overclock, yet he has yet to make 1 single post outside of the Case Gallery section. Perhaps he should make an effort to learn how to overclock. :rolleyes:
As u can see i knw how to overclock i've overclockedd to a 3'Ghz im not ganna overclock higher since i have a stupid cooler
Posted on Reply
Dude, for the love of god stop going around rating every single freaking case in the gallery a 10 and then expecting people to return the favor to yours.
Posted on Reply
SNiiPE_DoGGDude, for the love of god stop going around rating every single freaking case in the gallery a 10 and then expecting people to return the favor to yours.
Ok this is really going to far i wanna knw whats up with u ppl? i voted 10/10 on pcs that i like ok! if i voted 1/10 ppl tune me kak but nw that im voten nicely 10/10 ppl ganna come and tune me kak? id rather not vote at all
Posted on Reply
Super XPDarn, its that much expensive? It's a great price here in Canada and the USA. Perhaps you can wait a little longer to gather some more cash for the HAF 922 or wait for a sale. Reason I am asking is because this case could be the case you will ever need in a long time.
I confirm that it is expensive! I paid my 922 $144 and I live maybe only a thousand kms from South Africa. And forget about buying it on the net then shipping it, it'll cost twice!
Posted on Reply
assaulter_99I confirm that it is expensive! I paid my 922 $144 and I live maybe only a thousand kms from South Africa. And forget about buying it on the net then shipping it, it'll cost twice!
Yeah i agree! where u from? we got a nice webpage here online pc shopping that anything u buy is R50 postage
Posted on Reply
Super XP
CALIBREYeah:-) its expensive here i think i will save up 4 it becouse it s stunning case! but i wanna wait for the new HAF
Oh, yes I heard about that. I think CoolerMaster calls it the HAF X.
Posted on Reply
Super XPOh, yes I heard about that. I think CoolerMaster calls it the HAF X.
Yeah its ganna have 2X 230mm fans on the side pannel thats ganna be huge
Posted on Reply
CALIBREYeah i agree! where u from? we got a nice webpage here online pc shopping that anything u buy is R50 postage
Mauritius, couple of miles into the indian ocean. Btw, whats the page?
Posted on Reply
assaulter_99Mauritius, couple of miles into the indian ocean. Btw, whats the page?
Its really nice and cheap i think prophecy can post 2 u
Posted on Reply
It's nice.. i like the color..maybe you should change the monitor..
Posted on Reply
skullboks23It's nice.. i like the color..maybe you should change the monitor..
Yeah i agree lol! ganna be getting myself a 22'lcd LG in a month or 2! waiting 4 my pay
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
aahhh! god!

use the EDIT button, instead of multiple posts in a row. PLEASE!
Posted on Reply
I voted 10/10 because:

Give and reveive, its a worldwide law !
Posted on Reply
Musselsaahhh! god!

use the EDIT button, instead of multiple posts in a row. PLEASE!
i tried to warn you before a mod said it mate. Next to posts you post theres an eddit button allong the bottom with the quote buttons click it an you can edit your own posts to add extra things instead of puttin a new post and cluttering up the forum
Posted on Reply
boulard83I voted 10/10 because:

Give and reveive, its a worldwide law !
Thanks an i agree
Posted on Reply
ste2425i tried to warn you before a mod said it mate. Next to posts you post theres an eddit button allong the bottom with the quote buttons click it an you can edit your own posts to add extra things instead of puttin a new post and cluttering up the forum
Still dont get what u guys mean :-)
Posted on Reply
Interesting mod and colorfull too.
Clean up your cables a little and I will change my vote.
Posted on Reply
Case Mod Guru
this thread is the perfect example why the # system should be dropped...

If nothing else you should have to have a minimum of posts to vote in the case gallery
Posted on Reply
nt400I voted 9/10 because:

Nice try. I give you credit for trying something like this. Good Job!
Thank u very much:-)
Posted on Reply
Eat, sleep, game!
boulard83I voted 10/10 because:

Give and reveive, its a worldwide law !
Thats one of the saddest things Ive ever read on TPU (and Ive been here a while!)

You dont just vote 10 so you can get a 10 back on your own case.....thats pathetic.

If somethings a turd, call it a turd, if its great, reflect it in your vote.

Honesty is the best policy.

I dont mean to sound rude, but this PC is clearly not '10' material, even if it was mine, I would say the same thing!
Posted on Reply
HookeyStreetThats one of the saddest things Ive ever read on TPU (and Ive been here a while!)

You dont just vote 10 so you can get a 10 back on your own case.....thats pathetic.

If somethings a turd, call it a turd, if its great, reflect it in your vote.

Honesty is the best policy.

I dont mean to sound rude, but this PC is clearly not '10' material, even if it was mine, I would say the same thing!
Yeah mate and not every body in this world has tons of cash to blow on there pc's ey im just showing my pc besides i love it i dnt care what ppl think of it!
Posted on Reply
CALIBREYeah mate and not every body in this world has tons of cash to blow on there pc's ey im just showing my pc besides i love it i dnt care what ppl think of it!
thats the most sensible thing ive heard all day an im glad to hear it. Thats the main thing as long as your satisfied with your pc then every can say you need this an that or everythings wrong but as long as you like it who cares
Posted on Reply
Eat, sleep, game!
CALIBREYeah mate and not every body in this world has tons of cash to blow on there pc's ey im just showing my pc besides i love it i dnt care what ppl think of it!
I dont have tons of cash either m8. Im just saying that voting 10 so you get 10 back is sad. Im glad your pleased with your PC.
Posted on Reply
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Oct 18th, 2024 18:28 EDT change timezone

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