Un poco de polvo

May 7th 2006
11,212 times
Really ugly (1.5)
Voting Graph 10 votes total
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Key Features:
Intel CPU
System Specs:
  • 32 mb ram, 6 gb dd, 266 mhz, y polvo de 4 años
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25 Comments on Un poco de polvo


DUDE why are posting this on this gallery. Yeah we get the point, it's hella dusty. But this is a mod gallery, not a "I am too lazy to clean my pc" gallery. Cmon, dont send out the wrong message bro, and remove it plz. I love this site and have posted many of my works here. I do not appreciate postings like your's which basically diminish the theme of the gallery.
Posted on Reply
not a suicide-bomber
Take the first 3 pictures and maybe you aint gonna get a lot of 1 and 2
Posted on Reply
got that right
Posted on Reply
un poco de polvo? tienes que decirnos que estas usando el sarcasmo. nadie de nosotros habla espanol. Y tambien, porque pusiste este aqui? este sitio (?yo pienso) no existe para computadoras viejas y sucias, pero gracias para la leccion sobre lo que va a pasar si nadie la limpia.
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Graphical Hacker
LOL, not a "beauty" but still up to snuff at being a server. PIIs are still ok by my standards.
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PVTCaboose1337LOL, not a "beauty" but still up to snuff at being a server. PIIs are still ok by my standards.
Yeah, I'm thinking this machine has some use as a linux dedicated server. It's certainly good to know I don't have the oldest computer on here :P.
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Nice dust mod, but I have seen much worse.
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I dont see how a comp could get so dusty. I mean it has no case fans, has it just been left somewhere?
Posted on Reply
Power supply fan has enough power to make such a dust mess.
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I didnt think of that, The comp would of have to of been left on undisturbed for a long time tho
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terrible...this post should be deleted.
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Right but thats a piece of crap. no question about it. ^.^
Posted on Reply
ha! true.

I'm a student tech at my hs, and we have all sorts of computers just like that one. and the district won't shell out any cash for new systems.

So i'm thinking of building a 2 story tall monolith of failed computers like this one, and place it outside the district office.
Posted on Reply
That would be funny.

Which gets me thinking...i could post my IBM clone that i put inside my old case hmmmmm...WHAT!? its sorta modified. haha.
oh and guys don't forget to come by my post and vote for my box ^.^

Posted on Reply
you know, a mod i've wanted to do for a long time is mod my comp into an old g4 apple case i have lying around. but its sort of small, and would need water cooling to be effective. and i'm not made of money....
Posted on Reply
haha yeah great random , now you've got me looking for a video card...im totally gonna mod the ibm tower -.- LOL
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Neo_182haha yeah great random , now you've got me looking for a video card...im totally gonna mod the ibm tower -.- LOL
Gah its one of those old socket A type cpu : | well ill see what i can do.
Posted on Reply
haha its worth a shot.

or maybe a micro atx in a nes box.....
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El pedazo sin valor de mierda
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i_am_mustang_manun poco de polvo? tienes que decirnos que estas usando el sarcasmo. nadie de nosotros habla espanol. Y tambien, porque pusiste este aqui? este sitio (?yo pienso) no existe para computadoras viejas y sucias, pero gracias para la leccion sobre lo que va a pasar si nadie la limpia.
Posted on Reply
not a suicide-bomber
un poco de polvo? tienes que decirnos que estas usando el sarcasmo. nadie de nosotros habla espanol. Y tambien, porque pusiste este aqui? este sitio (?yo pienso) no existe para computadoras viejas y sucias, pero gracias para la leccion sobre lo que va a pasar si nadie la limpia.
translates to;

a bit of dust? you have to say you're using sarcasm, none of us speak spanish. And why did you post it here? this place (?i think) doesn't exist for old crap and ful of dust computers, but i thank you for the lesson on what happens when you doesn't clean your putter
Posted on Reply
I voted 1/10 because:

too old of a computer man
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