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Big Bertha

April 30th 2010
9,098 times
Excellent (6.1)
Voting Graph 11 votes total
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Key Features:
System Specs:
  • SilverStone RaVeN RV02B-W
  • Asus M3A32MVP-Deluxe
  • Athlon x2 7750BE @3000MHz
  • Tuniq Tower 120 with CM 90CFM 2k rpm Sickle blade fan blue LED
  • HIS ATI Radeon HD5770Fan 1GB 920/1250 and
  • Vantek BGA sinks on DDR5 RAM
  • 2x WD2500AAKS (raid0)
  • 3x Samsung HD502IJ (storage)
Performed Mods:
Soon to have better lighting as it looks like the Bat cave in a power outage (bloody dark)
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38 Comments on Big Bertha

Hey I was gonna do that

Aint finish my first build yet, but already have parts for my second. Love the raven 2 cases!!!!!
Was even planning on the same cpu cooler only the extreme version. So anyway I'm gonna have to think further outside of the box to be original- if thats even possible. Cable management with this case set up is going to be interesting. Thanks for helping me see what could be. Good job. 5/10
Posted on Reply
cool thanks for the view and the vote ..

another hdd cage is on the way for the top 2 hdd's cable management should be better but i need some longer cables but I seem to be unable to find anything i like or that are long enough I'd like some new AC ryan cables (the blues ones) but finding them in 75cm lengths is proving tough... I've also just ordered some white LEDs to go in there I'll see how that looks i may just go with a couple of 30cm UV cathodes yet
Posted on Reply
Try they have lots of extensions and sleeved cables
Posted on Reply
thanks for the heads up but i live in New Zealand
Posted on Reply
WTF is a SATA III cable from what I've read there should be NO difference between SATA 2 and SATA 3 except the speed other wise it wouldn't be backward compatible now would it
Posted on Reply
Please if your gonna vote atleast leave an msg don't just do drive by votes thanks
Posted on Reply
not-so supermod
Ones removed;)

I would vote, but I dont because I mod the section. I dont see this as deserving a 1.
Posted on Reply
Nice work with the case.
I got myself a Raven 2 but needed to accommodate 6 HDD's. Got 3 Evercool Armour's (I just put 2 HDD's in each). HDD temps 31c - 36c. I recommend using these rather than the cage included, I hated having to take the mobo out just to swap a HDD.
Also I had to remove, dismantle and superglue the insides of the screwless mechanisms for the 5.25" drive bays.
Also, one of the side panel screw threads disappeared straight away - can't get a screw to secure the side panel on, it just keeps turning!
Have you experienced any problems with the case?
Posted on Reply
you mean other than a DOA HDD led ass about face power/reset switches and a lack of HDD bays then no not really ... I used the 3 hdd bay that was included and bought an lian li EX-33N 3 x 5.25 > 4x 3.5" with 120mm fan on the front, I found that by removing 3 or 4 of the drive bay place holders behind the front plastic face you can install and remove the HDD cage without having to remove the MOBO...

Temps are pretty good even with 3 HDD's in the SS cage the middle ones temp is sitting at only 25c the two outer ones are at 23c and the other 2 in raid0 are colder than my fingers

SilverStone HDD cage = 3x SamSung HD502IJ (500GB) 7200rpm 16MB cache storage

Lian Li EX-33N HDD Cage = 2x Western Digital WD2500AAJS (2x250GB) 7200rpm 8MB cache RAID0 boot
Posted on Reply
Now you mention it, where the bloody hell's my HDD LED!?!
Thanks man, very useful info. Didn't figure about getting the cage out from the front! Looks like I'll be following a couple of your ideas...
Someone said to me "That's what you get when you buy the cheaper model and not the Fortress"
I said "I spent £110 on a case. I want something that's worth £110."
Amazing case, poor build quality in places. Bit of a p*sstake really.
Posted on Reply
not-so supermod
HDD LED is in the white plastic at the top.

IIRC there is a red LED between the two blue ones.
Posted on Reply
not in mine it's a nice blue one now ;)

just to mention your HDD LED may not be dead just wired the wrong way round if it's not working just flip the front panel connector around on the mobo header pins if it still isn't working after that it's DOA and mine cost me $269 bucks it's a well designed case just built in a cheap(read CRAP) arse Chinese factory where QA doesn't exist
Posted on Reply
7/10 Nice setup. Its a little bit untidy though. :p
Posted on Reply
HDD LED is there the blue just drowns out the red is all have to look close. Have the same case thinking about water cooling my temps are not that great. Your case looks great Athlonite 6/10.
Posted on Reply
thanks Fatal I replaced mine with a nice super bright Blue LED

and thanks mdsx1950 I know it's a little untidy am leaving it that way untill i can find some longer UV Blue SATA cables with a 90 degree end as the ones I have are just a smidgen to short to allow for better management... Hopefully in the next month or so I can find some that
a: I like the look of and
b: I can buy them here ( New Zealand )
Posted on Reply
Thanks from me too, Fatal. You really have to look hard for the light!
My overall temps have been better since putting the Evercools in the front drive bays, but my C4F NB temps are really winding me up.
Posted on Reply
No problem at all guys I was upset too I didn't see the light. Since my case is on the left of me on the floor I was able to spot the red HHD light. It is a great case I do like mine a sleeving kit for the wires is a must. This is the kit I want to purchase you can order on the UK site I believe they have some in stock.

I put my Corsair H50 on the bottom rear fan as an intake my temps were not up to par for me when set as an exhaust. I also have my PSU mounted so its pulling the case air out. Never thought to try and mount a fan up front will have to look into that.
Posted on Reply
yeah there's plenty of room once you remove the drive buy place holders I'll remove the front bezel and take a pic to show you shortly
Posted on Reply
Cool thanks a lot I am just trying to get the best airflow I can get with this case. It kind of sucks how the front panels are I like the look and would hate to remove more panels. I may do a Stealth MOD for the DVD player.
Posted on Reply
there it is it has around ~8>9mm of gap between the inside of the front Bezel and front of Fan so you don't need to remove the drive bay covers from the front bezel just the steel place holders where the drives fit into

Posted on Reply
hmm I just noticed that even the silverstone HDD cage wouldn't be at all hard to mod to enable an 120mm fan to be screwed to it's front either not that those HDD's are hot by any means low 20's is only just warm as they sit basically right on top of the 180mm bottom fan
Posted on Reply
I just bought 3 of these SilverStone FN181LED fans to replace the 3 bottom intake fans

Should look pretty awesome when they're in
Posted on Reply
Athlonitethere it is it has around ~8>9mm of gap between the inside of the front Bezel and front of Fan so you don't need to remove the drive bay covers from the front bezel just the steel place holders where the drives fit into
Did this lower your temps? My graphics card would block most of the air flow. Looking forward to see those new fans in it should look nice.
Posted on Reply
err I bought it mainly for the cage a fan on it was an extra I spose it is sorta blowin a bit of air in that direction but as there's an 2 port sata/esata card in the road its probably not getting to the video card but temps at idle are in the mid 30's and at full noise using F@H I get upto 66 °C (151 °F)
which i think is quite OK for the small HSF that's on it...

and yes I'm lookin forward to a much brighter view inside my case those fans should look quite nice as it's usually darker than the bat cave in a power cut I'll be sure an put up pics when they're in and goin
Posted on Reply
The fans should be here either tomorrow or friday woohoo can't wait I'll even have a new desk on which to show everything off on
Posted on Reply
hey Fatal you do realise that the bottom 3 fans on low speed setting 700rpm these fans pump 100cfm each and at hi speed 1000rpm they put out around 130cfm so your not going to get much better than that unless your willing to mod the side panel window to hold one of those antec bigboy fans you know the 200mm ones that do something like 600 700 800rpm and pump out 84~134cfm
Posted on Reply
Looks like I will have no other choice than to go full water cooled then. I Just have to look for the set up I like then I will buy it. I have been looking around found some ok deals on stuff.
Posted on Reply
What HSF does your GPU have on it stock or non stock 3rd party
Posted on Reply
Eat, sleep, game!
Very, very nice :) A solid 7 from me ;)
Posted on Reply
HookeyStreetVery, very nice :) A solid 7 from me ;)
thankyou HookeyStreet please keep watchin it's going to get a lot better
Posted on Reply
Eat, sleep, game!
Athlonitethankyou HookeyStreet please keep watchin it's going to get a lot better
Will do m8 :)
Posted on Reply
I didn't want to put the top honey comb covers back on as they'd block half the LED light and I'm a wee bit miffed as they didn't come with the HI/lo switches like the originals had
Posted on Reply
Looking good I had some 12inch Dual white cold cathode’s in my case but the window you can see a lot of dust. I then bought some UV lights and it looked purple so I took them out. How does it look with the case cover on? Just wondering they look like they put out some great lighting.
Posted on Reply
As soon as i get my new desk in on Saturday I'll up some pics of what they look like with the side panel on as the desk I have at the mo covers most of the window, but from what I can see it's not to bad there's even an nice under glow from the case aswell nothing really bright you couldn't see to use the keyboard by it but just a subtle blue glow directly under the case :D
Posted on Reply
As promised some new pics have been upped

Posted on Reply
Wow that blue really does shine and I can see below there is light as well. Its freaking hot here so I have been working on lowering my temps will have to lower my overclock I am sure. Least the window on the case is on the right side I am sure would be difficult having it on the left.
Posted on Reply
I voted 10/10 because:

Love the case and the MB he is using is the little bro to mines.
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Mar 4th, 2025 21:39 EST change timezone

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