Borg Cube

August 5th 2012
40,459 times
Incredible (8.5)
Voting Graph 47 votes total
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Key Features:
High Rated Intel CPU NVIDIA Graphics Scratch Build Custom Paint Job Small Form Factor
System Specs:
  • i7 3770K
  • 8GB Crucial Balistix Tracer G/R
  • Asus P8Z77-I Deluxe
  • EVGA GTX 670 FTW
  • Samsung 830 256GB
  • Crucial M4 256GB
  • Corsair H60
Performed Mods:
Build case from scratch using cardboard and metalwire. Treated the cardboard with woodglue by doing so it becomes as though and smooth as sanded wood. After that the case was Airbrushed in gunmetal black with a 'mist' of silver. I made a removable motherboard tray as wel as a removable drive tray for the system. The CPU is overclocked to 4Ghz, and the graphics card to 1150core/1600mem.
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22 Comments on Borg Cube

Oh my borg mother!
That staff is...
...(uhm) sooo borg! Be aware of assimilation, dude! :D
I give u a big 10!
Posted on Reply
Resistance is
Posted on Reply
8/10 for originality
Posted on Reply
I voted 4/10 because:

I just dont like the mod, it is a square box
Posted on Reply
Sah7dI voted 4/10 because:

I just dont like the mod, it is a square box
'the next generation' ;) of modders/computer enthusiast that doens't really know about old star trek series, and the borg end up not appreciating the mod as much as those that do and thats ok.

Sure it hurts a little when someone calls a project that took over 250 hours to build just 'a square box' but thats how the internet works everybody has their own oppinion and are free to give it.

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Fishfaced Nincompoop
Doesn't look like cardboard. Awesome anyway!
Posted on Reply
cool, its like Cybertron in square
i love the detail
Posted on Reply
awesome!!! great job, congratulation!
Posted on Reply
Resident Wat-man
Classic. I love it just because it's a Borg cube. :)
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Random Murderer
The Anti-Midas
Gorgeous, truly a work of art.
Tell me, does it regenerate if damaged?:D
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I gave it a 9/10! Simply amazing work. :toast:
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That is truly an amazing piece of work. Congratulations on your patience and imagination. Two thumbs up!
Posted on Reply
XorArch'the next generation' ;) of modders/computer enthusiast that doens't really know about old star trek series, and the borg end up not appreciating the mod as much as those that do and thats ok.

Sure it hurts a little when someone calls a project that took over 250 hours to build just 'a square box' but thats how the internet works everybody has their own oppinion and are free to give it.

Lmao, Really if someone can't see that insane amount of detail and see just a box than you really should not take the comment into account.

Amazing job 10/10 from me.
I want to know if or where anyone sells modded cases, I think my son (And so would I) would think that a borg cube case, would kick some serious........
Posted on Reply
Very cool. Tell me you designed a UI to go with it :p
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Sep 26th, 2024 18:47 EDT change timezone

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