
June 14th 2013
6,735 times
Superb (7.6)
Voting Graph 13 votes total
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Key Features:
High Rated Scratch Build Water-cooled
System Specs:
  • room for 2 480 rads, a 240 and a 120
  • 8 drive bay slots
  • 2 plain drawers
  • room for 14 fans
  • supports any motherboard form factor
Performed Mods:
I made it from scratch!!
I made this at school in my last year. It took quite the while to build it but its finaly finished. its made from mdf with a Frensh oak vineer on top. The drive bay construction may look somwhat unorthodox but hey its 99.99% wood ^^ It took me about half a year to build it with 2 "4hour lessons" a week. for most of the work i used the cnc becouse i am lazy and i like to do my work sitting, also becouse of high pricision and stuff xp The most pain in my but was the actual drawing of the plans as teatshers where constantly complaining about irrelevant little things like dimension lines P___P My evaluation is next tuesday so fingers crossed xD Leave a comment and tell me what you think. I'm willing to share my cad drawings if you want to make one too ;p
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12 Comments on CookieJar

Wow! Amazing! Great job wansaby! :)
Posted on Reply
Very nice work! I hope you get to fill it up with some very good parts...
Posted on Reply
i have yet to choose the fans that are going on the outside does any 1 have any recomendation for nice looking fans good for my sr1-480 rads?
Posted on Reply
Very well thought out case, you should be very proud of your accomplishment. Can't wait to see it finished and filled with high end parts (assuming you can afford the $ to do this build). I'm sure everyone here would love to see it when it's done. Thermal and acoustic performance should be great, and it looks like fine furniture, so it would be right at home in the living room or den for an insane gaming rig minus the fighter plane aesthetics....
Posted on Reply
adulaaminVery nice work! I hope you get to fill it up with some very good parts...
Sure will, but it's a shame it will have to wait as my savings are going to my laptop for my university studies next year :/ we need quite a beefy laptop for where I'm going.
but my current snail could sit in there waiting for an upgrade xD
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Random Murderer
The Anti-Midas
Excellent work!
Subscribing to hear what grade you get and to hopefully see some pics of the case with hardware in it.
Posted on Reply
I voted 2/10 because:

Posted on Reply
You need to start a build log / thread on this thing please!!!!!!! Excellent work
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Jumper23I voted 2/10 because:

Do I smell jealousy?

peace :-)
Posted on Reply
Thanks for all the positive reactions guys xD
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Pro Indian Modder
I voted 1/10 because:

because this is for finished projects, not a buildlog....

but it looks like it is going to be epic. wil lgive it a 10 then.
Posted on Reply
Just love your amazing work dude.
Your work is showing the effort which you use in making such kind of fantastic think. I you would ask me to give you marks than i will give you 10/10.
graphic designing melbourne
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