A Window to Alien gutz

September 17th 2006
9,999 times
Excellent (5.5)
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Key Features:
Intel CPU AMD Graphics Water-cooled
System Specs:
  • Asus P4C800e m/b P-4 3.4 Prescott Proc, 600 Watt p/s,XMS 3200c RAM 2g,Soundblaster X-FI Platinum sound,ATI X800 Pro Vid,TV Capture card,2 80mm intake case fans for hard drive cooling
Performed Mods:
saw the other guys Alienware case mod for a window.sorry bro,but kinda tacky,i tried to keep mine using the same symetry as the case as a whole.The proc. and the vid card are water cooled with Thermaltakes bigwater system.
I realize this isn't state of the art as far as hardware goes,i get decent frame rates in Halflife2,Battlefield 2,Counterstrike,Moto Gp ect. The only game i have to throttle down the graphics on is FEAR,(that games a resource hog!!) Anyhow this is my rig and I like it.....till i build my next one that is.BTW the last pic is before i installed the vga block and wrapped all the wires
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11 Comments on A Window to Alien gutz

not bad

hey its better than my mods lol but tell me, how does that thermal take big water perform? i was thinking about getting one...
Posted on Reply
Not too shabby ... at least you kept it nice and simple not like the other dude. A "6" for ya effort and coz I like Alienware ... btw just upgrade ya graphics card, I have an X850XT clocked at Platinum and it runs FEAR smoothe at max and i've manually changed the Res to 1280x1024 in the config file.
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Heedless Psychic
not bad, oc that cpu tho :p have u tried unlocking your x800pro?
Posted on Reply
pbmasterhey its better than my mods lol but tell me, how does that thermal take big water perform? i was thinking about getting one...
dude The Thermaltake Big water system works great!!,installation was super easy but you have to get the waterblock for the vid card seperate.The block fits both AMD and P-4's
Posted on Reply
Ketxxxnot bad, oc that cpu tho :p have u tried unlocking your x800pro?
Where do you find the unlock for it?...I have ATI tool installed but didn't realize an unlock was necessary.I've only seen unlocks for the 9 series cards. BTW the proc is O/ced to a 3.57...havn't pushed it further yet but I will.
Posted on Reply
very nicely , done , well definately a lot better then my attempt , i really did not think it out before i started cuting the side panel for mine , but its good ppl made use of my experience and get the job done right .............. plus green si my fav color too =)
Posted on Reply
Very nice mod... but why did you buy from ailienware? they're so expensive =/
Posted on Reply
infraredVery nice mod... but why did you buy from ailienware? they're so expensive =/
One Word...easy FINANCING.....lol
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an update

just O/Ced to a 3.73....seems thats as far she will go while staying stable
Posted on Reply
mainjet989One Word...easy FINANCING.....lol
definately i fell for that promo deal myself 12 months no interest how can u say NO , lol .............. but i regret paying those fools soo much money for something that i could have build myself for a whole 800 dollars less ............... to be clearly honest.
Posted on Reply
zOaibdefinately i fell for that promo deal myself 12 months no interest how can u say NO , lol .............. but i regret paying those fools soo much money for something that i could have build myself for a whole 800 dollars less ............... to be clearly honest.
i totally agree with you,but seein how only 2 yrs ago i was a complete puter illiterate,got my hans on a used hp P 111 model,got pissed cause it wouldn't run Farcry and fell for the financing trap..lol.....lesson learned!...the next build will be much cheaper now that i'm in the know!!
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