Beer ME

January 3rd 2007
15,139 times
Superb (7.6)
Voting Graph 11 votes total
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Key Features:
High Rated Intel CPU
This modder's other projects:
System Specs:
  • P4 wilamette, 4x128mb RIMM, s3 32Mb, segate 40gb, combo drive. MS 400w
Performed Mods:
As you can se i've took beer case and made my laptop from it :)I've designed it into two levels on first is PSU screwed into bottm asvell HDD. Rom is mounted to top of psu. Then on second level is MBO with all acessories. MBO is screwed into plexiglas so it can move it with it.
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26 Comments on Beer ME

not a suicide-bomber
9/10 :)
put a beer in there
Posted on Reply
Random Murderer
The Anti-Midas
well, 10 is "unique", and i cant think of a better word for it!
Posted on Reply
Plain and simple unique, only thing I'd do differently is high-end components (for the greatest frag box I've ever seen), and maybe a LCS with beer coolant :).
Posted on Reply
cool case

(PS did anyone else notice sandles and socks lol :))
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Graphical Hacker
Needs "beer coolng!" LOL Nice case.
Posted on Reply
Never seen a beer "rack" without bottle deviders. It does need a beer cooler though!
Posted on Reply
well there are about 100 beercase mods made over the time
so i would not call it unique *sorry*
Posted on Reply
"My favourite type of beer eh?, Oh i would like that williamette and some Rambus on top"


I made a shoebox PC before, except the shoebox broke shortly afterwards >_>.
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Majstore lošu gajbu si izabrao, bilo bi bolje da si uzeo gajbu od karlovackog. Ali posto si Hrvat dajem ti 10 jer volis pivu kao i ja :)
E da i jos nesto bilo bi super da je to sve spojeno i da radi, ali koliko vidim stavio si to vise radi fore ali jebiga dobro je dok drugi to ne kuze.
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Knows what makes you tick
It's inovative, thats for sure. 6/10. Combining a computer with a beer case? BRILIANT!!!!!!!
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Heedless Psychic
mmmmmmmm..... beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer. 7\10 :p
Posted on Reply
amazing, a case made out of a beer case, woot ! 10 for ya ;)
Posted on Reply
You throw in anything with Beer and I'm giving it 10/10. Awesome job lol!
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Can you watercool a beer? :)

9/10 for creativity.
Posted on Reply
10 for inventivness i would never think to do something like that.
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Thats a really cool rig! I bet you get alot of good comments at lans :D
Posted on Reply
I could try to cut plexi on side to put one beer in it but i dont thik that it can bee cooled. There is no place.

I+ve changed parts in it. I've found old server mainboard with 2x PIII on 933mhz with rambus and now comp is even faster.

Works great in xp :)
Posted on Reply
ovo si se stvarno dobro sjetio da staviš komp u gajbu. To bi ti trebali platiti iz pivovare jer im radiš reklamu! Drago mi je da se hrvati bave case moddingom-no kod nas još ljudi i neznaju koji je to vrag.
moram ti dati desetku iz orginalnosti!
Gledaj case modding je bio hobi dok sa bio na faxu i prodao sam dvadesetak kučišta ali bez ikakve naknade za modana kučišta. Mislio sam i otvoriti firmu za to ali naše tržište je jednostavno pre slabo za ovakve optimistične projekte.
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mortalGledaj case modding je bio hobi dok sa bio na faxu i prodao sam dvadesetak kučišta ali bez ikakve naknade za modana kučišta. Mislio sam i otvoriti firmu za to ali naše tržište je jednostavno pre slabo za ovakve optimistične projekte.
To svibanj pravedan biti hobi, ali ti si jako dobra i to Mortal!
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