March 29th 2007
6,605 times
Excellent (6.0)
Voting Graph 1 votes total
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Key Features:
Intel CPU NVIDIA Graphics
System Specs:
  • PD 930 3GHz
  • Asus P5LP-LE
  • 3GB DDR2
  • BFG 8800GTS OC 640MB
  • Ultra X-Finity 600W
  • Win XP MC
Performed Mods:
blue lights, side panel cut, new fan.
this is my first post and or mod. cut out side panel, still have to put the plexi, added 2 blue lights, got a new PSU Ultra xfinity 600W. still have to mount the PSU, and i gotta do some cable management. any input is appreciated.
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4 Comments on ZKARIO

Dude wot happened ...?

1. You should put the PSU back inside ... lol.
2. Tuck all those PSU cables behind the drive bays... very easy with the flat cables like yours.
3. Maybe paint the inside & add a Blue LED fan in the back.

and take a few more snaps of the outside and some at a better angle of the inside.

Sorry I ramble.........
Posted on Reply

I'm sorry dude but i can't help but to pity your rig... :(

you got quite some uber pc parts there but they are just not quite insync dude...

go back to the drawing board and conceptualize what you really want to happen to your rig...


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I voted 6/10 because:

Nice hardware. But i think with some work, you could make it way better. Make sure all the cables and everything are very tidy and clean-looking. Try hiding the cables as much as you can.
Posted on Reply
To make the rig better you should put the PSU back inside, tidy the cables, perhaps use some sleeving, add LED fans and change angle of the neon lights (make the straight).
Posted on Reply
Sep 30th, 2024 19:27 EDT change timezone

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