My Old Workhorse

April 11th 2007
6,671 times
Outstanding (6.5)
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Key Features:
AMD CPU AMD Graphics Custom Paint Job
System Specs:
  • AMD Athlon XP 2800+ Barton, ATi Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB w/ VGA Silencer Rev.3, Abit KD7, 2x 512MB Corsair XMS DDR400 @ DDR33, 120GB WD HD, 250GB Hitachi De(ath)skStar, Corsair HX520, CoolerMaster Cavalier 1
Performed Mods:
Painted front bays and front of case, Added side 120mm fan, added Kama Bay, CCFL kit(if that counts as a mod), and some basic wire management.
She might not be the prettiest computer out the but she's my first computer, I'm still using her for now, I first built her up about 4 years ago, I added the Kama Bay and Side 120mm fan to boost airflow over all of my hot components. Ended up painting the entire front bezel a gunmetal gray color to hide the beige DVD-RW drive. And added a CCFL kit for looks. She's my baby. I'll make her fast again one day. But for now, the computer basically runs dead quiet and well enough to run some more recent junk, but not the most demanding applications.
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4 Comments on My Old Workhorse

It's very much like my old system, though your video card is much nicer, plus good cable management. It's old, but it's strong 9/10
Posted on Reply
Nice! My barton 2800 was running up until a few months ago.. great color, nicely dispersed.
Posted on Reply
Nice and clean, nice to see the older gear pop up now and again, my old 9200 is due for a resurrection shortly lol but nice system dude 7/10
Posted on Reply
It may be a bit old but it still gets a 8/10 from me :D
Posted on Reply
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