Selway's Gaming PC.

August 11th 2007
7,715 times
Excellent (5.8)
Voting Graph 6 votes total
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Key Features:
AMD CPU AMD Graphics Custom Paint Job
System Specs:
  • AMD Athlon64 X2 3800+ (939) @ 2.8GHz.
  • DFI LanParty UT RDX200-CF motherboard.
  • 2GB PC3200 RAM (4x512MB) GEiL.
  • Connect3D Radeon X1950XT 256MB.
  • 2xHitatchi Deskstar 80GB Sata Drives in RAID0.
  • LG Multi-Burner SATA.
  • Hiper Type-R Modular 530W PSU (Gun metal black)
  • Compro VideoMate T750 Dual Digital and Analouge TV Tuner.
  • WiFi.
  • CIBOX 22" Widescreen montior (1680x1050 res, 1000 1 contrast).
  • Logitech Z-4 2.1 Speaker system with IceMat Siberia headset.
  • Logitech Keyboard with Laptop style keys.
  • Micorosoft IntelliMouse Explorer 3.0 (new version) with ULTI-MAT breathe pad.
  • Chieftec Dragon case.
  • Windows Vista Ultimate.
Performed Mods:
Removed all 3 1/2in drive bays by drilling out the rivets. Mounted hard drives in a NoiseBlocker NB-X swing to reduce noise. 120mm blow hole added above them as they were far too hot. Blue cold cathodes used to give a soft glow. case has been painted inside and out in a Gun metal colour which is much nicer than the matt black from the last spray job and the original blue colour. Wires have been carefully routed under the motherboard etc and round the back of the case as much as possible.
quite happy with it for now. just wish i could get some cash together for a shiny HD2900XT card and ill be set for a while to come.
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20 Comments on Selway's Gaming PC.

Sorry to sound petty, but why am i scoring 1s and 2s.

Allot of effort has gone into this, any comments or suggestions are welcome.

Posted on Reply
Dont worry.... its those forum terrorrists at it again. Mods PLEASE AT LEAST SHAME THESE PEOPLE! Humiliate them!
Posted on Reply
I voted 8/10 because:

....Mods, please announce who are these people who are giving 1s...
Posted on Reply
Zero Cool

Good work in the case, but you need a window to show it
Posted on Reply
Zero Cool7/10,

Good work in the case, but you need a window to show it
Cheers for the vote and suggestion, hmm if i get time i will, just im getting A Level results n the change of going to uni which may reduce the time to spend on fitting one.

Iv got a stainless steel component cabinate with a window which i may fit.
Posted on Reply
Good cable management. Nice big open case, let that sucker have some air flow. Mod some fans in. Maybe open up that side with a window kit. 7/10 Nice job!
Posted on Reply
Hall of Shame:

cshalflife: voted 1
ChyR!ChOuN: voted 2

Gentlemen, if you would like to justify why you scored sel's case so low, please do so or I'll be forced to withdraw your votes.

-Your friendly neighborhood moderator.
Posted on Reply
Zero Cool
error_f0rceHall of Shame:

cshalflife: voted 1
ChyR!ChOuN: voted 2

Gentlemen, if you would like to justify why you scored sel's case so low, please do so or I'll be forced to withdraw your votes.

-Your friendly neighborhood moderator.
heavent seen those around
Posted on Reply
Zero Coolheavent seen those around
nor me, but i bet their ip addresses match people we have seen on the forums
Posted on Reply
Zero Cool
Gringsnor me, but i bet their ip addresses match people we have seen on the forums
unless they change it ;)
Posted on Reply
Thanks peeps for naming and shaming those individuals. Allot of work has gone into this im sure they would not like it if we all did the same to them.

Update, I have hidden the IR remote sensor in the front grill of the case :p.

Really really wana get the HD2900XT. I know it will be slightly bottle necked however, shouldnt be much tho should it?
Posted on Reply
I gave it a seven. I like the overclock and I think it's a nice build, however I agree with others; show it off with a window!

Shame about the n00bs who give it crap ratings...
Posted on Reply
selway89Thanks peeps for naming and shaming those individuals. Allot of work has gone into this im sure they would not like it if we all did the same to them.

Update, I have hidden the IR remote sensor in the front grill of the case :p.

Really really wana get the HD2900XT. I know it will be slightly bottle necked however, shouldnt be much tho should it?
shouldnt be (bottlenecked much), i ran my 8800gts on an opteron 165@2.8ghz and it was only a couple of frames per second slower (if that even) than my core 2 rig

oh, and i forgot to vote the first time, 8/10, nice paint job
Posted on Reply
selway89 , nice job ! Look at my sig lol ! Hey how did ya get raid 0 on sata with Vista? Mine balked and balked I had to vista Bizz to a IDE drive ..Its ok cuz I really didnt care for vista ..I'm still digging XP ..But do switch to the vista drive for updates and tests(benches).

I voted 6 cuz even my rig has found bottle necks with Lost planet and the such...but still impressive!
Posted on Reply
DRDNAselway89 , nice job ! Look at my sig lol ! Hey how did ya get raid 0 on sata with Vista? Mine balked and balked I had to vista Bizz to a IDE drive ..Its ok cuz I really didnt care for vista ..I'm still digging XP ..But do switch to the vista drive for updates and tests(benches).

I voted 6 cuz even my rig has found bottle necks with Lost planet and the such...but still impressive!
Well I use the SATA connections controlled by the ATI southbridge chip not the SiliconImage. When installing I shoved in the RDX200 driver disk and found them on there and it went on without a problem.

And please please tell me how you got that FX57 over 3GHz. Been trying with this monkey and it wont budge past 2.82GHz which its at atm.
I get the feeling its because im using 4x512MB stcks of ram and the memory controller cant cope. It refuses to boot.

Also getting fedup with the on-board sound which to be fair is damn good, but sometimes it fails to start when booting so i endup with no sound in windows.

Also how much would I be able to get for selling my X1950XT? Working out sums and not sure if I will get the HD2900XT (I dont fancy an nVidia card, quite happy with ATi atm).

Cheers for all those votes except those tits voting one and two. Will they be removed soon?
Posted on Reply
Resident Grammar Amender
I voted 6/10 due to the sheer size of the thing, plus it's not exactly too my tastes. However you get 8/10 for the components. ^^ You use the same CPU, RAM & Akasa fans as I do. Good man! It's nice and tidy too... maybe 6/10 was a little harsh come to think of it. It's just the size and chassis really doesn't sit with me.

I'm going to blame the low score of not being able to get the same OC as you even with the same RAM... yeah that'll do. ;)

Good stuff dude!
Posted on Reply
And please please tell me how you got that FX57 over 3GHz. Been trying with this monkey and it wont budge past 2.82GHz which its at atm.
I get the feeling its because im using 4x512MB stcks of ram and the memory controller cant cope. It refuses to boot.
I can go three sticks at 3.1 but never four sticks!!I even have issues with three sticks...also make sure your tref is at least the 2nd 2064.try two stick or put your ram on a divider ..also my FX57 likes 1.5volts for 3.1GHZ.
Posted on Reply

also note ram voltage
Posted on Reply
OK, they had their chance.... and their votes have been deleted :)
Posted on Reply
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