It's nice to see respectable companies releasing budget products without major compromises to their performance and quality. This is exactly the case with the Antec VP350P. Although Antec used one of the best (and most expensive) OEM PSU manufactures, Delta Electronics, they managed to keep the retail price low, heavily boosting price/performance ratio. The VP350P may not be the new efficiency king and the lack of fully sleeved cables is considered a major downside for many users, but the main fact here is that with an entry level price this PSU offers very good performance. Antec, after all, was sincere and stated from the beginning that if you want fancy/exotic characteristics you better look elsewhere and pay more.
To sum up, I found the VP350P to be a good/solid performer. The tight voltage regulation it boasted on all rails was far better than what I expected from a PSU of this price and the fact that it worked flawlessly throughout all tests and still was fully operational after the review was finished, proves that it is highly reliable. According to my opinion its major disadvantage is the poor efficiency at loads near/lower than 20% of its max rated capacity. With its low max power output the VP350P is destined for smaller systems which often idle long time periods so Antec/Delta should pay more attention to efficiency at low loads.