Sunday, December 11th 2022

First Alleged AMD Radeon RX 7900-series Benchmarks Leaked

With only a couple of days to go until the AMD RX 7900-series benchmarks go live, some alleged benchmarks from both the RX 7900 XTX and RX 7900 XT have leaked on Twitter. The two cards are being compared to a NVIDIA RTX 4080 card in no less than seven different game titles, all running at 4K resolution. The games are God of War, Cyberpunk 2077, Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Watchdogs Legion, Red Dead Redemption 2, Doom Eternal and Horizon Zero Dawn. The cards were tested on a system with a Core i9-12900K CPU which was paired with 32 GB of RAM of unknown type.

It's too early to draw any real conclusions from this test, but in general, the RX 7900 XTX comes out on top, ahead of the RTX 4080, so no surprises here. The RX 7900 XT is either tied with the RTX 4080 or a fair bit slower, with the exception being Red Dead Redemption 2, where the RTX 4080 is the slowest card, although it also appears to have some issues, since the one percent lows are hitting 2 FPS. Soon, the reviews will be out and everything will become more clear, but it appears that AMD's RX 7900 XTX will give NVIDIA's RTX 4080 a run for its money, if these benchmarks are anything to go by.

Update Dec 11th: The original tweet has been removed, for unknown reasons. It could be because the numbers were fake, or because they were in breach of AMD's NDA.

Source: @Vitamin4Dz
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146 Comments on First Alleged AMD Radeon RX 7900-series Benchmarks Leaked

JismThats whats called driver overhead.
I've googled it, i didn't know theses issues
It could be fixed with better drivers right ?
I think i'll go for 10° less on my CPU than 5 fps more in game anydays !
Posted on Reply
iGigaFlop2But I think the xtx should be a little faster than the 4080 in pure rasterization but lose badly in ray tracing.
When people make such claims, I would lake to know the assumptions and reasoning behind it.
I'm not saying you're wrong, you could be spot on for all I know. I just haven't found a lot about this architecture's performance characteristics to do any kind of estimate.
Posted on Reply
TheoneandonlyMrKOn a game that just came out, why so hyperbolic over a driver issue on a week one release on a different card then this threads about, chill the. F out.

The proof I see proves more about you.
Because it is an AMD sponsored title, game launches with AMD logo like a seal of approval.
The proof is something you can reproduce and not talk shit like most people who say "AMD drivers are bad" and their last AMD card was 10 years ago.
Posted on Reply
the54thvoidWhile true, AMD's problem from a shareholder perspective would be that the XTX is the highest tier product. They need to price it higher. By all accounts though, the XT should not be $100 cheaper, it should be way down on cost.
Good yields wouldn't allow many XTs to be on the shelves at launch so they cannot reduce the price much. They will probably do so later when stock will be enough to cover demand. My 5c.
Posted on Reply
the source no longer exists

the paint skills aren't even very good, the framerate is all over the place, never in the same place, centered, not centered, more to the left, more to the right, more up, more down :laugh:

2/10 for effort
Posted on Reply
LuminescentBecause it is an AMD sponsored title, game launches with AMD logo like a seal of approval.
The proof is something you can reproduce and not talk shit like most people who say "AMD drivers are bad" and their last AMD card was 10 years ago.
I'm not that guy, I game on both, neither has a driver history in which during the last Year I had no issues.
At one point cyberpunk wouldn't load at all on my 2060 and I have had the odd issue with my Vega 64.

As I said, sponsored or not, your experience on one game, much like mine isn't extrapolateable to the many thousands of games it's possible to play or occuring across the many millions of configurations.
And even if one game gives everyone issues.

It also isn't relative to an unreleased card.

And it's hyperbolic to state it's all bad, I see that as a retarded leap of logic personally and that's more of an insult to those afflicted by neurological issues since they're not that daft.

Hence you won't find me shitposting about driver's irrelevant to the Original post, or at all.
Posted on Reply
You are right - the channel as such is horrible.
However as I said several times the numbers line up with the results from official benchmarks.
Here's an example from that 4090 video that others said is "obviously fake because two weeks early":

Posted on Reply
I don't understand people ( TheoneandonlyMrK ) who defend a brand when there is clear proof they fu...cked up, do you have a financial interest ? what do you gain from this ?
These corporation's have no shame ripping us off whenever the opportunity arises, why should anyone hold back and be sympathetic with any mistake they make after years of crypto and high prices, if they demand as much money from us then we should demand top notch products.
Posted on Reply
LuminescentI don't understand people ( TheoneandonlyMrK ) who defend a brand when there is clear proof they fu...cked up, do you have a financial interest ? what do you gain from this ?
These corporation's have no shame ripping us off whenever the opportunity arises, why should anyone hold back and be sympathetic with any mistake they make after years of crypto and high prices, if they demand as much money from us then we should demand top notch products.
Aww did your new game run bad, didums.

Why should the butt hurt machinations of one guy on his old AMD card affect the buying decisions of anyone else.

I'm not defending AMD I'm pointing out your argument is hyperbolic and largely irrelevant.

Before long a patch or driver will be out that fixes YOUR biggest pain point.

Making it irrelevant even to you.

So as a user and issue experiencer on BOTH as I said GPU platforms stick your bias insinuations where the sun doesn't shine, and stuff your leaps of logic in the same place.
Posted on Reply
Damn, i made the mistake of getting into arguments on the internet with people who have no interest in truth or common sense.
I wish i could take back the minutes i wasted here. Farewell!
Posted on Reply
Can anyone tell me about the driver status on AMD? I've heard bad things about them and the drivers so im really worried about the future
Posted on Reply
aciDev**80 tier performance at 900$+VAT is still a loss for us.
Well, top end cpus have traditionally been about 1k$, whether it was the p4 extreme or the AX2 FX. It's not surprising it has happened with the top and GPUs, given covid, and nvidia's pricing and people have still paid for it. You can get a run of the mill car for xx dollars, or a lambo for xxxxxx$, it's just the way it is.

I'd call it a win there are now 3 companies instead of 2, and a win that 2 are pricing lower than the other one.

I'd say the real and big loss was a good mid-range card used to being $200 range is now close to the $400 range.
Posted on Reply
Blindeagle141Can anyone tell me about the driver status on AMD? I've heard bad things about them and the drivers so im really worried about the future
Well one game at least, has issues, I haven't got that game so they seam fine to me but YMMV.

But most of the hate is overplayed.
LuminescentDamn, i made the mistake of getting into arguments on the internet with people who have no interest in truth or common sense.
I wish i could take back the minutes i wasted here. Farewell!
You see nothing truthful clearly.

It's your version of hyperbolic bullshit that makes the other person I quoted only hear horse shit off people like you.

Then they all buy Nvidia, now here we are eh beholden to fool's.

And I am still having driver or game issues on my 2060 like every light showing through every surface on the latest COD.

That games been out a while, does that make Nvidia's driver's bad, no.

It does make them imperfect, like everything in personal computers, Everything, so I say again Hype isn't required, or needed.
Posted on Reply
Blindeagle141Can anyone tell me about the driver status on AMD? I've heard bad things about them and the drivers so im really worried about the future
They are fine, and have been fine for a long time, they fucked up a bit during the 5000 series (like fan profiles not applying) but they were fine before and after.
Nvidia has the same issues with their products as well.

Like I think people dont even know what it means to have "driver issues" they just know its "bad" so they dont want the product and are not intelligent or interested enough to actually do some research, a common phenomenon with a lot of things in life.
Oh this bread has gluten? gluten are bad right? guess I dont want this bread....
Oh this person favors socialism? socialism is bad right? guess I dont want to vote for this person...
etc etc

I have had an RX480 for way too long now and an HD6950 before and I can say that I never ran into any driver issues myself, sure some stuff could be better but thats more on the design of the software, like if my PC crashes my overclock resets, it makes sense as its a safe thing to do to make sure the pc restarts even though the crash was for entirely unrelated reasons but I wish I could force the overclock to stay somehow, my workaround is to just make a specific overclock profile for the few games I play so it activates that profile when I start the game up, no matter if some crash occurred.

Anywho, again, thats more the software then the actual driver, driver issues basically never happened for me in....what..10 years of AMD? probably more.

Meanwhile I started with a Nvidia PCX 5200, upgraded to an Nvida 7900 GTO then to an Nvidia 8800GTS (G92) and they were marvelous exciting fantastic upgrades and I wont dissuade you from buying Nvidia products due to software or driver issues (I would dissuade you because imo Nvidia is a scumbag anti consumer company and if nothing else, to do something about that 80/20 marketshare split and just giving AMD cards a chance without listening to the rhetoric that you are asking about this very moment) but I did have issues with both those cards in terms of stability, being able to even access the software for them etc.

It was overall more then fine, but If I had any issues it was with those 2 cards and never with AMD ever since.
But again, older products vs modern, both improved over time and both are fine.... on that front atleast.
Posted on Reply
I will reserve judgement about the RX 7000 series' drivers until they actually arrive.
But we should pay close attention to reviews, if there are stability or performance issues, whether they cut AMD extra slack and say it's just immature drivers (again), or if they try to judge it objectively.

One thing that most people fail to understand is that if a new GPU has few changes to its native API, there should be no major driver changes needed, which means the driver should already be mature at launch. (with the possible exceptions of workarounds for GPU errata)

Back with the Polaris, Vega and Navi 1x generations, there were very few driver changes between generations, yet the "immature drivers" excuse were used over and over again, even though their drivers should have been the most mature of all. There is also the tale of the missing performance which never materialized. My theory is that these stability issues are more deep in their core driver, especially since these problems persisted across generations.

I haven't had time to follow the deep changes in Navi 3x yet, but if the trend from the past holds true, we should expect more conservative changes compared to Nvidia. On top of this, AMD has far less extra features and gimmicks in their drivers, so if anything we should expect AMD to have an advantage and have better drivers than Nvidia's at launch. But time will tell.
Posted on Reply
If these results prove to be true, navi 31 is VERY dissappointing. Lows are awful.
Posted on Reply
Why don`t people just wait the official reviews and stop whining?

What a horrid show the comment section has become.
Posted on Reply
ThomasKWhy don`t people just wait the official reviews and stop whining?

What a horrid show the comment section has become.
I personally blame TPU for even relaying this "information"
Posted on Reply
TheoneandonlyMrKWell one game at least, has issues, I haven't got that game so they seam fine to me but YMMV.

But most of the hate is overplayed.
Perfect :0 thanks
Posted on Reply
AnarchoPrimitivLet's be honest, even if thr 7900XTX is faster AND cheaper than the 4080, everyone will still buy the 4080, like how it always goes. Its weird, everywhere on enthusiast sites, everyone always claims that they just buy "whatever offers rhe best performance at the price", but mysteriously, the sales figures never seem to demonstrate that, even when AMD puts forth a card that can be proven to be empirically better than its Nvidia competitor, so what's happening?

I'm just frustrated with the GPU market. Especially how everyone complains online how they want competition, but then never use their purchases to make that a reality. If you refer to the literature on consumer psychology, it all demonstrates that consumers DON'T make rational choices, that they're made on emotions and a weird desire to build a parasocial relationship with a just seems like there's LITERALLY, no product that AMD can ever make, regardless of how much better it is, that will ever translate to an increase in marketshare. If I had the time and resources, I'd love to do some research based on personal interviews with GPU customers to determine the ACTUAL reasons behind their choice.
I think it's a business issue with the retailers offering only nvidia products - enter any large electronics store and you will see that only intel+nvidia setups are on offer. Everywhere - TV ads, malls, ordinary stores, smaller garage firms... you name it.

The problem is that AMD as a brand doesn't reach the customers.

Those who have been in the dark with nvidia for ages - maybe it's time to switch to the light with AMD Radeon.
Posted on Reply
TelstarIf these results prove to be true, navi 31 is VERY dissappointing. Lows are awful.
The 4080 has 1 FPS for for 0.1% and 2 FPS for 1% lows in the above images, specifically in the witcher 3 benchmark. Not sure this information is credible.
Posted on Reply
evernessinceThe 4080 has 1 FPS for for 0.1% and 2 FPS for 1% lows in the above images, specifically in the witcher 3 benchmark. Not sure this information is credible.
The information can be credible - the question is about the origin of these lows - the lows come from severe micro-stutter, stutter or system freezes.
Posted on Reply
LuminescentWhile system is stable AMD DRIVERS ARE BAD!
Proof, a recent game W1zzard tested, sponsored by AMD runs very bad on AMD cards, The Calisto protocol, so i investigated what graphical setting causes such poor performance on amd, it was not ray tracing, it was volumetric quality that causes a 20-25% performance hit in DX12 with the latest driver AMD Radeon 22.11.2.
So i said it, i put my pro driver back ( i do photo/video work ) and if i want to play Calisto i will do it with the pro driver, Pro edition 22.Q4, a driver from 14 november 2022, framerate went from 40 to 50 fps in a scene i was testing before.
I can now play 1440P FSR 2 quality on ultra in DX12 no problems.
So it's not the people who made this game at fault, it's actually AMD who messed up with the latest driver.
Gamer myth
There was already study out showing they're drivers are equivalent in quality.
volumetric quality also has to do with "Nvida PhysX" it's hard coded into the game. Most games that have it as a middleware run like shyt, & stutter on DX12. It's locked to cpu only on DX12.
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Intoxicated Moderator
^^ That's five months old.
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