Friday, August 28th 2020

Apple is Preparing its Own Search Engine
In the past few years, Google has been paying Apple billions of dollars just for the company to keep Google as the default search engine in every aspect of the company's products. Starting from iOS up to macOS, they included Google as the default search engine. However, the deal between two companies might be coming to an end. In July this year, a UK Competition and Markets Authority took a shot at a deal claiming that the companies imposed a barrier on any market competition in the search engine space. Constant pressure from regulators and the fact that Apple doesn't want to be reliant on any company is possibly giving Apple ideas to launch its own search engine.
Recent changes in the spotlight search on iOS 14 and iPad OS 14 beta is making the software bypass Google search engine completely. As shown below (search and direct results), the company implemented a feature that makes the spotlight search go directly to search results instead of going to Google. The Applebot web crawler has seen some changes so it now renders pages in a similar way Google does and not just filter HTML. The web crawler also is updated to rank web pages just like it is made for a search engine. All of this is supposed to give Apple enough material so it can build something similar to a search engine. It is believed that the search engine wouldn't look like any classical one, but rather be embedded in Apple products and serve as a personalized search hub.
Coy Wolf News
Recent changes in the spotlight search on iOS 14 and iPad OS 14 beta is making the software bypass Google search engine completely. As shown below (search and direct results), the company implemented a feature that makes the spotlight search go directly to search results instead of going to Google. The Applebot web crawler has seen some changes so it now renders pages in a similar way Google does and not just filter HTML. The web crawler also is updated to rank web pages just like it is made for a search engine. All of this is supposed to give Apple enough material so it can build something similar to a search engine. It is believed that the search engine wouldn't look like any classical one, but rather be embedded in Apple products and serve as a personalized search hub.
64 Comments on Apple is Preparing its Own Search Engine
personally during uni I used safari on my windows laptop, cuz idk was just fun and a bit weird but Apple stopped supporting the windows version for that a long time ago.
I'll take DuckDuckGo for a bit less relevance, a bit more own effort, and as a result, an actual 'open' search, a simple query to a database where the quality of your query determines the quality of your answer.
Google has gone way beyond that and by doing so, it has become a force of control of information. Not necessarily in your best interests. It feels good, yes. So do drugs.
This is something you can't explain to sheeple. Determine for yourself what you are... but you're looking at cold hard facts here.
Its a similar thing to caring about privacy or having let go of it already because 'you're online anyway'... as if that means you no longer have to care for basic considerations like these. If you say its great, you've lost one battle already and with that, you've become a puppet of multinationals to at least some extent.
Food for thought... the filter bubble is a paradox Google has not provided a sound solution for. The reason Google feels so good, is because it narrows your search down to what you've already seen. Its a recipe for long term tunnel vision and self-acknowledgement, and one of the catalysts for all the polarization we have in todays' society.
SEO useless spam sites regularly appear on google's first page, more often than in the past, they don't seem to be doing much to combat SEOs. Apple has a better track record than Google in privacy too, but I don't know whether I'd trust their restrictive approach for searching the internet. On the other hand, if Apple gave an opt-in option to actually completely blacklist low quality SEO websites, I'd be in.
Google pays apple billions for default positions
Apple can make their own and put in apple ads to benefit themselves, its all about making money.
but if they are going to fill it with adds and other tracking things to milk money, so it won't be different than Google, but I wonder how it goes, as Microsoft tried with Bing and we saw that it didn't work that good as they wanted.
let's get pop-corn and see :D, but with the new privacy tracker thingy that they are already implementing in their new Safari browser, I think they are trying as much to keep privacy to the user for some reason, if its stay to the benefit of the user, only time will tell.
I'm not a fan of Apple products (I understand who might use them, I'm just not the target audience), but if Apple has something to say about search, I'll say go ahead.
It will be interesting to see how they spin privacy if they get into the search business. They've been pretty adamant about how, unlike Google, they do not store user data. But you can't do proper search without profiling.
It'd be interesting to see, Google will lose money if this happens. But their Search Engine is very powerful, last time Apple did AI/ML it flopped super hard lol, that Homepod and Siri. Now they are trying it again. Apple is like Chinese, everything they want to do on their own, self sustainability, full vertical integration. But Apple cannot scale to Google levels for sure due to the sheer ad revenue and the impact of Google on Internet, their Chrome itself is the impetus for unstoppable force and the data that Google has is probably unimaginable. Bing is a great alternative for specific content which Google hides a lot, DDG is way behind Bing in that matter but for general search experience honestly DDG/Bing or whatever doesn't even come close to Google which is majority of the world's favorite.
Not that they weren't doing that already, but it will much easier.
Duckduckgo beats them for myself anyway haven't used google for anything for years.
Edit: Hell, it will probably only return one answer with the subtitle "these are the droids you're looking for".
Another holier than thou, censored, family-friendly search engine, with the official truth (TM).
How about an UNCENSORED, NON-USA, NON-Chinese, NON-Russian Search engine?
That would be something.
I can dream, can't I? :)
Here's a list: