I did run some comparisons with your early tests a while ago but noticed your framerates were quite a bit higher. When I bumped up the performance settings to get similar framerates, the vrm temps on my card went up to about the same level as yours. But I think a couple of the readings were up to 4 degrees higher on mine.
I haven't really altered the default NVIDIA settings, other than pre-rendered frames to 2. Read it helps with mouse lag, though I haven't really experienced it

Rest of the settings in the picture below.
Retro* said:
I was experimenting with EVGA's Voltage Tuner then. I currently run it lower now, often with just the stock voltage. Still not really sure if it makes any difference for my clocks over the default voltage though. In theory it should help, but I don't think a lot of extra juice is needed for what I do.
You should try undervolting. I run @ 1.15V now and 1.125V was even stable with OCs. Left some room for bios, as 1.125V wasn't stable with 1566 shaders. 3DMark Vantage crashed with those shaders even with stock voltage, so less is more
Retro* said:
Your latest tests have provided some valuable information. I will conclude that your card does better than mine for temperature reduction overall

when really stressing it out. And this is for all of the temperature readouts, the gpu itself, and the vrm's.
And I think the Enzotech sinks are a better solution

Looking at Biker's results and they are fantastic. Although his ambient is low and even with the Accelero VRM sink getting great temps. I'm sort of thinking that my VRM's run hotter than usual, as they were already 100C with stock cooler?
Retro* said:
Your use of the stock backplate and cutting off the stock vrm section for the card was brilliant. The results have proven how well that works and it really is a cure for the higher temps from the less-effective plate that comes with the Accelero (or the Thermalright for that matter).
The other benefits of using the Accelero with your mods is that it takes up less space as it is already needing one less slot than the HR-03 GTX. Although subjective, I think the Accelero looks a lot better than the chunky HR-03.
There is not so much interest in the HR-03 GTX on the forums now. But plenty of enthusiasm for the Accelero, there will continue to be lots of posts about this fine cooler from AC as it becomes more widely available. So be ready to continue helping them
Thanks, I did it really out of a must, those Enzotech mosfet thingies aren't really available here and didn't want to spend more money. Plus it was fun and I had no use for the stock cooler (though it still works just fine if I remove the Accelero and leave the VRM part there).
Personally I really like the look of the HR-03 GTX and it would have gone nicely with my Thermalright Ultima-90

I just wanted to keep my other PCI-E slot free and have the weight of the cooler closer to the card. Although the stock backplate should work with the HR-03 GTX too, if not with the pushpins.
Yeah, questions welcome here, once it's released in USA too. Europe seems quite well covered now. Recent introduction of GTX 275 will surely bring more interest to the cooler, seeing how hot it runs. And even better with it's cool VRMs this or your cooler will work great.