Newest benchmark score. Almost at 20k that is my goal, but it is wearing thin. My i7 is running at max temp of 90 with those clocks when benching. And my 4870x2 VRM temps are at 100 degrees with a bump in voltage from 1.26 to 1.30V. I dont know where I can pull the 500 points out of maybe my crapper? I might be able to get some fans directed at the gpu's vrm heatrsink to cool the vrm's to push it the clocks a little higher. mark vantage 19492 pts.png
so far my 4.5 sitting there with a 9.2s superpi 1m run ghz.png
Mudkip I have had no luck with setFSB, it keeps BSODing on me when I apply any settings, even if I set the same settings I have in BIOS, say I have 200 BCLK i choose that on setfsb and it bsod's on me.
Also how does the gtx 295 work with the i7? I see some great benchmark results, but I dont know if it would be worth getting rid of my 4870x2 and getting a gtx 295, I mean for gaming and other apps other than benching.