lol thanks man
have an update for that pic
for helping me out on this project!
And so it began! i started out with about 2.5 square meters of acrylic, and now have little left.
I would like to thank my new sponsors, for sending me some AWSOME light for this project! f#ck ccfl´s. get some led strips from there
i used them in my privious build, and the one they send me for this one takes the cake! RGB strips with wireless sound controller! Thanks! Tune in soon, and i will update the video with the light effects
And thanks to bitspower for helping me out with some goddies that you all know whats gonna be
some of the parts matronic sent!
I also got the parts painted! matte black ftmfw!
i used theese black rivets to rivet it all back together
also got some wire stuff home
now what is all this going to be used for ? :S
that ended out like this. See all that wire? Its starting to make sense now huh?
imagine all the little holes where there is wire in, like you see above
that they be sleeved, so that every wire will look like this
Now for the explanation.
The 7 holes that sits in a square in the upper part of the cabletray is getting these inserted into them. You can then swap psu as crazy often as you like, since you dont have wires running in a maze through thousands of holes.
Now for the fun part.
I had to solder the correct cables to each of the 24 pin connector, since they were made with different lengths. Say hello to mister happy solder station!
slowly, but certanly getting all the buggers on, and applying heatshrink on each, so that i wont have any fires in there -.-
fans will have an output port like this:
and the pump will have a slightly different one here:
some of you have seen this pic:
The thing that was in homers background is this:
And it will be mounted like this on the backplate
And how it was put on. I tapped 4 mm holes and used some black dome head 4 mm bolts i have.
The dome head bolts will also be used on the front.
And as you can see, the 24 wires is taking up quite a bit of space in the cable tray:/ dont know if i will be able to fit the 12 wires for the 6 pins, but i have to
The fans also got some love
And the 8 pin got sleeved. This will also be done to the 24 pin, and 6 pins.
The little buggers in front is the clips that i had to use, to get the extender. took some time to get done, but it will be worth it!
i think that was that for this update
Next time i will have some more goodies to show you, some of them from my new sponsor, and a little something something that i got made instead of the res i have now
worth the wait? If not, ill update again in a week or so