So 6970 bios run great for a while, but it's killing the 6950 day after day, i am running the 6950 Xfire unlocked shader @ 840 core 1325 memory , i hope havn't trouble like this :s
Because i have some litlle bug, in single mod the 2 6950 run fine in all game (Crysis, BBC2, Metro 2033) but in Xfire in have some graphics bug in BBC2 like a very short lightning black screen, someone have the same bug ?
Other trouble in BBC2 like the death screen and victory screen is very laggy in Xfire but fine in single !
I hope it's just a driver or game issue but in crysis i have some rendering error like twinkle sky ! of course no problem in single mod with the two 6950 !
I have the 10.12 driver , and a good PSU, Cooler Master Pro M 1000 W so anyone have trouble like me in Xfire ?