Thanks Ahu,..
thats really good news your SLI was enabled on such a great board. Sorry all that speed/power is frustrated by any video problems.
I have'nt confirmed these work to fix vid prob's but definitely worth a try esp. B):
A) = sli_enhancement_38.exe
EVGA has now released the 32nd SLI Enhancement Patch which is specifically aimed towards multi-GPU (2-way, 3-way or 4-way SLI) users who like to try out the latest games around. This new version is based on the GeForce 260.63 beta driver
"..Game was all choppy and..hardly playable. Then I read..was only able to get SLI to work by using NHancer. Most Settings high..and very high the game runs so perfectly smooth.."
- Install 190.38 Driver
- Install SLI Patch from Nvidia
- Install NHancer and set SLI mode to AFR - default set to 4 Way SLI.
- Use -winxp -maxmem=2047 in your desktoplink
for PCs with more than one NVIDIA GPU (and with SLI or multi-GPU enabled) these updates boost the performance in the applications listed.
Xeon 5520 mobo's SLI:
"..with dual GTX285's..i got Sli to work on Supermicro X8DAi and Supermicro X8DAH+-F though i must point out that i could not get either to work with the SLIStringInstaller v1.81 using the Supermicro button and had to resort to using the Hal Mod followed by SLIStringInstaller v1.81 and using the Asus button."
HalMods, SLSStringInstallers: AND
"I assume you are using four single-gpu cards?"
I was hoping to use 4 Dual-gpu GX2 9800's if possible?
1) Which gpu cards did you use or suggest with your S7025?
2) using the SLIPatch 1.2 beta we're there any other steps required besides regular install to enable SLI and...
3) if/how the S7025 operated in 4 Way SLI?
4) also, have you patched any other equal server boards and if you think the Asus Z8PE-D12 could be SLI patched?
Thanks again,