qubit, if I am able to add these games to my collection, it will help me overcome the black hole of suck that is currently known as my FPS gaming capability. I have not joined any of the TPU servers for games for a reason, and that reason is pure incompetence.
The only thing I am relatively competent at is not suiciding, and that is probably due to someone else offing me first. Give me an open map with only me in it and I'm sure I could figure out a way to kill myself.
I am far from proud of admitting my incompetence in an open forum, but hell, I need all of the help I can get.
I joined a BFBC2 server yesterday and there was only one other person in it. He was obviously almost as noobish as me because I only found him because he was running around blowing up barrels. I found him while he was facing the other direction and started shooting him in the back. Cowardly, I know, but I figured that I could increase my kill rate to one. But it was not to be. Somehow he withstood my barrage of bullets to his back and ran around the corner of a building. Being the loyal doofus that I am, I had to follow him to make sure that he was ok, or something like that. As soon as I turned the corner the bastard headshotted me and I was done for.
Quite a bit of profanity flowed from my mouth after I lost the completely easy kill, and I decided to join again for a rematch, but he had taken his victory and left me with a map full of nothing but tears. Vengeance was not meant to be mine.
As you can see, my FPS skills amount to those of a mentally handicapped crackhead with Parkinson's Disease and Tourette's.
If I win these games, I promise to use them to the best of my ability to improve my game, and hopefully be able to join the TPU servers without making a complete mockery of myself and my team.
Again, thank you for holding this contest, and here is a pre-congratulations to whoever wins.