This post has my input on multiple issues, so if you're looking for an answer for something, see if I covered it somewhere in this textwall.
Ok so I am about to get my second 465 and I just want to clarify how to install this.
1. Install second gpu without the SLI bridge
2. Install HyperSli
3. Reboot and set MSconfig to boot off of the other os? (If you could explain what this means i'd appreciate it)
4. Shut down and install SLI bridge
5. Power up and enable SLI in Nvidia Control Panel and that should be it, right?
Also my specs are:
Athlon II x3 425
AsRock Extreme3 870 (with 8x/8x when both slots are occupied)
4gb DDR3 1333mhz ram
2x GTX 465
Thanks in advance
1. With computer off, plug in 2nd GPU and SLI bridge.
2. With computer on, make sure the 2nd card is installed and works.
3. Install HyperSLI.
4. Reboot.
5. Enable SLI in Nvidia Control Panel.
You probably won't need to use MSCONFIG to change the Boot OS. It's for when you want to switch boots between the "fake" operating system HyperSLI installs, and the regular operating system.
Hi everyone,
thanks for your work, HyperSLI works fine in windows7. I can activate nvidia 2D surround easily.
But i've a black screen problem using surround SLI with some games, like BF3 or EVE Online. Same issue : game launch and... nothing, black screen, alt+tab doesn't work, nothing to do unless rebooting.
Same games works great in "non surround" SLI (SLI activated but only 1 screen pluged in), and without SLI (SLI desactivated).
In other hand some games works great in 3 display surround SLI like Dungeon Defenders or Anno 2070 Demo.
I'm using HyperSLI 0.7 and 285.62 nvidia drivers, with 2 Gainward GTX 560 Ti 2Gb.
Any idea to fix that problem ?
When you run SLI surround, what cards are the monitors plugged into?
If you haven't, try running your SLI surround with all monitors plugged into the dominant GPU (the one in PCI slot 1).
If that's how you've had it, try plugging in 1 monitor in each card and see what happens.
I don't really know how SLI handles multiple monitors, but in the past, there used to be big problems with SLI and more than one monitor, as well as windowed games. Maybe there's still some problems with that.
I believe further up there was a workaround for BF3, but it may work for EVE and other games as well. I'll find it and edit it in.
Originally Posted by federicoz45 View Post
Hi guys, I was running BF3 while a BSOD occurred: SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION.
The files involved are: dxgkrnl.sys - ntoskrnp.exe 7c1e9.
Is this happened to anyone of you?
Do you have 2 monitors running?
If so this will fix it, but if not try it anyways.
Go to you BF3 shortcut on desktop and right click it, select properties, then under the compatibility tab put check marks in DISABLE VISUAL THEMES, and DISABLE DESKTOP COMPOSITION, then apply and try again. For some reason windows fucks me up and it drops into windowed mode and I BSOD. That solved it. Also DO NOT ALT TAB out of the game or you will BSOD.
Also, check the Nvidia forums. There are hordes of people there having problems with 3D surround, Battlefield 3 included.
Nvidia 3D Surround:
Surround Fix Test thingie:
So, based on these things, a lot of issues with 3D surround are probably because of games and the Nvidia drivers, and not the HyperSLI patch. I suggest doing some heavy research.
No, it still doesn't show PhysX checked for either one of the cards in GPU-Z
The only difference between the cards is BIOS. One has EVGA the other has stock. The one with EVGA is in a 2.0 PCI-E slot, and the other isn't (only two PCI-E slots on my motherboard).
Any ideas? I find it wierd there isn't PhysX checked in GPU-Z.
1. Run the HyperSLI 0.7 installer. Press Update.
2. Run MSCONFIG. Set boot to the regular Windows OS.
3. Reboot.
4. In the regular OS, run the HyperSLI 0.7 installer again. Press uninstall.
5. Reboot.
6. Run MSCONFIG. Make sure there is no HyperSLI or SLIpatch Windows install still there. If there IS an install there, post on here that there is. If there isn't, proceed to step 7.
7. Run HyperSLI 0.7 installer (for the 3rd time now). Press install/update.
8. Reboot.
9. Open your Nvidia Control Panel.
10. Under 3D Settings, Set SLI configuration, look and tell us what you see. If everything went as planned, you should see "Select an SLI configuration: Maximize 3D performance, Activate all displays, Disable SLI". Tell us which of these options appear, which are selectable, and which are greyed-out. If you can select Maximize 3D performance, congrats! You win the SLIs.
11. Double-check which version you have installed and let us know. You can check under Help, Update, Installed Version, or under System Information, Driver version. The latest is 285.62.
ok changed it to automatic, ty
Virtual Machine has been enabled this whole time, so I suppose that can't be my issue - unless it's supposed to be disabled?
I noticed C1E support was disabled, do I enable that?
These are all under the CPU configuration tab in the BIOS.
Virtualization Technology (Virtual Machine) Support SHOULD be ENABLED in the bios.
C1E has no effect on HyperSLI. C1E is a power-saving feature for processors. You can leave it disabled; if you want to enable it and try it out, do some research on it first.
First thanks for your awesome work!
I think everything is configured well however I get lower/same FPS while using SLI mode than on a Single GPU. (Even if both are loaded and warm up during benches)
I have tried with integrated benchmark of F1 2011 and Dirt 3...
Do you have an explanation?
My config is :
AMD 1090T @ 4GHz
Asus Crosshair IV Formula
2 x Gigabyte GTX 460 1GB at stock frequency.
Here is CPU-Z validation link :
And HyperSLI Status indicate that "Hypervisor enabled" and "Hypervisor works properly"...
Thanks for your help,
Sorry for not giving those details, I was considering such point as standard...
I use a SLI bridge between the two cards and they are located on Slot 1 and 3 to benefit from 2x 16x slots.
I also use the last version of driver from Nvidia : 285.62
and HyperSLI 0.7
Do you need any additional information?
I know that in some (many) games the Phenom II Cpu could "limit" the amount of FPS compared to Intel CPUs however, mine is clocked at 4GHz and I can't believe it's part of the problem in such games...
I performed a Google search on both games you mentioned (Dirt 3 SLI / F1 2011 SLI), and both have had problems with SLI either currently or in the past. It's entirely possible that these two games have poor SLI profiles or internal coding that prevent them from utilizing SLI well, if at all. For these particular games, you could go into Manage 3D settings, and under the specific tabs for those games, try Alternate 1 and Alternate 2 instead of Nvidia Recommended.
As for trying another benchmark, make sure you try something that is known to work well with SLI, such as the suggested 3dmarks. Also, run multiple benchmarks; at least one with PhysX on your GPUs, and another with PhysX forced to your CPU. With your processor, I wouldn't be surprised if you get better performance, as there will be less processing load on your GPUs that could be easily handled by your Thuban.