Creation Kit is fun (and almost identical to the Oblivion and Morrowind construction sets).
Darn interior pieces don't want to snap together correctly. lol
Looks like something else to while away many hours by fiddling around.
I never tried creation kits.. not even the Oblivion one.
(I never really read about how to use them...
and there being so many gifted modders around I think I could never create anything worth the time!
Since the release of the Textures DLC, I've decided to do away with all my previous mods - I had like 12 - 15 texture mods. Perhaps only keep Killer Keos skimpy clothing (which is a mesh mod) and perfectly decent for playing in front of family. My only gripe is that though this mod keeps all the naughty bits covered at all times, it doesn't work as intended while on horseback
Looks very natural though. A skimpy skirt is bound to ride down while galloping no?
Perhaps it was intended due to the fashion of low-rise pants?
Back on topic, the mod I'm intent on keeping is the
FXAA Post Process Injector.
-Because you can adjust game contrast and sharpness. And even color saturation, using sliders so you choose your preferred combination.
-Because if you want to go back to vanilla, you just press the "pause" key on your keyboard (yes it's just that simple) and you bypass the mod altogether.
-Because it has no fps hits at all.
Skyrim: the main reason why I won't upgrade CPU, RAM and mobo for now