That 120mm fan at the bottom of the case looks familiar
. How many rigs you got and how big is that dorm room?
That one is actually from Norton
I'm going to put two of the fans from you as an intake on the front of the case--at this point, I have two 120mm fans as exhaust (+ the two GPUs with their fans @ 75%) and one 120mm as an intake (and it's on the bottom, so it probably isn't that efficient).
At this point, I have three desktops and three laptops. Two of the laptops are old and damaged (C2Ds) and I have them stashed behind the LCD. The i7-860 and AMD X2 are stacked next to the desk (the room is oddly shaped, so I have an open space between a cabinet and my desk just wider than a computer) and then the 2700k on one end of my desk. I'd say the dorm is probably about 10x14 or so.
The bigger issue is cooling, not space--during the day, it's still ~70F or so, which would be lovely if I didn't have a constant ~1000w getting dumped into the room. At night I open the windows, but during the day I actually have to put a box fan in front of the AC to spread the air around and keep the temperature manageable.
CPU has a big impact on the completion times. These WU seem to be CPU+GPU+CPU in terms of runtime. So I'd imagine those (relatively) small differences may be down to how many other tasks are running on the assigned CPU. After all, it runs in low priority mode. The GPU time seems more stable.
Will be great to see those numbers, definitely help to point in the right direction.
That's possible. Since the CPU WUs I'm running now are relatively long, that
shouldn't be too much of an issue, but I'm not completely sure.
Something I have noticed is that with the GTX470s @ 650MHz core the time/WU seems to be on average about 10-15 seconds longer than at 750MHz (~3:20 vs ~3:05)
EDIT: I have someone coming to look at my AMD X2 5k+ tomorrow--with luck, it will be sold by this time tomorrow. It will cost me about 1k PPD, but it will provide valuable funds to purchase the parts for another dual-core (which I'll then in-turn sell in a little while) and eventually some GPUs.