DayZ 1.8.1 UPDATE!
The ideal place to post bugs is:
Please make sure they are listed to the DayZ project. Feature requests can also be made through this system.
Full Download:
Client Files:
Server Files:
Mission File:
* [Prerequisites] - Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 x86 Redistributable (
* [Prerequisites] - Battleye Filters must be updated manually by server admins. (
* [Prerequisites] - Updated to the newest beta
CDN links above take a little time to propagate.
Characters used in version 1.8.1 will not be backwards compatibly with older versions of dayz. (due to the hive changes).
Mission file will need to be edited and updated to your correct instance ID. (init.sqf, dayZ_instance)
New rule system can be edited from rules.sqf found in the mission file.
Private hive runners will have to updated the sql manually
* [NEW] - Mechanic - Nutrition system for all food types.
* [NEW] - Mechanic - Hunger and Thirst is now based on the new nutrition system.
* [NEW] - Mechanic - Salvage Parts from Vehicles (Players with a toolbox can now remove undamaged parts from vehicles in world)
* [NEW] - Infectious Water Holes - Random water holes on the map are infected drinking from them will give you an instant infection. Identified by dead body's around water holes. (can be disabled by admins)
* [NEW] - Base System - Generator has been added (Does not spawn, Not yet active).
* [NEW] - Storage - Dome Tent has now been added.
* [NEW] - Private SQL - Cleanup updated to move dead bodies(character_dead) to a new table before removal from main table(character_data).
* [NEW] - 15 new models (feather,crafting).
* [NEW] - Feathers added to Hens as you gut.
* [NEW] - Destroy Tents with fire (matches & fuel tank needed).
* [NEW] - Blood types/blood system
-- You may now fill blood bags (filled blood bags only take 4k blood and give back 4k)
-- incompatible blood transfusions will result in extended unconsciousness of the recipient.
-- Ability to take/give blood from/to yourself.
-- Blood types + Rh types are based off real world statistics
* [NEW] - Blood testing kit (to determine blood type) and disposable transfusion kit.
* [NEW] - Wild zeds re-added.
* [NEW] - Blood trail system. Will allow players to track ppl bleeding.
* [NEW] - Added 6 NEW POI's Thanks Musty Crew(AKA Bane). (enabled/disabled by admin)
* [NEW] - New system for matches running out, 30% chance each time you use to drop your number of matches to 5 (foreach use after it will remove 1 match).
* [NEW] - Hunting Knives new wear n tear system works in 5 stages. (IE start with knife random 30% chance to change to Knife5, This now gives 5 more uses before going blunt) Once blunt you yeld 50% of the meat you gather.
* [NEW] - Making fires will now auto light.
* [NEW] - Journal updated to provide a debug system. (Journal displays - spawn selection - forces full-moon nights.)
* [NEW] - on death weapons on players back now drop to the ground
* [NEW] - Blood will now regen over time based on player overall conditions. (>75% = 1.2, >50% = 0.6, >25% = 0.3).
--- * [NEW] - Weapon attachments have been added (generic spawn - chance to spawn any place)
-- M4A1 > M4A1_AIM
-- M4A1_Aim > M4A1_Aim_CAMO
-- M4A1_Aim_camo > M4A1_AIM_SD_camo
-- m16a4 > m16a4_acg
-- bizon > bizon_silenced
-- Makarov > MakarovSD
-- M9 > M9SD
-- Crossbow > Crossbow_CCO + FL
-- Crossbow > Crossbow_FL
-- Crossbow > Crossbow_Scoped + FL
* [NEW] - You can now drink from Water pumps using just your hands (150 thirst restored each use.) (action menu) (no infection chance)
* [NEW] - You can now drink from ponds using empty tin's (300 thirst restored each use.) (Right Click Empty Tins)
-- UNboiled Water drank from a canteen has a 30% chance of infection and restores full thirst.
-- UNboiled Water Drank from a tincan has a 6% chance of infection and restores 300 thirst. (pond/Lake Only)
-- UNboiled Water From you hand has a 3% chance of infection and restores 150 thirst. (pond/Lake Only)
* [NEW] - Vehicle - Unbanned Pickup_PK_INS.
* [NEW] - Vehicle - Unbanned Offroad_DSHKM_INS.
* [NEW] - Added audio cue when you stumble across gathering plants. (15 meters) (cricket sounds will play) (Thanks facoptere).
* [NEW] - Added the option to rip up clothes to make rags (these can be then made to bandages).
* [NEW] - Added Humanitarian supply drops (no weapons).
* [NEW] - You can now craft assault bags.
* [NEW] - New Crafting recipes.
* [NEW] - Function - random Location finder.
* [NEW] - Tents & Stash sites can now be upgrade to increase storage.
-- Small Stash site upgrades - +2 magazine slots per upgrade + 5 armor. Required parts is just etool and wood.
-- Small stash sites upgrade to medium once upgraded to level 5.
-- Medium stash sites can now be upgrade. Tools - Etool, Parts needed - Crate, Wood.
--- 25 mags per level.
--- Double weapon count per level.
--- 25 armor.
-- Dome tents now upgrade. Tools - Etool, Parts needed - Crate, Wood.
--- 25 magz per level
--- 5 weapons per level
--- 1 backpack per level
--- 10 armor each level
* [NEW] - Achievement system - Thanks DeadActionMan(AKA Musty Crew)
-- Current achievement list
--- Time Waster
--- High Flyer
--- Grave Robber
--- Shopaholic
--- Top Shopper
--- Sick Puppy
--- White Collar Worker
--- Fire Warden
--- Slice Of Fried Gold
--- Plane Spotter
--- Trinkets of Deceit
--- Litter Bug
--- Cannibal
--- Hunter Gatherer
--- Firestarter
--- Steady Aim
--- Marksman
--- Sniper
--- Bunny Basher
--- Clean Bill of Health
--- Medic of the Apocalypse
* [NEW] - Ghosting mechanic - Once logged out you can not log back in again for a number of seconds selected by the admin of the server- Enabled or disabled by the admin of the server.
* [FIXED] - Infected Camps no longer repeatedly spawn infected.
* [FIXED] - Infected Camps Loot updated to be more in line with crash sites.
* [FIXED] - LOOT - Building locks have been moved to after the building has spawned loot. (hopefully this should allow the bias to sometimes fail but allow other pass's if no loot has spawned.
* [FIXED] - You can no longer refuel a destroyed vehicle using a 5l fuel can.
* [FIXED] - Humanity gain from blood transfusion moved to end of transfusion process. (Due to issues with skin change breaking the transfusion)
* [FIXED] - Zeds will no longer target vehicles. If the player is targeted before entering a vehicle Zeds will continue to engage the player
* [FIXED] - Carry slot, addToToolbelt/drop fixes.
* [FIXED] - Ability to fly a helicopter with no main rotor on restart
* [FIXED] - Antihack (again).
* [FIXED] - Issues with zeds not spawning in some places due to spawn timer being too long
* [FIXED] - Fixed issue with salvaging items from vehicles that don't have parts (ie middle wheels) Thanks Sven(Seven)
* [FIXED] - Added limit system to secondaries explosions.
* [FIXED] - Zeds will no longer target any air vehicle.(unless player was already aggro-ed), (no longer get fps drop from zed agro).
* [FIXED] - Zeds should no longer move around when below 3 meters to player. (when being attacked)
* [FIXED] - Tents/camonets can now be placed in bushes.
* [FIXED] - Objects can now be placed in camonets. (ie Tent can be put under a camonet)
* [FIXED] - Issue with objects being placed and killed during the same session now fixed. (objects now get removed from db when killed).
* [FIXED] - Auto close gear menu on filling water bottles.
* [UPDATED] - Character selection screen is now forced until a character is selected(Does not effect reality Servers, on new character).
* [UPDATED] - Spawn selection screen is now forced until a spawn location is selected (if enabled).
* [UPDATED] - Thirst and hunger updated to no longer be a instant fill on eating/drinking.
* [UPDATED] - Melee weapons updated Range and shot count.
* [UPDATED] - Full moon nights is now select-able by the server admins.
* [UPDATED] - Salvage system updated to provide a chance some items like glass,engine and fuel can break during salvage
* [UPDATED] MedBox0 has been removed and replaced with MedBox2.
-- magazine = "ItemBandage";
-- count = 3;
-- magazine = "transfusionKit";
-- count = 4;
-- magazine = "ItemMorphine";
-- count = 3;
-- magazine = "bloodBagOPOS";
-- count = 1;
-- magazine = "bloodBagABPOS";
-- count = 1;
-- magazine = "bloodBagBPOS";
-- count = 1;
-- magazine = "bloodBagAPOS";
-- count = 1;
-- magazine = "bloodTester";
-- count = 2;
* [UPDATED] Foodbox0
-- Removed magazine = "FoodCanFrankBeans", magazine = "FoodCanPasta"
-- Added magazine = "ItemSodaGrapeDrink", magazine = "ItemSodaCoke"
* [UPDATED] - Re-added Flies on dead body's.
* [UPDATED] - Weather - FOG has been changed from max 0.5 to 0.8.
* [UPDATED] - Updated infection chance cure while sleeping from 1% to 10%
* [UPDATED] - Quiver updated to be used like a mag for the crossbow.
* [UPDATED] - Loot spawns now only spawn one item.
* [UPDATED] - Sight & sound for zeds updated to provide a much better sneak system.
* [UPDATED] - When in build mode and trying to enter a vehicle you are no longer ejected, the build just cancels.
* [UPDATED] - Surface sounds of roads. (no longer draws from 200 meters.)
* [UPDATED] - Infected camps - now spawn loot in tents in place of on the ground.
* [UPDATED] - Infected camps - Now spawn zeds like any normal building.
* [UPDATED] - Infected camps - Can now be taken down when found (tents/camonets can be collected for later use).
* [UPDATED] - Medbox1 changes - Removed: Old bloodbags X 2 added: Emtpybloodbags X 5
* [UPDATED] - New temperature changes (to bring temperature into the game).
* [UPDATED] - Motorcycle changes: TT650 speed increase from 120 to 180.
* [UPDATED] - Increased Zed Sight from 100 to 200 meters.
* [UPDATED] - Updated sight and sound for zeds
-- Added chance based sight system (on seen depending on the range between you and the target there is a chance you will not be targeted).
-- Sound updated to support a higher instant target sound from 60 to 80 (this is the amount of sound the player is making)
-- Sound updated to support any sound below 80 and aboue 6 must be in the zeds line of sight before your targeted,
-- Zeds FOV changed from 45 to 30. (this is the angle they can spot you on)
* [UPDATED] - Inventory - Vehicle Fuel tank reduced to 2 inventory slots from 4.
* [UPDATED] - Inventory - Wooden pile reduced from 2 inventory slots to 1.
* [UPDATED] - Inventory - Rotor increased from 6 to 8 inventory slots.
* [UPDATED] - Inventory - Engine increased to 10 inventory slots from 6.
* [UPDATED] - Inventory - 20L Fuel tank & empty reduced to 2 inventory slots from 3.
* [UPDATED] - Attack system on all zombies no longer an instant animation its been changed back to a smooth change to attack (makes the zombies slower to attack)
* [UPDATED] - Chance of catching a fish has been updated to
-- 5% chance standing.
-- 30% chance while in a vehicle.
-- 50% while raining.
-- 65% in a vehicle and raining.
* [UPDATED] - Medium Stash Sites can no longer be created from sandbags.
* [UPDATED] - Loot Re-balance.
* [UPDATED] - Re-balanced Zombies. (hp, Armor, speed, movement, animations)
* [REMOVED] - Ammo in backpacks will no longer refill on player restart. (Removed due to side effects)
* [REMOVED] - Blood gain from all canned food types now removed.
* [REMOVED] - Loot bias has now been fully removed.
* [REMOVED] - Server side grid system for loot.
* [REMOVED] - Salute when trying to run with a object in view mode.
DayZ Community Developers:
This file contains a list of every person who has contributed code to DayZ Mod. It was created from the git commit log, and should include everyone, but we may have missed a few and it is manually updated now. If you feel like you've been left out, feel free to tell us!
Original Author
* Dean 'Rocket' Hall
Community Dev Project Managers
* [R4Z0R49] (
Current Contributions
These contributors have made many changes, over a fairly long time span, or
for many different parts of the code.
* kichilron (
* [JST](
* [DDesmond] (
* Skinkicker
* Maca
* Andrew
* William
* cyrq (
Past Contributions
These contributors have made specific changes for a particular bug fix or
* [AlbyBDPK] (
* [Skaronator](
* [ziellos2k](
* [JoeysLucky22](
* [AlexAFlorov](
* [facoptere](
* [icomrade](
* [thevisad](
* [DDesmond] (
* [Sharkiller]( (Spanish Tranlations)
* [Defwen]( (Czech Translations)
* [[VB]AWOL](
* [Paul Tomany](
* [M1lkM8n](
* [JST](
* [NonovUrbizniz](
* [MattzFiber](
* [Elvaron](
* [Silentspy](
* [EHDSeven](
* [Tansien](
* [wriley](
* [fred41](
* [Killzone_kid](
* [Alex Grosse (Inch)](
* [Sumrak](
* [f0rt](
* [Ayan4m1](
* [Rajko](
* [Venthos](
* [VRShiva](
* [DasAttorney](
* [ddesmond](
* [dayz10k (Harlan)](
* [Ingasmeeg](
* [caleywoods](
* [Markolie]( (Dutch Translations)
* [LordGoF](
* [soapmak3r]( (Background Music)
* [Hangender](
* Aj (Leadz)
* Ander
* Shauneh
Art Work
* Alexander (G17 in-combat Icon)
* Des (Gender images & Gui icon's revamp)
* [JoeysLucky22](
* [Elvaron](
Special thanks.
* Special thanks to TOPMO3 and GenesisCrys for the outstanding work with retexturing the Viral infected.
* Special thanks to David Foltyn for the support during the community build with his constent moaning and presure to do everything different

* Special thanks to Matt Lightfoot for his incredible logic we all love to hate

* Special thanks to shinkicker who has listened to all of the ideas and who has always been there to bounce ideas back and forth Thanks.
* Special thanks to Shacktac for his incredable work within the Arma 2 community.
* Special thanks to AWOL and Paul Tomany for sharing awesome features from DayZ Epoch.
* Special thanks to JoeysLucky22 for the awesome art work.
* Special thanks to the Aftermath team for sharing features/models from Atfermath.
* Special thanks to BMRF, TMW, MUSTY for providing test machines before release.
* Special thanks to Lester for providing access to use his addon.
MAP Editorupgrade (EU)
Want to contribute? Or have we missed your name?
Please contact R4Z0R49 on
Quick Install Info:
- Download Full Client Files and beta files from links above.
- Navigate to your arma 2 operation arrowhead directory
- Extract the @Client-1.8.1-4cf6dbd-Full into your arma 2 operation arrowhead directory and install the newest beta.
- To start DayZ use a command line string like the below
Expansion\beta\ARMA2OA.exe -mod=@Dayz;CA;Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -noFilePatching -skipIntro -nosplash -noPause -world=Chernarus
- Right click Arma2: DayZ Mod, select properties.
- When the window pops up go to the "BETAS" tab
- Now Select in the drop down box.
- The files should now should now update
- Launch as normal