Okay, from here on out for the next year, I am dedicating all my crunching to Cancer!!!!!!!!
I got word earlier that my mother collapsed in Las Vegas. She was there with some other folks for a couple of days. They took her to the hospital on Sunday and found that she has brain cancer.
They just moved her today to a hospice center in Vegas. She actually lives in Kingman AZ.

She is not expected to make it more than a week to two at the longest.
Needless to say, I will have to shut my rigs down for a week or so to head down there to say my final goodbye to my dear ole ma.

She just turned 82 on the 17th of December.
I am so dearly going to miss her.

She has always been there for me my whole life. My dad passed away when I was 13 so she pretty much had to be the back bone of the house.
I just wanted to let everyone one on the team know that my numbers will go to nothing for a week or so. I will take my laptop and try to jump on here from time to time while I am gone but I don't know how much I'll be able to come on and say hey.
I have to put in for bereavement at work tomorrow so I will probably be heading down there either Thursday or Friday.
Just want ya all to have my ole ma in your prayers that she doesn't pass in pain.