oldest sites been member since: expertsexchange (acct there since '98), rateitall (been a member there since haloween '99 or '00), epinions (got banned from stupid crap there but had an acct there in '98), hotmail (since beginning as beta tester!), audioreview (member since '98 on thier forums but forgot password and can't get back into old acct since email addy is gone and can never recover), ub40 forums (member since '99 and can't reset pwd same as audioreview), and I can ptolly add more lol
some of my very early "homes" were dmusic, deviantart (have my 3rd acct there since lost the rest), eat sleep music, audiomax forums (as an aiwa rep forum was private pros only), some anime forums of various types, geocities (had 3 successful anime sites), and I had a reboot fan fic site that got shit down by viacom/warner.