Thank you. Griever's math was making my head hurt. A 56% improvement at 1080p and a 69% improvement at 4k while getting the same power consumption is NOTHING to sneeze at.
Price is high now, but it will go down once Vega launches.
i answer in reverse ... Vega will make nothing in price change (unless Vega is a huge leap in performance over the actual line) ... when the Fury got out ... no 980/980Ti price lowered ... a contrario they did go up ... (might be situational depending the region and country ... ok)
ok so the number in the chart means nothing if not taken with another calculation in between, i see ... my bad
not everyone are aware of that kind of additional step needed to have the effective numbers ...
my bad to apply a logic to something that require more steps ... and thanks
@m&m's to have effectively explained the issue there (albeit in a manner that does not suits me totally ) but at last someone explained it instead of considering me like an idiotic ignorant for not applying any math in that case ... pfeh.
rule of three ... well it's not really something that you would take in account automatically ... cross multiplication i see... sorry i am an idiot ... thanks to make me realize it
still not making that card worth it tho ... since AIB and retailers will overprice it, thanks nvidia.
13% what a bargain. min 23:24
not worth it over a 980Ti indeed .... for a 980 it might be ... though still no games bring a 980 on her knees (ok ok 4k ... the new "standard" ... yep that case make it worth it and maybe 144hz
That will make sense, provided, it's priced accordingly. (which it very likely will be)
well in that case my 980 to 1080 make sense ... unless you didn't read about the price were i live ... : a 980 is already at the same price of a 1080 "fooled" edition (albeit the fact that i forgot the "rule of three" )