Void Destroyer 2
Surprisingly good mashup of space sim and RTS. Still very much an EA development game...but I picked up Starpoint Gemini Warlords (also decent, more-so graphically) and SPAZ2 (a riot!) recently as well...all on sale. Can't help myself with these kinds of games.
Void Destroyer 2 though I keep going back to, its graphics make it playable on my laptop...and the dev doing a great job and quickly releasing patches to add content, make changes, test new features, resolve issues. The flight model is what I would call arcadey-newtonian...you keep going the same direction with thrust assist off...but you don't keep spinning, rolling or flipping. You can accellerate forever if you want tho...and the different travel modes are pretty neat. Changing to any ship on the fly has been well implemented and is badass. Missions are getting more varied. Ships all feel different. There are more upgrade options for ships. This game gave me a good break from Elite Dangerous and some other titles for a little bit...while Void Destroyer's 2's graphics aren't as pretty as some other titles...it runs smooth, its cell shaded and black border graphics grow on you, the action is good, the pace is just right, the controls take some adjusting but are very tuneable/customizeable to your needs.
Starpoint Gemini Warlords is pretty cool...it's already given me more entertainment than SPG2 did. I'm really looking forward to expanding and conquering in this one. There's already a good bit to do, you can add onto your base, create squads of ships to go around and do your bidding while you lead your cap ship into your missions. Go conquer other sectors and add them to your empire. SPG with 4X elements...very cool! Doesn't allow the RTS control like Void Destroyer 2 does...so it hasn't quite kept my interest in recent times. But totally worth it when I do play...graphics are good, handling is good, they've made some great adjustments. Battles are fun to partake in and watch. 3D plane and graphics, gives you control over where you go and what angle you attack from.
SPAZ2 is also neat as hell, what little I did play was action packed, colorful and really fun. The module system is interesting too...not sure if its a good or bad thing yet...but you get to customize your ship layout...and ramming ships is really quite fun. If any of you played Battlefield Gothic: Armada...think that but with less Orc/Marine and detailed graphics and FPS control of your ship. Ramming in SPAZ2 is really truly entertaining as hell. When I played there was also a zoomed out 2D top-view mode....reminded me of SPAZ in that view...but I prefered the 3D view. The flight is on a 2D plane...similar to Rebel Galaxy (another title I need to finish soon). Designing your ship is also pretty interesting and can really lend to your kind of playstyle and strategy. Makes playing this game more rewarding and impactful in some ways imho. Various weapons, build options and enemies makes this entertaining...though again haven't given it enough time...Void Destroyer 2's kept me entertained.
All 3 are quite good though, each is unique in what they do and how they do it...so that makes them all fun to own without too much competition between them...yet all have some of the same features/ideas as well...all 3 play very differently. If you want pure action, fun and arcade-style chaos...SPAZ2 is gonna be it. Something with good graphics, a story mode and sandbox mode with tons of ships, missions, areas to expand, SPG Warlords is a good stop. If you want a very good mix of space sim and RTS that gets super addictive and is a well executed and impressive release for EA, with action, acceptable (imho) cell shaded graphics, plenty of action and pure fun at several levels of views, control and decisions...dozens of ships..and more...Void Destroyer 2 is a must. Void Destroyer 1 is also worth a look...but last I played got very challenging quickly and wasn't as easy to adjust controls as 2 is.
Void Destoyer 2
Starpoint Gemini Warlords
Space Pirates and Zombies 2