Well actually the correct way should be to calculate the points per MHz te get proper picture on IPC
So for Ryzen 1888/3700=0.51027
@Anarion 3770K 1900/4400 = 0.43181
for @Laci 2500K 1739/4600 = 0.37804
for @justdoge 6600K 2286/4500= 0.508
for @Only Intruder 4690K 1770/3900=0.45384
for @Warrax 2600K 1706/4500 = 0.37911
for @EL1TE 4670K 1909/4200 = 0.45452
which means that if all is scalling in linear fashion with clock on this bench the results will look like this if all the CPUs were runing at 4GHz
Ryzen 4000*0.51027 = 2041
6600K 4000*0.508 = 2032
4670K 4000*0.45452 = 1818
4690K 4000*0.45384 = 1815
3770K 4000*0.43181 = 1727
2600K 4000*0.37911 = 1516
2500K 4000*0.37804 = 1512