Dunno why you bring up gun deaths in the US. That's not even close to the same thing or situation but, I guess if you are going by pure body count I assume you would be right. Hell if that's what we are going by, no car should exceed 55mph as more people die from speeding cars than guns. See my point?
Your IRA comparison is WAY more valid and in that you are 100% correct! The US families shouldn't even given to the IRA. It was BS then too. With that being said you guys had peace for a while. Now you don't. Personally I would be pissed.
Again, I am ignorant of the nuts and bolts of UK culture. I'm just commenting as a spectator. That's why I post here......to get schooled
Appreciate us keeping this civil
Car deaths are accidental (except for 3 recent occasions in the UK, - can i lol at that ?) so are not really homicide as such. Even with 1.5 million US gun deaths, if a third were accidents, it still leaves one million gun homicides. So, I brought guns into this because you are stating Islam (or our approach to it) is some serious issue we need to handle. My point is no, we do not. Homicide is not limited to the recent European terror attacks. More people are killed by domestic violence in the UK than are murdered by terrorists. Terror is a limited influence, excacerbated by media and political bias.
It's assinine to look at terror attacks and think Islam is the issue when prior to severely retarded and colonial western intervention in countries with a Muslim population, we had no terrror. Take car bombs - Israel invented those. Take suicide bombings - absolutely forbidden in the Qu'ran - just as in Catholicism, suicide is a sin. But then look at warfare - christian soldiers kill opponents and likewise - all religions kill. In the bible, murder is forbidden, christ forbids murder and it's as simple as that.
But people use whatever backwards interpretation they can to inflict damage on others, so now, we, as westerners look at Islam as a bad thing doing bad stuff when it is actually a tiny minority of nutcases usurping a holy book to incite violence. Just like how David Koresh persuaded his people he was christ, or every other religious wack jobs have used influence to control others.
A young muslin woman was murdered with a baseball bat in the US recently (
http://edition.cnn.com/2017/06/19/us/muslim-teen-killed-trnd/index.html) and that was a religiuous hate crime. Is it not so bad because she wasn't a white christian? What about racial deaths?
I'm bringing all of this up because its so easy to point a dumb human finger at one group of people not like us and say - you are bad people. Frankly, it's made worse by Donald Trumps election stance on Muslims. Without attacking US politics, he maligned all Muslims as bad with his rhetoric and white christian america followed it. That's the whole problem - we follow what we are pointed to because it's easy.
We had another vehicular murder last night (because we dont have guns) and I actually sighed with relief when I saw it was white on brown. Why? because inherently, we look after our own, so at least I saw this as not them killing us. But that is a very bad viewpoint but it is intrinsic and hard to shake off. So I apologise to any muslims reading this but it was a huge relief to white britain it wasnt another terror attack, rather a hate crime. At least as well, it gives us time to see, we can be murderous without reason too.
Incidentally, 240 people were killed by drunk drivers in 2014 in the UK (again, more than terror over the past 25 years, including the IRA). Point? Attributing a problem based on deaths alone it's more likely you will be murdered by your partner or a drunk driver and those are avoidable deaths, so shouldn't we look at those first? But no - because those people were likely the same social class and group as us white folk, so its easier to assert that nasty Islamic people are an intrinsic evil. They are not.
There is one strain of Islam that is evil and it's Wahhabism (
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/saudi/analyses/wahhabism.html). Oddly, it's the dominant religion of Saudi Fucking Arabia. You know, the Sunni sects that spawned Al Qaeda and ISIS. And finally we come to the problem, both the US and UK governments love the Saudis sheiks because they buy billions of dollars of weapons from us. Billions and billions. Your government (through democrat and republican) have received tens of billions of dollars of arms sales to the one country whose primary faith DESPISES the west.
That is our problem.
Iran? Shia - not a problem. You know why you hate Iran? Because you installed a hated ruler who was over thrown in the Islamic revolution. Iran hates Saudi Arabia but they buy your weapons. You hate Iran because your government tells you to, not because they're bad. Yes they're oppressive but they've just had elections and they elected the 'moderate' choice. Also, everyone propped up Iraq during the Iran/Iraq war so thats why Iran hates the West (though Russia was against them too). Then Saddam said fuck you and he went rogue and thats really when it went really fucking downhill. The west (being fundamentally white christian, greedy and dumb as a mules fucking ass) thought we could 'fix' Iraq. Oh boy. Unlike world war II when most folk were technically christian, when you start a war with another culture, it gets ideoligical. And you really shouldnt fuck with ideology.
So yeah. We're now facing terror attacks that kill less people in 25 years than drunk drivers kill in one year and I totally understand it. While we're being appalled by these attacks on our liberties - we're dropping smart bombs on houses in Syria and killing anything in the way. Yes we get some bad guys and yeah, a few kids too but aren't they worth it? NO, they're fucking not. But if I was a Muslin father and a guided bomb took out my child as 'collateral' damage, I'd want some bloody revenge too. You see? It's really all our fault. Nobody has the right to kill but when you actually turn off Fox News and look at the history of the colonial west and look at America's grand plan post world war II, we made all of this happen.
TL: DR? read it.
This was not a rant by the way but once you start to think about the really, really, big picture it all comes down to one thing, our governments have meddled in shit for so long something's bound to get stuck under our nails and fester.