Like this? I've run the benchmarks myself. That is where my numbers come from.
performance gap as wide as Proxy Paige's butthole a barn door
You're trying to make mountains out of mole-hills. The difference is significant, but not huge. You missed the point about the K1 being a capable SOC. So what if it isn't the "latest and greatest", if it's damn good and well supported, who cares. The world isn't the same as it was even 10 years ago. You don't need cutting edge anymore to make something fun, engaging and beautiful. Look at the PS1, PS2, Wii and the Switch. All of those systems were the slowest of their respective generation of hardware and yet each has an amazing library of software.
Wut? Having a library of Android games and GeForce Now service is not enough?
I have three Shield devices and no. The quality titles are ones you have to pay for generally. The free stuff is fluff for the most part. And Google Play is the same, the quality stuff you pay for.
Which ones? Pong and Asteroids? Alone in The Dark?
Really? That's the best response you can muster? Try looking up the game title lists for the 2600, 5200, 7800, Lynx, Jaguar, Arcade titles not to mention the Atari PC series. If none of those games appeal to you, then you wouldn't be impressed with this system no matter what the specs and you're wasting your time & effort berating a system the specs of which aren't even known.
It would be easier for you to say; "Hi, I'm LoudBongo, I hate Atari and this system is crap because I don't like them. Everyone else should hate them with me."