I think some people are jeolous and vote 1, some are just being pointless and have nothing better to do but see if they can offend someone by doing so. I'm sure D44ve knows whom I'm spreaking of, and eventually those lurkers will either get board or the Mods will decide they've done something wrong and be-rid of them. But either way it's a voting system, and people are going to vote what they fell in the current situation. If they feel like kissing ass, odds are there's a 10, if they really like your work and think it's amazing, guess what you may just get a 10 from that also! But remember those of you who have posted in that gallery, because it's a diamond in your eyes doesn't mean it is in ours. Everyone has different tastes, just like cars, houses, food, etc, you may love seafood, I may hate it. It's diversity, it will always happen as long as there is a ratings system. We'll get the losers who lurk for nothing better to do, we'll get those who may dislike you or your setup that gives you a low score, you may have asskissers or good friends vote you high because they like you and not judge by the build necessarily. There's a lot of gray area.
I do agree that posting a comment after voting is the way to go, granted it's caused a couple of pointless arguments over time, that's just people being human. Everyone can't get along, there will be those who just won't get along...oh well. All we can do is move on, if you notice a lurker voting ones and leaving crappy comments that have no constructive critisism or decent reasoning, then report them. Maybe when you vote and post a comment it should post what you voted, though most do post what they gave, if the forum did that anyways, then that may help narrow down those who are lurking for no better purpose but to cause disgruntlement. Just a thought.