You keep saying that, and I'm going to keep knowing it's not correct - repetition won't change it so let's agree to disagree. This is clearly not a matter of poor GPU performance: The GPU is at extremely low utilization and clocks. If this was a result of the GPU being bad at OpenGL, it would show high utilization and still relatively low results. That's not what we're seeing. Your graphs aren't contradicting anything, they're just restating the problem: We already know OpenGL scores are low. I don't think it's the benchmark, I think something's wrong with the drivers (as supported by the fact that this is seen in other OpenGL apps, examples included in the AMD community issue discussion I linked before), but saying nothing's wrong simply ignores the low GPU utilization. I mean, Radeon *is* weaker at OpenGL than vulkan (as in the Doom example), but Doom also shows that OpenGL *CAN* exercise the GPU (because GPU Utilization is very high during the doom OpenGL run). So yes, something is wrong.
Still, it's not really important since basically nothing uses OpenGL anyway...