@R-T-B My only concern is that the performance doesn't match windows even if you can technically play on linux.
I haven't noticed a penalty worth mentioning in native games. If they use the wine libraries to do their porting, then yeah, it sucks. A few (actually, pretty much all DX games) do this and no, I don't mean running a game in wine (that REALLY sucks). It's actually amazing it works as well as it does considering every graphics call is being translated over from DX to OGL.
Doesn't matter to me because my Titan X is overkill for my 1080p display anyhow. But point is if they actually write it for the MESA/OpenGL stack, it doesn't do bad and is probably comparable to DX11. Unity and unreal based games that do an actual OpenGL export do fine.
Also, a lot of distros aren't the best performers. Ubuntu is bloated in my opinion, but I'm a gentoo hardliner who compiles his own lean kernel, so don't listen to me.