So small conclusion rtx 2070 is 499 $ , gtx 1070 was 379 $ so its basicly 32 % increase in price , if performance gains would be similar , the basically cost per frame would be the same , after almost 3 years of waiting , we would pay the same amount of money , i wouldn't call that progress , or maybe being greedy , especially considering tdp increase , the same amount of memory etc , on the higher end models the price increase is similar , so basically we are screwed as consumers , if the price increase would be similar we would pay the same amount of money per frame . And in case of rtx 2080 ti , the price increase is even more pronouced almost 50 % , so let's assume it's 40 % faster than gtx 1080 ti , then we would be paying even more per frame than in 2016 , to be honest i am dissapointed with that pricing .
Soon pc gaming experience with high end graphics could be very expensive , especially if nvidia continue that price hiking trend .I hope there will be some competition on the market of high end gaming cards, otherwise ,soon flaghsip nvidia cards for gaming could end up in 2000 $ marks , and that's scary as fuck as pc gamer enthusiast .