Almost right. A "Black Hole" is made up of two parts. The first is the singularity, the object where the mass of anything falling into it's gravity well will be compacted down to where no particle has any empty space between them. The second part is the event horizon, the boundary of which is defined by several variables such as the gravity intensity of the mass of the singularity object and the rotational vector of that object. The event horizon is what we can observe. Though nothing can escape the event horizon itself, we can directly observe EMR being warped around the Black Hole due to gravitational lensing and through the friction induced EMR given off as matter falls into the event horizon.
Q: Gravitational "forces" (scalar outward rotational in time; scalar
inward linear in space -> i.e
towards all other points in space) do or do not go on to infinity?
Fg = Gm1M2/r^2 (wrong, but included here for conventional discussion purposes). BTW, have you checked out the units on G? Absurd.
As r -> inf, Fg -> 0 asymptotically (but never quite reaching zero)
What balances this out?
Only a crazy person (a.ka. the Hawking impostor) would come up with the idea of the singularity.
That's not how nature works. This universe is a beautiful, continuous attempt for balance in the silence of unity (
There was no "Big Bang" and there will be no final entropic heat death. Rubbish, all of it. (Forever and ever...)
A: No, gravitational "forces" reach a limit wherein the net inward motion becomes a net outward motion (the natural progression of the universe at "c" rate). We have a name for this; we call it the
Hubble Expansion and we see ALL the galaxies flying away from us at SPEEDS NEARING THE "SPEED OF LIGHT!" (Whhhhaaaaa??!?!) This is outward
scalar motion as can be observed from our gravitationally-bound 3D spacial coordinate system (and conversely does not mean to imply that our solar system is the exact middle of an expanding universe, rather ALL points are moving outward away from ALL other points). Space "out there" does not work the same way as space "here."
Doppler / Red shift is a measure of movement in 3D coordinate time.
Bonus comment: We have never measured an EM field outside of a gravitational system.
Maths works, it's a separate world (together with physical and mental worlds)
I assume you're referring to QED with this comment.
If you like the idea of studying mental worlds and the true nature of time, then please go check out Reciprocal System (RS/RS2).
You will learn of the existence of the Cosmic sector (originally named as being the origin of Cosmic Rays) as well as the region inside of the atom known as the Time Region. The region is reversed in the reciprocal and so there is also the Space Region on the cosmic side (being the region inside the unit boundary of "anti-matter").
Photons are then the "sheer layer" interface between these two sectors.
Across any unit boundary (as in, where motion is unitary: 1/1) geometry inverts. We have rectilinear-Euclidean in 3D space and polar Euclidean in 3D time (or counterspace). Speed (s/t) and energy (t/s) as well... everything. It's like trying to turn your brain upside-down, inside-out, and backwards at the same time... hey, we have a name for that too! It's called a quaternion!
I'm being too general. Go check it out.
P.S. For you video enthusiasts out there: quaternions are used all the time in 3D game development (go talk to Nvidia about quaternions...) because they can be converted to what are called homogeneous coordinates which are necessary for the development of a 3D reality (Projective -> Affine -> Metric -> Euclidean).
I loves me some BF4...
I'm thinking it's simply an ultra-massive object that's grabbed so much material it's gravitational field has become strong enough that even light cannot escape.
Pretty close... how about instead super-massively dense on the outside and increasingly less dense as you go towards the center; inverted as the constituent atoms are moving FTL; moving outward in time, again FTL (greater than unity) and so the spacial position of the object (white dwarf start) is essentially being "overcome" by time as it expands outward in a scalar fashion... light cannot escape and so appears as a dark area in space (with nothing around it). That region around it is NOT matter sucked in.... it's low-speed (1-x) matter PUSHED AWAY (due to the anti-gravity properties of motion FTL). The "Event Horizon" is the (anti-)gravitational limit (continuous boundary) of the 2-x intermediate speed motion of the atoms of the star!
The 2-x (FTL; "light speed" = c = 1) region (i.e. between 1 and 2 times the "speed of light") motion is created when the inner, heavier layers of the Type I (thermal limit --> BOOM) or Type II (age limit -->
BIG BA'DA BOOM) supernova explode outward in time (inward in space --> "Black Hole") whilst the outer, lighter layers explode outward in space (yep, we can see that part).
Time and space, baby. Time and space... one in the same. Two halves of a coin. A box... can't have a box without an inside AND an outside... yin/yang... whatever you prefer.