I don't see anything wrong with funding via KS, I still back the occasional product or game that I feel catches my interest. Just have the common sense to realize its an investment in a gamble. No different from a volatile stock in my eyes, once you're in, you could lose it all. Or you could end up with something worth more than you paid and others have to pay more to get the same experience you do.
I haven't actually played SC in a while, but its come a long ways since I did. Hoping to see SQ42 released first in all honesty. And really, I'm not too worried at this point...this title's getting way too much attention, both good and bad. Clearly the marketing is working. It is taking a while sure, as an original backer I've followed the project, albeit loosely since what? 2011? 2012? I don't even know anymore. if it comes great, if it doesn't, well that's a wrap folks.
One thing I don't agree with is folks spending thousands on ship designs, that being said I did purchase a cheap combat ship once years ago that was loads of fun to play with in the old arena commander module. I place the blame on folks buying the ships as much as CIG selling them in all honesty. The market is there and persists because folks keep buying these expensive ships and extra goodies hand over fist, can you blame CIG for wanting to continue selling these? If folks can't have the wherewithal and self control to manage their spending, that's not CIG's fault, but that does put them in the position of perspective many place on them the way I see it. But if that financial drive gets these teams spread throughout the world to release this product, then more power to everyone involved. At worst everyone loses their investment, be it time, money, expectations, etc. At best, we all get what we want. Most likely the actual result will be somewhere in the middle. Just have to keep waiting and see.
Luckily I have enough other games to play to keep me entertained, between that and adulting and parenting lol. I do highly suggest folks look at Angels Fall First and Void Destroyer 2 if they want some cool games to play in the interim. Depends on what you want though, neither may be acceptable for some folks...but I find both to be pretty damn good.