So what I'm getting from these things is that in the news, pretty much any asteroid large enough to be capable of causing a 'a major impact event' that comes closer to earth than others of its size do, is a 'killer asteroid' now. Both of those have become buzzwords now, haven't they?
By the time one is actually about to hit us, nobody will believe it. How many killer asteroids has earth dodged in the past 10 years alone?
I remember one a little while back where they had the date and everything worked out. They were saying NASA said it was imminent. I hardly remember the details, it was so dumb. My brain tossed it out like the flu.
What I do remember is how willingly people bought it... kind of ironically at first, but then kinda seriously. And then the doomsayers of Revelations made their appearance, citing everything they don't like about society as the reason for the asteroid. What I found interesting is that while the internet was in a panic, the world kept turning like nothing was happening. Is that how things usually are with impending natural disasters? Hmmm...
A friend of mine was one of these people. I asked him "Did you check with NASA first?"
He thought I was joking. So I pulled it up and found they had put out some statements, even talking a little about what was being put out in the news... with the data they had (watching very carefully) NASA considered impact extremely unlikely and did not consider it to be a threat, though they would be watching it till it passes. The news, and everyone who ran with it, simply took a very narrow set of data from legitimate sources, that made it seem more eminent than it was. The full story from NASA was "It could hit us, but actually won't."
We need a name for that phenomenon... the whole thing of "Hey, look at this thing I just read! Can you believe it's actually true?"