hidden gem i forgot on my backup Ext HDD ... turns out they have it on GoG (paid 10$ on Patreon at the time ... and now it's 10.50chf single pay and ~8.39chf in action, well i don't really regret having not renewed my patreon pledge ... i would have paid more than what's asked on STEAM or GoG

positively love the design and soundtrack, old school fusion? sounds about right
sprite sprite sprite ahaha it's been a long time (use GZDoom engine ) ahaha it even has a Patreon hall of fame in the hub area (searched, i am not in ... i guess it's for the "top patreon" spender, which i obviously was not )
a lot of work from the developer, story, faction, mobs, mechanics all is great.
weapon are interestingly varied
normal mode weapon in order, i forgot some of the original names (medieval/modern mix is hilarious) assault rifle(!), crystal powered boomstick (full auto main, BFG style alternate fire), vial (grenade) launcher, explosive bolt crossbow, shield and axe (throwable and also can pick it up after throwing it) Hellclaw (demonic hand with 3 fire mode 2 when you have ammo and 1 when out of ammo which is nice and all, but that's only a weapon you have in the prologue ) Fragfire gun (basically a Shotgun/flamethrower) fist and ... BOOTS

Bearserk difficulty mode (yes the pun is intended), all melee mod and weapon in addition to the axe/fist/kick you have a fire hammer (throwable as alt fire) that i forgot to screen, a battle axe (360deg spin alt attack) force spear (pull enemies toward you as alt attack)

well since i can't afford DOOM eternal ... i settle for a fun Boomer FPS, which is what DOOM is since the first iteration with the sole exception of DOOM 3 which was more a horror FPS than a true to the core Boomer, DOOM 2016 and Eternal corrected that, if you get a scare while playing DOOM ... you play the wrong one

DOOM is meant to be a rushy slaughterfest.
good for a fun time killing ... which is what i need.
it was originally a DOOM II mod that i did play back beginning 2019 before getting the full game in GZDoom.
https://www.moddb.com/mods/hedon (not available anymore as a mod since the launch of the full game ofc )