Portugal's numbers have been updated:
- 5170 confirmed infected
- 100 fatalities
- 43 recovered - no change, since 2 days ago
- 4938 waiting for test results
Biggest spike thus far in cases, deaths and even those waiting for test results: doesn't bode well
A few days ago, our President explained the reasoning behind the low testing @ 1st (no doubt advised by our medical experts on the subject): it was to NOT provide a false sense of security to those found to be negative which could then later get infected and spread it because they would think they were cleared due to the test result earlier.
While this has it's logic and is perfectly reasonable, i find a
glaring flaw in this approach: they looked @ the WRONG area by focusing on the negative instead of on the positive. Had we focused on the positive, however low the number may have been when compared to the total number tested, we could have isolated them much sooner thus QUITE PROBABLY contained better this outbreak.