I was just joking but I will think about your offer. The issue is that you would have to ship to Canada. And these days I lack spare time anyway. But let me think about it and i'll get back to you. You threw me off guard with this offer lol.
Okay, just let me know... The offer still stands even if you are in Canada, but yeah, with this virus problem (Obama did it) we may have a showstopper. Might get held up in shipping for a long time... still though, I will give it a shot
if you want. Don't feel any pressure if you don't want to do it.. Again this is totally up to you and I'm offering because I assume you like to tweak and tune and overclock… Slightly older hardware, but will still offer a great challenge for you to get to something like
4.5GHz all core... that's all I'm going to tell you because I want it to remain a mystery until you get it. I think some people get caught up in the brand new tech syndrome, where one obsessively buys new hardware for fear of running obsolete hardware. But one who does this has lost the great challenge and fun of tweaking and tuning older platforms. But I assure you, the rig is still pretty quick... you can boot to windows in about 10 seconds (because it has an SSD drive).
I studied economics to a point. Not a major or anything but its something I like to read.
Our economic system is the cornerstone of our civilization. If one wanted to destroy America,
one should target our economy. And that's exactly what Obama has done. Make no mistake, the coronavirus is biological warfare created by the so called "deep state" to
END constitutional rule in America. This is the real attack and we are facing it on multiple fronts. There is no quick "fix" for having what are now
totally non-existent supply chains. Combine that with a total loss of global trade, and a loss of imports and exports, and you are in a very bad situation. And that is only the "external" part of the crisis.
Internally, we cannot hemorrhage blood like this for more than a few weeks without dire consequences. Core services are still running, but we are sold out to China and other nations, we are dependent upon them for the majority of our pharmaceuticals, for example.
So this insidious attack is a multi pronged approach aimed squarely at the total destruction of the American economy, and with that will come the death of the American dream. You might ask yourself why... why would someone do this... its not worth it, right? No. America has been under attack since world war two. Gotta remember, there are a lot of powerful people out there who seek the destruction of our great nation. But people get complacent (not saying you, just in general) and they simply ignore the notion that powerful forces seek the COMPLETE destruction of our nation. So when it actually happens, like right now, it's going to blindside many of those who failed to see the original threat for what it was. Because it's been as clear as day since Obama took office. I knew the end was close when he got elected. And after winning is second term, I knew the end of the American dream was close at hand. Gotta remember I've been saying there would be no 2020 election for almost a year now, yet everyone laughed at me and just disregarded it as political paranoia... Well now it seems we are going down that road after all.
And those that didn't take me seriously are now exposed for lacking the true understanding of the world around them.
Your economy is going to be fine overall because while you guys print money in a form of QE similarly like what Rhodesia/Zimbabwe did, you guys got the lucky stature of having the world trading currency. So your currency will be fine. At least much more than what ours is up here as the Canadian Peso is going to become more tied to oil and gas prices than not since its our only real export next to automotives.
But the value of money is rapidly decreasing. We can print money, but it's going to be worthless pretty soon. That's an inevitable consequence of attempting to prop up an economy that has ground to a halt at nearly every level. The dow will continue to fall. The feds are doing everything possible to salvage this wreckage, but I'm afraid there is no recorse for what has happened here. And I hate to be the bearer of bad news, because I'm an optimist at heart. It really breaks my heart to write posts like this.
So I suggest you go out and buy things that you need
RIGHT NOW (and that goes for everyone else as well). Because you never know what tomorrow will bring. One thing is for certain: America will never recover from this.
And that's just the cold hard truth.
(true story)