Congratulations on applying Godwin's Law.
But yes, I am for real. This is a lawsuit - and by law Epic is the guilty party here. Epic are using Apple's property and agreed to Apple's terms. Epic violated those terms and were kicked off the platform. If they want to use the platforms that Apple or Google created, they need to abide by Apple or Google's rules. It's one of the few cases where something is actually pretty black and white, legally.
Let's say I build something unique that you want to use. I agree to let you use it if you follow my rules, but you break those rules, so I stop you from using my thing.
That is all this is; Sweeny at Epic is throwing a tantrum because he doesn't like the rules. It doesn't matter that Apple and Google are greedy and it doesn't matter if you or I like or dislike Apple or Google. Their rules are binding, legally. Unless Sweeney has found a technicality in the agreements he signed with Apple and Google that prove Apple and Google broke the terms of their contracts first, Sweeny/Epic are at legal fault here. Like I said before, black-and-white certainty that Sweeny will lose his lawsuit because he doesn't have a leg to stand on.
I can only assume that Sweeny hopes the publicity of this (losing) case is enough to poke a wider anti-competitive investigation into the Google/Apple ecosystems. That, however is tentative at best, and unrelated to this particular pair of lawsuits against Apple and Google.
Godwin point was earned pretty fast indeed ^^
I must add : some companies, not to name Huawei or Xiaomi, where kicked out from using Android system, which is far worse.
How they responded ? They built their own OS (still progressing AFAIK), to avoid any kind of pressure from US companies.
Epic didn't like the way things were, mostly with Apple (rich kids have an iPhone, not a poor Android

What did they do : they broke the contract they signed, willingly, and tried to make a case as a defender of all developers. The truth is that they wanted to be free from the rules, and become one them : making the rules. Ego and greed. Not fairness. Not from them, not like that.
But as said before, Google and Apple built their own stuff : hardware and software. It's their creation. You don't like it, you can build your own. Nobody will stop you.
And to complete the assessment that Epic is not taking cuts, they are even taking cuts on the store in-game when by-passing. The screen is on the other thread, first page I think (not from me).
You could either spend 10$ on in-app payment or 8$ with direct payment to Epic. That's not 30% down AFAIK !!!! they are even taking a cut of their own. What a joke !
If I was to remake that short story and act like a smart one (not like a lazy kid trying to think he can pressure a service not owned), I would do that :
-Either remove the App from the App store or changing prices, letting know what goes to Apple and what goes to them.
-Distribute an apk for Android and let people use the one from the store. It won't be long until people make the switch.
-Create a Wallet on EGS to put some in-game coins(tokens) bought on the EGS, feeding your Fornite account, and avoid the 30% (I think it's not against the rules, not sure though).