How can anyone ware these?
I have always found it hard to ware headphones for any long period of time, My ears get hot red and irritated.
Not to mention what they doe to ear rings! Talk about OMG pain! Some will smash the posts into my flesh! I stopped using headphone 15 years ago! Not worth the pain nor the potential loss of a 3 thousand dollar earing, let alone 2 of them!
Opposite here, pretty much only using headsets for ~15 years now.
Never really had big issues with them, some were uncomfortable for a few weeks due to meh design but after that they were fine.
'after it adjusted my head that is'
Since 2017 or so I'm also wearing glasses along with a headset when sitting at the PC.
'my eyesight is terrible'
Granted I have to pick headsets more carefully now but it still does not bother me even after hours if I buy the right one.
Current HyperX Stinger was a bit uncomfortable when it was new but at the moment I can't even feel it on my head
'wearing it while typing this'.
Don't have earrings so thats a non issue.
I live in a family house and I do care about not bothering/annoying anyone
'wish others would feel the same about not bothering me..' with noise or anything so headset is the only way for me.
I have some potato speakers that I bought in 2016 and it was used for ~2 weeks when I had a guest staying here but it wasn't used since.
The only headsets I stay away from is those really big ones that covers most of the sides of my head and whatnot/those also get really hot over time.
'especially during summer+no air conditioning in my room'