and yes, I can provide plenty of examples.
Then show us! Show us how you speak for all security analysts.
All I know is people who actually work on the "hardware security"
Folks can see through the link in my sig that I'm no stranger to hardware or security. So show us where hardware security people are terrified.
Because thus far, the one example you did provide that you pretended "mocked hardware security" clearly didn't. I guess you hoped no one would actually read it. But it, in fact proves, on several fronts, the exact opposite of your own claims.
Come on R-T-B! No one, including Microsoft, and especially not me, said hardware security is the panacea for all security woes. But evidence shows (including your own) that software alone clearly is not enough. So hardware security is yet another layer that hopefully, will thwart most bad guys and slow down most others - at least for awhile.
And again, I point out that TPM and UEFI are NOT Microsoft creations driven primarily by Microsoft. Microsoft supports them because they know folks like you and Lex are going to blame MS for something, no matter what. So it is better to be blamed for being overzealous about security than for being lax.
Microsoft is not forcing you to do anything. You don't have to upgrade to W11. And you have other options besides Windows. You can go Apple, Chromebook or Linux.
There is a difference between criticizing microsoft for yet another boneheaded set of moves and bashing Windows
Come on. That's a distinction without a difference. Microsoft is criticized because they, according to you, coded W11 to force this on us. And Windows 11 is criticized because it forces this on us. Same difference.
Also there already are plenty of workarounds. Just 2 examples include
Install Windows 11 without TPM 2.0 and Secure Boot and
How to Bypass Windows 11 Secure Boot & TMP 2.0 [Fixed].
Let's also not forget that W11 has not gone final yet. So you are claiming tasks with W11 will be difficult or even impossible when you don't know that. You can
Dual Boot Windows 11 with Windows 10. And 3rd party encryption software designed for W11 is not even out yet and you are already bashing W11 for making it difficult or impossible to use.

There is no reason to believe third party full disk encryption developers will not be able to develop user-friendly W11 versions of their software too.